Secretary General

Therefore, the remaining money had to be put to such use; he refused to use it for personal reasons.

Well, if it was going to be used for personal reasons, David wanted to ensure that there would be some benefits to the public for such a personal choice.

After an hour of aimlessly scrolling through his phone while being lost in thought, David finally stood up and went to change and freshen up.

Soon after, the food was brought in, and he went to eat. The day was slowly coming to an end, but David decided to spend it watching TV.

It wasn't long before the other family members joined him to see what he was watching.

"That's it!" David screamed suddenly as he shot up from the couch.

Picking up his phone, he immediately called Austin. Some things were so obvious in front of you that you tended to ignore them sometimes.

The method to spend the money was right there in front of him all this while, but he had been ignoring it.