Do you want to push it?

Of course, he couldn't judge a person based on looks, though. The man may seem innocent, but a lot of people have mastered the fine art of playing innocent.

David didn't want to risk anything, but removing these taps came first. As the girls got to posting, David called the reception to speak to the hotel's manager.

He didn't know if it was a status thing or if it was because of the post, but the man appeared in no less than thirty seconds.

"Good day, sir. I am the manager of this establishment. May I ask what the problem is?" a middle-aged man who looked to be in his late 40s asked.

"Please come inside. I need to show you something," David said as he turned and entered the room, leading the man straight to the table filled with all the devices he had collected so far.

"What's this?" the man asked.