EVEN TONY AND RODMAN, in their strange confusion, were paying attention to what he was saying.

— This is going to be shit... — said Tom as he listened to Kenan's speech.

Kenan Vaine sat down, ready for the discussion that was about to begin. He had all the cameras on him. The mediator of the conversation threatened to take the floor to start it, but something strange happened.

A loud noise filled all the speakers, bothering even the most distracted, who tried to cover their ears with their hands. The noise, which mixed a loud hiss and a lot of feedback, lasted for a few seconds, until a song began to be played. It was an old, dark and sad symphony.

Kenan was very scared, but since he still didn't understand what was happening, just like Floyd Kenagan, who was backstage, and the entire security team, he thought it was a mistake by the sound system. Everyone remained stunned, assuming that the melody was part of the event's program.

The unusual moment continued until the waltz gave way to an invisible and unexpected speaker:

— Crazy people think they are God, fools think they are better than them... Phrase of my authorship...

The crowd was startled, although they had no idea what was happening. Kenan felt chills.

It was him, his unknown executioner!

Kenagan recognized the voice of the speaker and quickly went up to the stage with a group of security guards to remove the President from there, but when he turned to go, the voice said:

— Why don't you stay, Mr. President?

Everyone in the crowd, who were staring wildly, searching for who was speaking, soon turned their attention to Kenan, who didn't know what to do. Floyd tugged on his arm, but he resisted and remained standing, looking at the people.

The security team spread out on the stage, surrounding the President.

— I believe you will agree with me when I say that the imminence of death is the most desperate feeling we can feel. Isn't that true?" continued the mysterious terrorist.

— Sir! — shouted Floyd Kenagan, trying to evade him. — Let's go now! There's no time!

— Didn't you tell me I was safe, Floyd? Keep your word.

Floyd Kenagan then picked up the radio and spoke to the event's security chief:

— Quick! Cut off all television transmission!

— We are tracking the source of the signal, if we cut everything, it won't be possible — replied the officer responsible for the event's technical system.

— Only the television signal — insisted Floyd. — I want to know if he's here!

— Okay, I'll take care of it.

With the officer's order, all reporters or representatives of television channels quickly obeyed and all television transmissions were cut off. However, the news cameras, as well as many cell phones, continued to record everything that was happening.

Kenan was in conflict. If he stayed, he would be at risk of being attacked again. If he left, he would destroy any credibility he had with the people, exposing fear in the face of an unknown invader. He walked carefully to the pulpit where he had given his speech, looking around at every corner where there was someone. The other politicians who were seated around him for the debate began to leave, afraid, and were escorted by agents and police officers. Only he remained there. Once again, he took a deep breath, held back his nervousness, put his lips to the microphone and replied:

— I'm here.

— I can see you, President Kenan. I'm glad you stayed... — said the terrorist. Kenan, shrewd as he was, instigated his opponent in an attempt to weaken him:

— If you want a public confrontation, why don't you show up?

— I need no introduction, I am the one you govern, I am before you now, you have my name and address, but you do not know who I am, I am everyone and I am no one, Mr. President, I am the people...

Floyd Kenagan, seeing that the conversation was not compromised by the cut in the transmission, realized that his adversary did not depend on the television to see what was happening, so he concluded:

He is making visual contact with us, he is here!

He quickly pulled out his transmitter and gave orders to security:

— Quick! He is here! Search everything! Every window, every corner, vehicle or anyone using any device with the possibility of communication!

The huge security team began to move, investigating any possibility that could lead to the strange enemy.

The people began to realize that what they were seeing was not something planned. A great commotion then began, people tried at all costs to escape from there. Desperately, they pressed against each other, pushing and brutally pushing their way through.

Fear was instilled.