chapter 67

"I still can't believe you're getting married," Daphne said softly, watching her blond friend adjust her pristine white dress robes while ensuring they remained hidden beneath her winter cloak. After all, it wouldn't do for her plans to be spoiled by some nosy housemate catching a glimpse of what could only be described as a wedding gown. With a dismissive wave, Draconica turned slightly to admire her reflection from another angle.


"Honestly, I didn't expect it to happen this soon either, but circumstances compelled us. The Easter holiday seemed like the perfect opportunity for us to bond," Draconica explained. Satisfied with her appearance, she declared, "Alright, let's go. Harry must be waiting for us." Though they still had about forty-five minutes until their reservation for the ceremonial chamber at Gringotts, they needed to leave the Hogwarts grounds first. With professors and Filch on patrol, that could prove challenging—after all, Harry's invisibility cloak wasn't large enough to cover all three of them.


"Right," Daphne agreed, rising to her feet. She offered Draconica a reassuring smile, noting her friend's underlying nervousness, despite her efforts to appear calm. They exited the room together, with Daphne leading the way.


The two girls hurried through the Slytherin common room, hoping to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. Thankfully, everyone seemed preoccupied, allowing them to slip outside without anyone taking notice, even though the weather was less than pleasant.


"I'm surprised Harry asked us to meet him here," Daphne said as they climbed the stairs to the third floor. "Given that we're leaving the castle, wouldn't it make more sense to meet near the main entrance or another exit?"


Draconica shrugged in response. "I'm sure he has his reasons. In fact, I think he'll explain once we see him." A small smile crossed her face as she spotted her soon-to-be husband waiting for them.


"Good morning, ladies," Harry greeted, giving Daphne a brief kiss on the back of her hand and a light kiss on Draconica's cheek. "Ready for our little trip?" Receiving two eager nods, he approached the statue of Gunhilda of Gorsemoor, tapping its humpback with his wand. "Dissendium!" The humpback swung open, revealing a passage leading deep into darkness.


Daphne could only manage a soft "Oh." Harry must have chosen this meeting place for a reason, given the professors patrolling the castle's known exits.


"According to the Weasley twins, this passage leads to Honeydukes' cellar, but we won't be going that far. Once we're outside Hogwarts' wards, we'll use a portkey to get directly to Gringotts," Harry explained as he led the way into the secret tunnel. Draconica followed a few moments later, leaving Daphne as the last in their small procession.


The narrow stone tunnel was dimly lit by the trio's wands, stretching endlessly as they walked for what felt like minutes. Eventually, Harry stopped, prompting the girls to do the same.


"Alright, we've just stepped outside Hogwarts' wards," he announced, pulling out an official letter from Gringotts. "We'll use the portkey now. Touch this." He gestured for the girls to place their hands on the parchment. Once they did so, he canceled the lighting spell and touched the letter with his wand, muttering the activation code under his breath. In an instant, they vanished.


Moments later, they landed unceremoniously in one of the many rooms within the goblin-run bank. Fortunately, they all managed to remain on their feet despite the rough landing. Once they adjusted their clothes, a goblin who had been waiting nearby announced, "Lord Potter-Slytherin, we have been expecting you and your guests. Ms. L Bridget has already arrived and is waiting for you in Senior Account Manager Goldsaw's office." The goblin gestured for a younger goblin, Snarktooth, to guide them.


"Follow me," Snarktooth instructed, leading them out of the room. Not wanting to get lost in the winding interior of Gringotts, Harry, Draconica, and Daphne hurried after their guide. After several minutes of navigating the maze, they finally reached Goldsaw's office.


"Wait here," Snarktooth said before knocking on the door. After receiving a grunt from within, he peeked inside, exchanging words in gobbledegook with the office's occupant. When he finished, he turned to the trio and said, "You may enter. Masters Goldsaw and Grabcoin are waiting for you."


The three teens swiftly stepped inside, where they saw Senior Account Manager Goldsaw seated at his desk while Senior Account Manager Grabcoin lounged in a comfy leather chair nearby. Violet was seated on a corner of the guest sofa, presumably saving spots for the client and her guests.


"Good morning, Masters Goldsaw and Grabcoin," Harry greeted, followed closely by Draconica, who echoed his words. "May your ventures be profitable." He then turned to Violet, offering her a greeting as well. "Good morning, Miss L Bridget."


Once formalities were exchanged, Grabcoin turned to Draconica. "Heiress Malfoy, in accordance with our agreement, I have not informed your father, Lord Malfoy, about your bonding, nor will I. You may inform him yourself." Despite the bureaucratic politeness, it was clear that the old goblin anticipated some entertainment from the ensuing family drama. The young Malfoy witch nodded in acknowledgement.


"Thank you, Master Grabcoin," she replied. She glanced at the clock on the wall, noting they still had five to eight minutes before their scheduled time in the ceremonial chamber. In her mind, it felt like the moment had come to start heading there. Sensing her anxiety, Grabcoin reassured, "Do not worry, Heiress Malfoy; we have sufficient time. The chamber is currently being prepared for you."


Harry couldn't help but notice how nervous Draconica seemed. To his relief, the goblins soon stood up, and Goldsaw announced, "It's time to go." He and Grabcoin led the way, with Violet and the three teens hurrying after them through the labyrinth of Gringotts. After making countless turns and descending multiple levels, they arrived at large ornate doors made of a bronze-like metal. Grabcoin knocked five times, and a moment later, there was a response from within, sounding like a staff hitting the floor—also five times.


"We may proceed into the chamber now," Grabcoin declared, pushing the doors open to reveal the interior. Harry was taken aback; it wasn't at all how he had envisioned it. The circular room was lined with white marble, approximately fifteen meters in diameter, with a high ceiling enchanted to resemble a clear night sky. Torches illuminated the space, and the floor was made from a single slab of greenish marble, adorned with golden veins that created images of constellations.


To the left of the entrance was the 'portable' 'Thief's Downfall' Harry had requested, with a pair of young goblins stationed nearby. An elderly goblin, dressed in what could only be described as shaman's attire, stood near the center of the chamber, leaning on a gnarled staff.


"Is everyone here?" the shaman asked, receiving a positive response from Goldsaw and Grabcoin. "Very well, I'll give you one minute to prepare, and then we shall begin." Draconica turned to Daphne, removing her cloak and handing it to her friend.


"Please hold this for me," she requested, and Daphne, happy to oblige, took it from her.


"Wow," Harry exclaimed as he received the box with Draconica's ring from Goldsaw. He couldn't help but admire her in that celestial-white dress robe. Though dressed appropriately for the occasion, he felt overshadowed by her beauty. He stepped closer, whispering so only she could hear, "'Nica, you look stunning, but you didn't have to go this all out."


A smile spread across her face in response.


"If everyone is ready, we shall begin now," the shaman announced, capturing everyone's attention. "In accordance with Lord Slytherin's wishes, to ensure that the bonding is conducted in good faith and without bodies or minds altered through malice, the couple must step through the 'Thief's Downfall.'"


"Don't worry; you won't get wet," Harry reassured Draconica as she accepted his hand. Together, they walked through the faux waterfall. The magical barrier didn't wet their clothes, but it still felt disorienting, akin to walking through mist, making both of them shiver involuntarily.


"Do the bride and groom wish to complete the bonding?" the shaman asked as they emerged from the 'Thief's Downfall.' Almost in unison, they replied 'yes,' but exchanged glances before confirming again. This time, Draconica spoke first, followed swiftly by Harry. Accepting their answers, the shaman continued, "Let the witnesses, both goblin and human, affirm that both parties are engaging in this bonding willingly, without any magical alterations." Once all four representatives confirmed this was indeed the case, the shaman struck the ground with the end of his staff, summoning a runic circle that bathed the chamber in pale blue light. "Let your souls make the vows and be united as Lord and Lady of your house through the exchange of rings."


"Uh!.." Both Harry and Draconica exhaled in surprise. Bonding ceremonies were notoriously private, rarely documented, so they hadn't known what to expect. However, neither had anticipated that vocalized vows were optional. After the shock faded, Harry opened the box, revealing the Lady Slytherin's ring to the world. Like the Lord's ring, it was crafted from interwoven bands of white and green gold, featuring a smaller coat of arms that depicted the crest of the Slytherin house on top. The lady's ring was slightly slimmer and undoubtedly more feminine in design.


"What am I supposed to say now?" he joked as he placed the ring on Draconica's finger. A barely visible glow of magic enveloped the ring as it bestowed the family magics of the Slytherin line upon her. Judging by the emotions reflected in Draconica's eyes, the process was not without discomfort. Finally, the glow subsided, and the ring settled perfectly onto her finger. "Welcome to the family," he said with a small grin.


The goblin shaman rapped his staff against the chamber's floor again, returning the setting to its previous state.


"And this concludes the ceremony," he announced, making it clear he was eager to clear everyone out.


"Well..." Harry began, addressing the remaining attendees while still holding Draconica's hand. "We'll be heading to the Slytherin vault now." Goldsaw nodded, willing to escort them.


"Although escorting clients to their vaults usually falls below my station, I'll gladly do so today, Lord Slytherin, Lady Slytherin," Goldsaw said.


"Thank you, Master Goldsaw," Harry replied genuinely. Turning to Violet and Daphne, he added, "Miss L Bridget, if it would be kind of you to escort Daphne back to Hogwarts?" The older blonde nodded—this had already been arranged.


"Of course, Lord Potter-Slytherin," she confirmed. She then turned to Daphne. "Heiress Greengrass?"


"One moment." Walking up to Draconica, whose hand remained intertwined with Harry's, Daphne returned the cloak she had been holding. "Enjoy your time with your husband, Lady Slytherin."


Draconica chuckled, accepting the cloak with her free hand. "Oh, hush," she replied playfully, before continuing in a friendly tone, "See you soon, Daph."


The Greengrass heiress smiled back. After exchanging goodbyes, Daphne moved back to Violet's side. The barrister then addressed Grabcoin.


"Master Goblin, could you escort us back to the Gringotts lobby?" she inquired, receiving a nod from the Malfoy account manager.


"Yes, follow me," Grabcoin instructed, leading them out of the chamber. Violet and Daphne followed closely, while Harry and Draconica exchanged a meaningful look.


"I guess we should get going as well... Master Goldsaw?" Harry said, and the goblin nodded, guiding the newly bonded couple through the tunnels.


While Harry was somewhat familiar with the way, this marked Draconica's first visit to an ancient vault. Even though merely a fraction of the vault's defenses was visible, what she saw assured her that only someone utterly mad would consider robbing it. The defenses were activated by Harry's ring and a whispered password in Parseltongue—an ability she realized she could now partially understand.


As Harry awaited her, Draconica focused on the ancient protections instead of getting sidetracked by her new title. She knew the recollections from childhood of the Malfoy family's financial difficulties were outdated. Though the vault's wealth couldn't match that of Malfoy's, it was still more than enough to sustain her and Harry throughout their lives and leave a comfortable inheritance for their children.


Attempting to push aside her swirling thoughts, Draconica caught up to her husband, and, hand in hand, they ventured deeper into the vault. Before long, they reached Salazar's portrait. The famed founder of Slytherin appeared poised, his hands clasped behind his back, anticipating their arrival with a subtle smile.


"Lord Salazar," Harry greeted in Parseltongue. "Allow me to introduce you to the new Lady of the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin."


~/ *** \~


Lucius Malfoy strode into the Gringotts lobby, holding his head high. He had urgent business to conduct to further his ambitions for a muggle-free Magical Britain. However, his plans were abruptly halted upon spotting his daughter on the arm of the Potter boy.


Not only were they there when they should have been at Hogwarts, but a closer look revealed the unmistakable hem of Draconica's pristine-white dress peeking from under her cloak. His mind reeled; the only conclusion he could draw was that his daughter had broken the engagement he'd set for her, running off with a half-blood and sullying the family name.


The thought ignited a deep anger within him. He couldn't simply ignore this affront. Driven by a desire for retribution, Lucius made a decision—Draconica must be cast out of the Malfoy family for her betrayal. Sure, she was a politically valuable asset, but her actions warranted punishment, and stripping her name from the family tree would send a clear message.


After transferring a hefty sum of gold to Fudge's vault, he would head to the Malfoy vault and officially sever her from the family line. In doing so, he was prepared to launch another campaign against the Potter boy, for it was his actions that thwarted Lucius's ambitions for power.


If only Lucius knew that the family tapestry would only update following physical bondings, perhaps he might have reconsidered. If he'd taken a moment to see whom his daughter had chosen, he could have adjusted his plans accordingly.


~/ *** \~


After using the portkey, Harry and Draconica found themselves just outside the warded territory of Slytherin's cottage. They walked at a relaxed pace while Harry showed Draconica around, which took around fifteen minutes. Right before they reached the cottage, the blond beauty suddenly paused, writhing in pain.


Acting quickly, Harry caught her in his arms before she could collapse. Helplessly, he watched as faint white wisps of magic were pulled from her, vanishing into the air. He had no idea what was happening or how to help, so he held her protectively, hoping for the ordeal to pass soon. The strange occurrence continued for just over a minute before stopping as suddenly as it began, leaving Draconica pale and trembling.


"Are you alright?" Harry inquired as she regained her senses. She offered a weak smile, and he felt a wave of relief. "Thank Merlin."


"I... I don't know what just happened," she admitted. "But it felt like my magic was... taken—no, torn away from me."


"Oh." Harry was at a loss for words, painfully aware of how strange the situation was. A thought suddenly crossed his mind. "You mentioned that magic was torn from you. Could it be that your family has disowned you? Is there a way for you to confirm if you're still a Malfoy?"


Draconica stared at him in shock for a few moments before slowly nodding. She drew her wand and began to perform a complex spell, murmuring incantations too softly for Harry to hear. After several attempts, all producing similar lackluster results, her eyes filled with tears as she turned to him and shook her head.


Unable to contain herself, she collapsed into tears. It took Harry a while to break out of his frozen state, but eventually, he gathered her into a comforting embrace, determined to soothe her grief.


An hour passed before Draconica began to calm down, the reality of her disownment hitting her hard. Yet, as her old world crumbled, she resolved to embrace her new life, strong and noble, as a lady of the House of Slytherin ought to be.


However, vengeance lingered in her thoughts. She wouldn't forget this betrayal. Lucius Malfoy had to pay for this injustice, especially knowing how much he valued prestige and wealth. She was plotting the perfect payback.


"Harry?" she whispered, looking up at him, grateful for his unwavering support. "Thank you for being there for me." She leaned in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. What began as soft affection quickly ignited into something hotter as they intertwined their tongues, lost in the moment.


After their passionate kiss, Draconica grinned mischievously. "Now, how about you show me the house? I need to know what we're working with before I decide on our... priorities."


"A-ah?" Harry stammered, similarly overwhelmed by her boldness. He paused, then asked, "You're sure you want to... um, consummate the bonding tonight?" The thought of physical intimacy seemed unexpected after everything she had just experienced.


"Absolutely," she replied, her resolve clear. Caught off-guard by her determination, Harry followed her lead as she guided him through the Slytherin cottage.


Once the tour concluded, he suggested they grab a late lunch. It was still early afternoon, and they hadn't eaten since breakfast at Hogwarts. Their meal was simple but satisfying, and they enjoyed it in peaceful silence.


As they retired to the study, Harry inquired about Draconica's thoughts on the cottage, wanting to ensure she was pleased with her new home. Thankfully, she found it charming and expressed no desire for immediate changes.


Their conversation naturally drifted back to their bonding, and with their bellies full, Draconica's eagerness to consummate their marriage grew more intense. Before long, Harry allowed himself to be pulled upstairs into the master bedroom by his alluring lady.


As soon as they entered, Draconica pressed her lips against his in a deep kiss, filled with urgency. Their passionate embrace led them closer to the bed until they stumbled, with Harry landing atop Draconica.


"Well, someone's eager tonight," she teased, breaking their kiss. She rolled them over, positioning herself above him, gradually making her way down his body.


Making her descent, she gained access to his straining bulge, freeing him from his boxers. Just as she was about to work her magic on him, Harry halted her.


"Wait," he said, prompting her to look up, puzzled. Instead of verbalizing his request, he shifted toward the center of the bed. As Draconica caught on, she crawled to him, settling in a famed sixty-nine position.


As her intoxicating heat enveloped his cock, Harry was rewarded with her soft gasp as he lowered his mouth to her glistening folds. Their mutual pleasure intensified, and the room filled with the dual sounds of suction and moans.


Harry's fingers began their exploration, teasing Draconica's rear while maintaining their tantalizing rhythm. She eagerly reciprocated with her mouth, sending shivers down his spine.


The shared ecstasy escalated within moments, and amid the frenzy of pleasuring each other, Harry's thoughts turned to spicing things up. Mid-lick of her sweetness, he began to tease her tight hole while still lavishing her wetness with his tongue.


"A-ah!" Draconica moaned, causing her movements to falter as he fingered her delicious rosebud. With every curl of his fingers, another moan slipped past her lips as her pleasure deepened.


She was ensnared in bliss until Harry reached his breaking point. "I'm close," he warned her, but she only increased her fervor, her mouth continuing its delightful work even as he pulled back, working deeper into her rear.


As waves of pleasure coursed through him, Harry climaxed, releasing inside her eager mouth. She swallowed eagerly, not letting a drop go to waste. When she finally sat back, Harry felt her walls constrict around him, reminding him of their shared ecstasy from mere moments before.


Once the storm of mutual pleasure settled, Draconica kissed Harry deeply, their breaths mingling in shared delight.


"That was incredible," she murmured as they caught their breath. Harry smiled back, both of them radiating happiness.


Just as he began to lose himself to the peace of the moment, he noticed a ghostly glow enveloping Draconica's body—a stream of white magic merging with her. A mini-orgasm swept through her, causing her to tighten around him.


The glow faded, leaving them both enchanted.


"Welcome to the family, my gorgeous lady," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss onto her nose. She snuggled deeper into his embrace, completely content.


As Harry dozed off, an unsettling thought flickered in the back of his mind—had Draconica hurried into this moment tonight for security, not just desire? He knew she cared about him, but insecurity clawed at him.


Opening one eye to gaze at her, his worries began to fade. Regardless of her earlier situation, he was confident in her feelings for him. Shaking off his doubts, he succumbed to sleep, leaving the world beyond his dreams behind.

Chapter 68

After finishing his hasty breakfast, Lucius Malfoy retreated to his study. Unlike his wife, who could luxuriate over a lengthy morning tea, he had a busy schedule to maintain, overseeing the affairs of the Noble house of Malfoy. This naturally included sifting through the letters that arrived by owl — there were four awaiting his attention today. The first two came from Lord Parkinson and a business associate from Knockturn Alley.


While these letters were significant, they paled in comparison to the one from Gringotts. The ire he felt after discovering that his only daughter had eloped with the Potter boy was still fresh in his mind, and he feared the goblins might levy charges against him for his outburst the previous day. However, to his relief, the missive contained nothing more than a notification that seventy-five thousand galleons had been deposited into his vault, labeled simply as "the bride price."


This was perplexing. Why would he receive such a sum if Draconica had run off with a half-blood instead of fulfilling her arranged marriage to an esteemed lord? Lucius had no satisfactory answers, only growing suspicions. Bracing himself for the contents of the last letter — not even a letter, but merely a folded parchment — he noted the weight of the sealing wax, peculiar for being sealed on the inside.


He opened it to reveal just four neatly penned words, unmistakably in Draconica's handwriting:


**Your loss, Lord Malfoy.**


Beneath this message was a wax seal depicting a coat of arms that any witch or wizard, even a Muggle-born, attending Hogwarts would recognize: a serpent, pure and unaccompanied. The implication was staggering. How could Draconica become Lady Slytherin, especially after choosing to be with that detestable half-blood Potter?


The Dark Lord had been the last recognized heir of the Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin, and as realization hit Lucius, it struck him like a train. The Dark Lord had been vanquished by the Potter child. By the law of conquest, Harry had effectively become Lord Slytherin when he was emancipated just over a year ago.


Lucius felt utterly outmaneuvered by two barely adult adolescents. But worse yet, he'd disowned his daughter without proper justification. Now, his reputation among influential circles lay in tatters. Thankfully, he had refrained from unleashing Skitter on Potter; that would have been political suicide for the Malfoy family. Regaining his house's esteemed reputation would require extensive funds and effort. And despite the burning desire for revenge against the Potter brat, any public attack was out of the question.


Fuming, Lucius stormed out of his study and headed toward the back of the manor, needing to destroy something before the afternoon's frustrations consumed him. Anything within the manor would only come back to haunt him later.


Meanwhile, Narcissa Malfoy, finishing her morning tea, noticed her husband's angry departure. Something had evidently stirred his ire even more than the distress he had shared about their daughter's 'betrayal' the day before. She sensed there were deeper complications at play. Whatever drove Lucius to rage was of significant consequence, likely affecting not only him—a powerful political figure—but also their entire house. Thus, she felt compelled to discover what had transpired, and quickly.


As Narcissa entered Lucius's study, her gaze fell upon the scattered letters on his desk. Approaching closer, she recognized the brief note, unmistakably penned by their now disowned daughter. Narcissa's eyes widened as they were drawn to the coat of arms on the sealing wax. All at once, clarity dawned upon her: Harry Potter was now Lord Slytherin.


"Looks like my little Draconica is faring well," she murmured to herself, setting the letter back down. While she understood Lucius's frustration, the loss of power and prestige from having their daughter wed into an Ancient and Noble house was entirely his oversight. Shaking her head and silently hoping her husband wouldn't make any further blunders, Narcissa exited the study.


~/ *** \~


By noon, the newly bonded couple stirred awake. They had both been restless through the night, not only because of their fervent emotions but also due to the challenge of adjusting to sharing a bed, with limbs unintentionally flailing as they settled down. Ultimately, they found comfort in lying entwined together, both agreeing it would be hard to sleep apart from this moment on.


After casting a charm for their morning coffee, and indulging in some enticing kisses, Draconica deemed it time to have a serious conversation. There were matters to discuss.


"Harry?" she asked softly, pulling back slightly to maintain focus. It was a challenge to have a meaningful discussion while being skin-to-skin in shared intimacy. Harry, still gazing into her eyes, responded with a soft sound to indicate he was listening. "Have you thought about whom you will choose as your Lady Potter?"


"What?!" he exclaimed, clearly caught off guard. When Draconica didn't elaborate, Harry was compelled to probe. "What do you mean? Can't you take on that role as well?" Draconica shook her head.


"I wish I could," she replied, "but I am selfish, and I can't bear the thought that I might be the reason the Noble House of Potter ceases to exist." After a brief pause, she added, "As it stands, I cannot become Lady Potter since you made me Lady Slytherin."


"But you have Potter blood, right?" he asked, trying to reconcile the situation. Draconica sighed, shaking her head as she sat up, exuding an aura of composure despite her nakedness.


"I do have blood ties, but not closely enough to be considered for Lady Potter without someone bestowing the Potter family magics upon me. Since you already conferred the Slytherin magics to me..." She trailed off, leaving Harry to grasp the implication. He recalled studying the texts regarding magical lordship inheritances and recognized now that he had overlooked key details amidst the whirlwind of their union preparations.


Faced with the reality that if he desired the Potter line to continue—and he did—he needed to find another woman. But he couldn't fathom identifying a girl who would not be a ravenous fangirl or a gold-digger willing to exploit his wealth. And how would a triad arrangement even work without causing conflict among the women?


"Harry?" Draconica's voice snapped him from his thoughts. He glanced back at her, acknowledging her inquiry as she continued, "Promise me you won't ever…" Her words were cut short as Harry silenced her fears with a deep, tender kiss. When they broke apart, he whispered, "I would never do anything to hurt you that deeply… intentionally." Smirking slightly, Draconica met his gaze, and their lips locked in a kiss, her relief evident.


~/ *** \~


The following day, the couple prepared to return to Hogwarts, the brief Easter holiday having drawn to a close. Keen to avoid a scene, they chose to enter during dinner when the Great Hall was bustling. To blend in, they donned their usual attire, though Draconica added a striking emerald-green shawl emblazoned with the Slytherin coat of arms.


True to their plan, their return went unnoticed as they stepped into the castle, where most students and professors were occupied in the Great Hall. Likely, Dumbledore sensed their presence crossing the ward line, but he didn't focus on the couple, knowing they weren't central to his schemes.


Upon reaching the grand staircase, they shared a brief kiss and parted ways. Harry headed to McGonagall's office, believing it best to wait for her outside while she dined in the Hall. Meanwhile, Draconica descended to the depths of the dungeons, hoping to check for important messages on the Slytherin common room's bulletin board—the professors had informed them weeks prior that the boards for their new suite might not be ready for several days.


Upon reaching the common room, Draconica found no new announcements of note and turned to leave. Unfortunately, her timing was unfortunate; just outside the secret door, she encountered a cluster of her housemates and Basilius, her former brother.


He faltered for a moment at the sight of her before launching into an angry tirade about her disgrace to the Malfoy name, urging her to consider self-harm and more. Though hurtful, Draconica reminded herself of her strength, tuning out his venomous words. She feigned disinterest in her appearance while some Slytherins quietly chuckled at Basilius's expense. When his outburst finally waned, Draconica seized the moment for her own retort.


"And you, little mister," she hissed dramatically, "should learn to recognize when you're conversing with someone of a higher standing. You just insulted a lady of an Ancient and Noble house. Don't you know what may follow?" After letting that sink in, she added, "I have better matters to attend to than squabbling with you. Pray that my lord forgives your insults, brother." With a regal air, she strode past the onlookers, proud in her Slytherin garb.


Further down the hall, Draconica encountered others from Slytherin returning from dinner, including the Greengrass sisters and Tracey Davis.


"Wow, 'Nica, you're back already? We thought you wouldn't show until morning," Daphne remarked as the group retreated to a quieter nook to converse.


"Yeah, with classes resuming tomorrow, we figured returning today would be easier," Draconica explained. She could sense their curiosity bubbling and continued, "I'm sure you three have questions. How about we go to my and Harry's quarters, and I'll do my best to answer?"


With everyone in agreement, Draconica led her friends through the castle toward their suite. Inside, she found Harry engaged in conversation with Tracey and the Greengrass sisters. Suddenly, a ghost floated into the room, interrupting them with news that the headmaster wished to speak with Draconica.


"Do you think you'll be alright?" Harry inquired, worry lacing his tone. "Should I accompany you?"


Draconica waved away his concern. "Harry, I know you're suspicious of Dumbledore, but do you really think he'd try anything? We're just two students to him," she reassured him. "I suspect he wants to discuss my tuition now that I'm not a Malfoy." Harry considered it for a moment before nodding.


"Alright," he replied, standing to embrace her briefly before she followed the ghost. "Be safe," he called after her.


Moments later, Draconica entered the headmaster's office for the first time. She was struck by the myriad fantastical artifacts around her, including a living phoenix perched regally on a golden stand. Yet, she remained vigilant, keeping an eye on Dumbledore, wary of possible ulterior motives.


"Do you know why I summoned you here, young lady?" he asked, peering over his half-moon spectacles. As if remembering his manners, he motioned for her to sit. "Do take a seat."


"Thank you," Draconica replied, settling down across the table from him. "No, but I do have a suspicion. Does this relate to how my tuition will be handled moving forward?"


"Indeed," Dumbledore affirmed. "As you know, your father—Lord Malfoy—has been paying your tuition annually. With your disownment, while he cannot retract the payment for this year, by next semester, I fear you'll need to seek a different school unless you can cover your fees."


Draconica placed her hands deliberately on the table, ensuring Dumbledore noticed her lady's ring. "If you're aware I've been disowned, you're also cognizant that I'm now married. I am quite certain my lord would not deny me continued education here." The shock that spread across Dumbledore's face was palpable, and she sensed the cautiousness in her tone.


"Ah!" he exclaimed, a mix of surprise and concern flickering through his gaze. "Yes, you may leave," he replied, his thoughts clearly preoccupied as Draconica stood. She was quick to exit, leaving him contemplating the implications of her first action and its reverberations through the web of magical lineage.


Dumbledore pondered the ramifications, his mind racing through the revelations. If Harry Potter indeed now claimed the mantle of Lord Slytherin, what transformations might this entail across Magical Britain? For the first time in a year and a half, doubt burgeoned in his mind as he questioned whether he had unwittingly estranged the child of prophecy from the Light and himself