
"No, this is just payback for buying the car," Austin said as he smiled and gladly went to join the others.

"So you knew, you bastard!" David shouted before chasing his brother.

"Ha, you're a sovereign entity! You're not allowed to even drive by law," Austin shouted as he ran.

"By law, you are also not allowed to, you jackass!" David replied.

Completely ignoring the million-dollar car that was left in the hands of a stranger, David and Austin found themselves running all across the entire parking lot.

"Who's he?"

"Damn, the life of the rich must be really sweet."

"Is two million dollars nothing to these people?" another person asked.

Meanwhile, the car show ended as the bodyguards surrounded the car and forced the driver out of it.

"Hey, what's up with you guys?" the people shouted as the bodyguards did their job.

"Hey, isn't that the guy who's been trending?" someone said as they raised their phone to show others.