KID SLOWLY OPENED the grimy door of his apartment, looked almost desperately at the top of the stairs and saw nothing, but he needed a strong push to keep walking. Tom was holding his neck and pointing the gun at his head.

If the enemies were there, the man would be his shield or, if possible, an object of negotiation.

He worried about Tony. When he realized that no more shots were being fired, he feared finding his great friend dead at someone's hands.

— Take it easy, kid — Tony said.

— Benedetti isn't there — he replied.

They climbed through the shadows until, turning into the hallway, they found the old man up ahead, sitting on the steps of the stairs that led to the upper floor, taking long drags on his deadly habit.

— You're going to six o'clock tea and leaving me with the heavy work, aren't you? — said the old smoker, mocking his partners' delay.

— Older people are more experienced — Tom replied jokingly.

— Don't associate experience with old age, boy!

— How is it out there? — Tony asked, interrupting the inappropriate jokes.

— I don't know — Benedetti replied, throwing his cigarette away and standing up — I had to stop to rest my back.

— Carl was waiting for us — Tony said, following in front of them.

They quickly left to see what had happened to the driver.

When they reached the car, they found nothing more than the man's corpse, lying next to the vehicle, face down, with a gunshot wound to the head and blood all around him.

— Shit! I can't believe it! — Tony exclaimed, furious, as he knelt down and turned the corpse over to see its face. — It was supposed to be a peaceful night! Look at this! What the hell am I going to tell Hellen?

What goes around comes around... — Gregory thought, reflecting on the events of the last few days.

Even though it was an irreparable loss, the price was still low, considering what they had done.

— Let me get him — Benedetti said, lifting his body onto his shoulder.

— And this one? — Tom asked, holding the informant.

— This one is coming with us — Tony replied in a serious tone.

Kid tried to retort, but was thrown into the trunk by Leo, who was also helping Benedetti with the body of Will, the driver.

— This one is not going in the trunk with that piece of shit — Benedetti said. — He's one of ours.

Leone was trying to understand the family's values. That would undoubtedly be a respectful attitude. As he had heard from Benedetti some time before, family blood should never be mixed with the blood of strangers. Values ​​inherited from the late Francesco.

Benedetti opened the back door of the car to put Will's body in, but was interrupted by Tony, in a bitter voice:

— There's still room in the trunk!

Carl Benedetti stared at him, trying to read his gaze, unable to believe what he had heard.

— Come on, Carlos! Do you want others to show up here? — Tony insisted.

Leo just watched everything and could feel the disappointment emanating from his old mentor's gaze.

— That would be disrespectful to Will — Benedetti said in a grave voice. — Leaving him with someone filthy. Remember our traditions...

— Traditions die with the old — Tony replied, disgusted — Come on, we don't have time!

Benedetti carried his old companion to the trunk and left him, reluctantly, next to Kid, who was crying for help.

The sound of police sirens was already becoming audible...

We can't stay here for long...

With everyone inside the car and Kid in the trunk, Tom continued driving to one of Tony's warehouses.

The first day in his new position was just beginning...