MV Filming

When the team reunited, it was in front of the broadcast studio at the fifth floor. There were also other teams that were waiting for their members to arrive, but no one was as conspicuous as Rayen's team.

Almost all of the other teams stared their way, strangely drawn to every member — especially Rayen. Since they were huddling together, they shared the benefit of +100% on their charm because of Rayen's Bonus Skill from his costume. They also got lucky with Minho's Mirror. Those that would be reflected on its surface would enjoy +100% visual charm.

Although it wasn't as convenient as Rayen's bonus skill effect, it had the same property. If they could find a good place for the mirror while they filmed for a group shot, they would have a total of 200% on their visual charms, aside from Rayen who had a whooping 500% on his own.