Look At The Internet! No, Don't Look!

Rayen was practicing with his team as usual. They had to double their efforts since they didn't have much time.

After three days, the second round live performance would take place. Yet, they still have so much todo. Moving on from the MV filming, next, they had to modify their choreography for the stage performance. So, for the same song, they have two different choreographies.

It was quite disorientating having to memorize another one. Oftentimes, Rayen would even switch the moves from the two choreographies because of his muscle memory.

The first round was already so hectic, but this round was truly hell.

'Was this really how idols work? Somehow, I pity them...'

If idols really do live like this, how could they manage without magic in their life? Fortunately for Rayen, he could just by a Revitalizing Drink to replenish his energy.

As he thought about that, Rayen gulped down the said drink while wiping his sweat with a face towel.