"I can't believe I didn't have one." A boy of about sixteen years old said as he walked in the dark street.


The same boy was sitting in a hospital with excitement written all over his face. He had blue hair and blue eyes. He kept murmuring something about his rubidstone. As he sat there, a doctor walked in.

"Excuse me, are you Desmond Adori?"

"Umm, yes sir that's me." He said as he stood up. "You can call me Dessy. It's short and simple than my actual name is." His excitement was growing stronger.

"So doctor, did you find anything- I-hope- so- what- did- you- find- I- think- there's- something- interrupting-with-my- rubidstone- that's- why- it's- refusing- to- be- unveiled- come- on- doctor- tell- me- tell meee..." He kept talking fast that the doctor couldn't hear a word.

"H- hey calm down. It's just..." The doctor paused and sighed. "I didn't find any problem."

"Then why don't I have any abilities." He asked as his excitement dropped.

"It could be that..... You don't have any abilities because..... You don't have a rubidstone."

"What?" Dessy asked. His voice almost a whisper.

"Yes. I did everything I could but found nothing. I'm sorry." The doctor said and walked away leaving Dessy speechless and frustrated.


"I guess I'm gonna have to give up on my dream." He said as tears began to swell in his eyes. "The dream of wanting to end the war so badly. I wanted to be just like him."

A picture flashed through his mind. It was a picture of Taro. The greatest warrior to have ever lived. And beneath was written. "FIGHT FOR A BETTER TOMORROW."

"Why did it have to be this way? WHY GOD TELL ME WHY." He yelled as tears began streaming down his face. He went on his knees and kept on crying. After a moment, he heard someone shout.

"HEEEEELLP. SOMEBODY PLEASE. HELP ME." It came from an alley and he was standing right at the front of it. He turned his head to that direction to have a look and widened his eyes at what he saw. It was an orange headed tundumon. And it was standing in front of a little girl who had her back to a wall.

'Shit.' He thought and looked around. 'There's no warrior here. What should I do.' I can't just jump in. I don't have a rubidstone. I'd definitely die for sure. The tundumon started lifting up it:s deadly katana.

'No. I have to do something. I can't just stand aside.' He said but his body was refusing to move.

'Come on move.' The tundumons katana was fully up and ready to strike.

'I won't stand aside for something like that to happen.' A blue aura started emitting from him as he found himself flying towards the tundumon with his right fist ready to strike as the blue aura intensifies.

He got to the tundumon within a flash a punched it with all his might sending it through a nearby building. For a second there, he had a serious expression but it disappeared as soon as he realised what he had done.

He looked at his hand and saw them in arm guards.

'Did I really do that.' He thought. The girl ran and hugged him.

"Thank you for saving me." She said in tears.

But Dessy didn't have time to engage in conversations. The tundumon dashed towards him. It was going to take more than that to kill it. He quickly took the girl and started running out of the alley. But the tundumon caught up before he could get out and hit him in the back. He fell and rolled out of the alley with the girl in his embrace. He let go off the girl and told her to run. But when she was running, the tundumon tried going after her.

"HEY." Dessy called as the tundumon stopped and looked at him. "I'M THE ONE WHO HIT YOU. LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE."

The tundumon turned to him and another katana appeared in it's hand. Another tundumon suddenly landed behind him.

'Shit.' He thought. 'Another one.'

The tundumons lunged towards him at the same time.

"Foolish child." One of them said as they both swung their swords at him. But somehow, two katanas appeared in his hand as he used them to block the attacks.

'I was able to summon swords. And I have arm guards on. Just like warriors do. I guess I do have a rubidstone after all. I knew it.' He thought and grinned. But before he could do anything else, one of them kicked him in the gut and he gasped as he was sent into a building and formed a huge crater in it. One quickly dashed towards him in an attempt to punch him but he moved out of the way as the punch hit the wall and the part of that building broke in.

'That would have been brutal.' He thought whilst looking back. The other tundumon suddenly appeared in front of him with a kick coming right at his face. He saw it and was able to block it with his arms but was still sent back to his previous position where the other tundumon was. It punched him into the ground as he gasped once again but this he tasted blood. It kept punching him as he also kept blocking the punches.

It then kicked him in then gut again sending him flying at some distance from it. The other tundumon landed on him to the ground before he could even touch the floor. He had started bleeding from his head. It lifted him by his neck and threw him into another building as the other one appeared in front of him and started giving him multiple punches before throwing him back to the other one and it caught him from behind. It then held both of his arms and lifted him stretching both arms apart. He screamed in pain.

It felt like he was going to be torn into two halves. He couldn't do anything. The tundumons had beaten the hell out of him. And he he had had been seriously injured. He could feel his whole body ache. His scream got even louder as he was being stretched.

"Shit, where are the warriors?" One of the people hiding asked.

"At this rate, he's gonna die." Someone else said.

"Poor boy. How'd he get into the fight in the first place."

"Damnit, somebody call the warriors."

The other tundumon landed in front of Dessy as he was being pulled apart and a katana appeared in it's hand. It lifted up it's katana ready to slice him into two.

'I guess this is where I die.' He thought as a tear rolled down the right side of his face. 'But at least I got to save someone.' He thought again and smiled.

"Now die, foolish human boy." The tundumon said and descended the katana.