KENAN HAD BARELY STANDED UP with the help of Gregory Evans and Floyd Kenagan, when another of the security agents, so surprisingly, drew his gun and, trembling, pointed it at him. It wasn't long before he was also killed by the bullets of Greg and the other agents who were still conscious.

— What is this, Greg? — Kenan asked desperately.

— I have no idea, Mr. President, I've never seen anything like it before — he replied as he pulled him towards the presidential limousine.

The large armored car was the best option for them, it would protect them from attacks and allow them to escape the place immediately.

They took the first steps towards the vehicle, anxious to reach it, but only then could they see what was around them and realize the reality they were in. People were coming from all sides towards them, some were running like beasts, in an animalistic and violent way, with an apparent lack of sanity.

Others fell unconscious and were trampled by the crowd, and there were still those who seemed to simply wander aimlessly. The few who seemed to be sane tried somehow to escape or help those close to them regain consciousness, desperate and without understanding what was happening to them. Greg searched every corner and looked for the most favorable options for protection.

— Quick! — he said. — To the Library!

The small group of agents protecting Kenan headed towards the Library, running around the corners of the enormous structure that had been set up for the event. The limousine had already been lost amidst the mass of crazed people. Some reached the agents who were slow to arrive, jumped on them, grabbed onto their backs, tried to knock them down and overtake them, looking for President Kenan. Some of the agents were knocked down and swallowed up by the crowd, violently trampled.

The agents who noticed the arrival of the madmen drew their weapons and, even as they ran in the President's escort, they shot at anyone who approached, so as not to suffer the same fate as their fallen friends.

The situation was insane, Floyd and the men no longer hesitated to kill any civilian who appeared in their path. After so many inexplicable events, they had realized that it was inevitable.

THE LIBRARY BUILDING WAS just a few meters away, but it seemed somehow unreachable, especially since everyone was increasingly suffering the effects of the mysterious sonic attack. Floyd was beginning to doubt his own sanity and feared whether he would really be able to get the President out of there safely.