HALF AN HOUR LATER, TYSON RETURNED with the White House's entry and exit report, an extremely detailed document full of data, even unnecessary ones, such as personal information about employees that went as far as mentioning past drug use, sexual preferences and family history. He also gave them access to the security camera videos on the screens in the room.

With the content in hand, Gregory Evans quickly devised a plan.

— If wiretaps were really used during the meeting and nothing was found in the search, they were necessarily removed in the period between those two moments.

— Are you serious?

— This is the theory I believe most strongly.

— This is the only credible one...

— It is impossible to conceive of one of those present at the meeting as a spy for another country, as an enemy of the government. They all have a history of honor and national importance — said Floyd Kenagan.

— But there is still the possibility that one of them was wiretapped, if we consider something more complex. In any case, I prefer to start with the first possibility.

Floyd Kenagan and Tyson Galloway were astonished by so many statements that were hard to believe. Gregory Evans continued:

— I find it hard to believe that different people took on the role of deploying and removing the equipment. The most likely scenario is that a single individual is responsible for everything, for the sake of risk reduction.

— Then this gives us a starting point for the investigation.

Floyd Kenagan suggested.

Greg confirmed:

— We will see who was there before and after the meeting.

— In fact, the quickest starting point is to find out who had access to the room after the summit. Once we find the person, we will observe their previous steps.

Having decided this, they soon began to watch the recordings of the hallway where the meeting room was located, during the period that postponed the meeting. Since there were multiple screens in the stronghold where they were, they took advantage of the opportunity to watch them all simultaneously, saving time.

At eleven thirty in the morning, the Chiefs of Staff began to leave the meeting room. The military, politicians and other important men walked through the corridors until the exit, some with restrained expressions, others clearly irritated and still a few apparently satisfied.

After the short period of movement, there followed a long period of monotony in the corridors. The investigators remained alert, waiting for someone to appear on the video. It was only after a long time of nothing new that something happened.

Yes, there she was!

A woman returned to the aforementioned room at around noon. Greg almost jumped out of his chair when he saw her. The blond-haired woman was wearing a cleaning uniform and pushing a cart with equipment appropriate for her job. She stayed in the room for a little over a minute and then left, once again with her cart full of cleaning products.

— Who is this? — Gregory asked Tyson, who was also watching the recording.

— I don't know... Cleaning doesn't happen at this time, it's done at night until dawn.

— Let's find out who it could be — Greg replied, stroking his chin, which had been shaved during the flight.