EVEN THOUGH VERY NERVOUS, Tom wasted no time. He stood up the moment after the shot. He knew that the security guard must have heard the sound of the shot and pulled his chair to the door using it as a lock. He was right on time, the doorknob was already turning, as he was trying to open it from the other side.

Inexperienced, Tommy wanted to be absolutely sure not to miss, aimed the small revolver at the dead man in front of him and fired until the ammunition ran out. It was then that he realized that the security guard was almost breaking down the door behind him.

Desperate, he put the empty gun in his pocket and ran to the window, looking for an emergency ladder.

Shit! There wasn't one there!

Still hearing the strong blows that the man was inflicting on the wooden door, he looked for some way to get out without facing him.

No... you're not going to die!

He said to himself as he ran with his eyes out of the building.

Finally, he found a pipe that ran down to the ground, coming from the roof and attached to the wall, like a rain gutter. Excited, he jumped and grabbed the pipe, which struggled under his weight, sliding down in fits and starts, trying to slide down. He was unsuccessful in performing perfectly, because meters before he reached it, he fell backwards onto the ground. Without time to think about what had happened, he got up and ran through the dark alley that surrounded the building.

He felt the shots pass close to him and hit the ground and the trash that filled the place, fired by the enraged man who had reached the window. A few meters ahead, he could already see the car. Before the rest of the building could be warned, he would already be leaving. Once he had started, only one word came to his mind: victory! The henchman could only hear the screeching of the tires from the window, realizing that he had lost to the new invader.