Not even bothering to change out of her pajamas, Michelle walked over to the Archduke's office, but he wasn't there, so she went to the drawing room. "Father? Did Alexander Terce come to see you?" she asked as she entered, her brows creased into a tight frown.

The Archduke was clearly surprised to see his daughter already so angry, even though she was still in her pajamas, which showed she had just woken up. "He came to see me. What's wrong?" he looked at Michelle as she sat opposite him and ate one of the cookies on the coffee table.

Remaining silent for a while, Michelle took another cookie, but before she could eat it, from the rage boiling within her, she broke it in half, and it fell from her hand.

"How did he anger you?" the Archduke asked as he watched the red color slowly appearing in Michelle's purple irises.

But Michelle didn't answer. She was too enraged to answer. Instead, she had a question: "What did he want from you, father?"