"What the- It didn't cut him."

"You actually thought that a low levelled strength like like yours could harm me. How pathetic."

"I wasn't actually trying to cut you. Just needed to distract you dummy." He said and jumped up from behind him as a huge yellow beam came his way. It made a huge explosion the moment it made contact.

The man landed right beside Taro.

"Thanks Yugi."

"No prob. Where's Kubo?" Yugi asked but received no answer. He looked down behind to see Kubo's dead body lying there. "Oh sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay. I think he's right anyway. He might have died for a reaso-"

"What kind of weak attack was that?" Taro was immediately interrupted by Kimado. Both he and Yugi looked towards his direction to see him walking out of the smokes. "I'm so disappointed in you Taro."

He was completely unharmed by the attack.

"Taro, get away from here as quickly as possible. I'll hold him off."

"What, but, y-you can't beat him alone."

"JUST GO." Yugi shouted and flew towards Kimado.


"I SAID GO DAMNIT." Yugi shouted as he landed and activated his arm guards and a sword appeared in his hand. "Vine," he stated and slashed through the ground towards Kimado. "attack!" The moment he said that, vines started rushing through the ground towards Kimado. They were getting larger the closer they were getting to him.

He just gave a wide grin and lifted.


"YUGI NOOOO." Taro shouted as the vines got to Kimado and he touched it.

"Oxynic!" Kimado said as dark purple flames lit on his palms and started burning up the vines and kept burning it's way towards Yugi. The flames engulfed around him within a split second and burnt him up completely.

"NOOOO." Taro cried. "Yugi. Little brother. No." He whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." He said and turned around and ran as fast as he could away from there.

"I'll make sure your deaths won't be a waste. I promise." He said and activated his arm guards and sound, he dashed like there was nothing ahead of him.

Kimado walked past the burning vines towrds

Taro's direction. "You can't escape from me Taro. You should know better than that." He said and kept walking towards Taro.

Taro arrived at a small circular field and immediately field and immediately stopped. He went to the center of the field and took out a coin. But before he could do anything else, dark purple flames suddenly shot past him. And though it didn't touch him, he got a few burns on his arms.

"Those flames. Don't tell me..." He said and turned to see Kimado standing a few feet away from him. He didn't want to fight because he was badly injured in his ribs and had already used up almost all of his power running from where he was.

"I don't get it. How'd you get here that fast. I'm supposed to be faster than you."

"That doesn't matter." Kimado said and snapped his fingers as arrows from nowhere came and pierced through Taro. He screamed and went on one knee. He lifted up his head to see several tundumons landed behind Kimado.

"They must have been the ones who shot the arrows." Taro thought. He was seriously bleeding. 'No. I can't die now.' He said and hid the hand holding the coin behind him. He tried standing up but a spear was shot through his chest. He screamed again in pain and went on both knees bowing his head and dropping the coin.

"You can't escape from me . This is where you die. You've lost Taro. The forces of darkness have already won." He said and grinned. But Taro suddenly started laughing

"What's so funny?" Kimado asked as his grin dropped.

"Don't get so cocky Kimado. You don't actually know that." The coin which he dropped rolled into a small circular space and immediately, a blue transparent wall covered the field.

"Huh! It's a teleportation field." Kimado said. "You're planning on teleporting from this world.


"Whatever. I could care less. You're probably gonna die anyway. You've already lost a great amount of blood."

"Oh I'm not just escaping." He said as he took a small bag which was tied to a rope around his waist. He poured out something like tiny gems of different colors into his palm. Kimado widened his eyes.


"Oh yeah." Taro said with a wide grin. "These are all the rubidstones I've gathered ever since this war started. Impressive huh?" He said as he got up on his feet. Several doors behind him. "I am going to make sure the prophecy comes true. To be frank I planned on being the one to make sure the prophecy was fulfilled at the very beginning of this war."

He said and turned around and started walking towards the green door. "And I already planned on which of the worlds I'd be going to." He stopped and turned his head to look at Kimado once more. He could see there was a mix of feelings on his face. Anger, worry, fear, fear of defeat. "This is where the forces of light start gaining the upper hand."

"No." Kimado said as a sword appeared out of his flames in his hand and started running towards the field. Once he reached the wall, he started striking it. Since he knew that the wall was indestructible. He strikes it with all his might. Every srike generated a huge wind and half of his tundumon army was wiped out.

Taro turned back to the green door and opened it. "I WON'T ALLOW YOU TO ESCAAAAPE. HAAAAAAA....." He shouted and charged his sword with dark energy as Taro stepped through the door completely before Kimado strikes the wall and a huge explosion occured and the whole planet exploded.


A green door similar to the one Taro walked through appeared and Taro walked out.

"So this is the earth I've heard so much about. It's really peaceful here. They'll get more time to prepare." He said and went on his knees. The arrows were still inside him. Then he began.

"By the light of the ancients, and the will of the prophecy, I grant you the power to fight for a better tommorow. The evil forces have threatened to consume all that is good. But from these stones a new Dawn will rise. Embrace the power within and vanqish the shadows. A new age of warriors is upon. A symbol of hope for a world in despair. Fight for all that is right. Fight for peace." The moment he said that, the rubidstones shot into the sky a split into numerous pieces across the earth filling pure hearted people.

"My mission here is done." He said before falling to floor unconscious.

"It came from here." A voice was heard in the woods as two boys walked out. They were both of the same age. Fourteen years.

"Look. There's someone lying over there. " One said as they both rushed to him. "He's badly wounded. We have to take him-" He stopped talking when they saw something glowing. They looked down to see two rubidstones moving from Taro's bag and floating upwards.

At first they were horrified. But then, they tried touching them. But before they could do so, the rubidstone entered them through their chests.

"Oh no. It entered me."

"Me too. Shit, what's gonna happen. Are we gonna die."

"I don't know but, nothing's happening."

"Yeah you're right. I wonder what they-" One of them was about to say something but stopped when he felt something. "Umm John. I don't know what's happening but, I can suddenly feel the man's heartbeat. His impulse. Everything concerning his health. I suddenly feel like..... healing him." He said as him arms gave off a bright light. When it faded away, there were arm guards on his arms. He wasn't sure of what to do. He just let his instincts take over. He stretched his hand towards the man as a yellow circle surrounded him . And instantly, the arrows came out as Taro's wounds started healing. But the spear was difficult to come out. But something like hands came out from the arm guards and pulled out the spear. As he continued to heal Taro's wounds, John heard rustling of leaves and turned around to see a wolf jumping at them.

'Shit.' He thought. But then, he felt something surge through him. A blinding light emitted from his arms. As it turned off, he opened his eyes to see arm guards on his arms and flexible blades which had come out and stabbed the wolf. It fell from the blade and landed hard on the ground dead. "Wow. Did you see that Luke."

"Yeah. That was.... impressive. I'm kinda jealous though. But I'm also very lucky. Otherwise the man would have di-" He stopped talking when they heard wolves howling.

"Shit. There are more of them. Luke, you focus on healing him. I'll deal with them."

"You sure about that John."

"I'll try." He said as the blades came out from both arm guards. The wolves came out and rushed towards them. John started swinging the blades freely in their direction cutting them to pieces. But they were many. And some of them were able to avoid the attacks.

"Come on. Heal faster dammit." Luke said. He was losing patience and the wolves were getting closer and closer. Taro's wounds were completely healed sonn as he started gaining consciousness. Be looked up to see Luke.

"Thank goodness you're awake. Please help us. I mean, you also have abilities right?" Luke asked.

"What? How Am I Stil alive. Who are-" Taro's words were cut short when he saw the arm guards on Luke's arms. "I see." He said and turned his head to see John also with arm guards. He seemed to be having some trouble holding them off. Taro just stood up and activated his arm guards as a sword appeared in his hands. He suddenly vanished and within a split second, the wolves were cut to pieces. John looked surprised and terrified.

"What the- What was that?" He asked and turned around to see Taro standing behind him. "You must have been the one who did it.


"WOW. TEACH ME." John said with enthusiasm.

"That's exactly what I was about to ask you. Great evil is coming. My only son and brother sacrificed their lives for me to come here. I promised to make the prophecy come true. So I'd do whatever it takes to make sure it comes true. The stones chose you for a reason. So you have to stand up to the task. Are you ready to face this great evil that arise in the future?" He asked them both.

John and Luke looked at each other. Suddenly, a look of determination filled their eyes as they nodded.

"Teach us everything we need to know Sensei." A small smile graced on Taro's lips.

"But before then. Can you tell me about the prophecy?" Luke asked with a dumb expression.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you everything." Taro said