GREGORY WAS HUNGRY with so many questions flying around in his head.

What did all these facts mean?

What conspiracy could this be?

Would it be against the President?

Or was the government itself the corruptor?

Not even all the physical and mental fatigue he was experiencing would be able to make him stop working like a machine.

I hope Alissa is okay... — he thought of his wife, who was luckily on a trip with her father in South America.

On his cell phone, he tried to find the number that had sent the message, but there was no data or phone number. He remembered the email he had received earlier.

It was probably from the same person!

That's because the information he had received seemed to be interconnected. He tried to track the IP of the email received by the unknown informant, but the information seemed to have been implanted in his inbox, and not sent by a system...

The damned guy was a master...

While he tried in vain to investigate the origin of the messages he received, the live broadcast of the event in which the President would be, as well as Kenagan, in his guard, began. The great announcement about the terrorist attacks and the important debate that the people were waiting for.

Speeches and distractions... — he thought.

The improvised room next to the stage was intensely busy, but at the time of the event everyone would be following, as much as possible, the events. And so it was.

With a television tuned to CNN in sight, Greg worked on his research and watched the event at a glance. The politicians were already discussing some relevant subjects and the arrival of the President was announced by the host.

Martin, who was also watching, started a conversation:

— Do you know about this notebook they talked about?

— I didn't understand the question — Greg replied cautiously. — What do you want to know?

— The thing is, we haven't received any information about the operation carried out at the boy's house, and even less about what was on the Muslim's notebook.

— This place doesn't have the slightest bit of organization to work in — he disguised himself.

— That's strange...

Gregory didn't want to talk about the subject, but Martin's question was welcome, since it allowed him to cross him off the list of people who could be involved...

If he were part of some plot, he wouldn't be asking about these things...

— Yeah, that's really strange... — Gregory replied.

— We're investigating exactly that and no information has reached us, the time when the Bureau was organized is long gone... I thought you might have seen something in Washington. — his friend continued.

— No, I've been helping with things that are a little more... internal, I would say.

— I see... — Martin frowned, his eyebrows raised, in an expression of aversion to his brief answer.