What's The Price?

The speakers inside the leisure area rang. Afterwards, Plotter's voice immediately spoke.

Team Seven flowers finished second in the practice room race. The moment the team reached the door to the practice room, the last team was still struggling with their logo. Watching them, at least Rayen could relax now that he knew that their logo wouldn't be better than their own bouquet.

Finally, Plotter instructed them to enter the practice room. When they entered, Mr. Big News and his team who had entered ahead of them were nowhere to be found.

But what was the prize for the first and second placed team? Rayen glanced around, but there was nothing inside the practice room except for its usual equipment.

Apparently there was no prize whatsoever.

"You have seven hours to practice your song vocals," Plotter said. "The copy of the song's instrumental and with guide melody has been sent to your systems."

'In here?'

"The time starts now."