Tokyo Takeover Incident

[Japan's Supreme Museum of Kings & Leaders, Audio tape #1: Mainstream information about leaders]

"Approximately two million years ago, one human would discover the Knowledge of Fire. Thus becoming the first {LEADER} and starting an everlasting legacy that still lives on to this day. Each {leader} that is born shall manifest it's abilities within a month, gaining what is known as the Three Divine Gifts :

to begin : the ARMOR, each ruler is bestowed an armor that would match their Ruling ability. For example cave drawings from the era of the first leader depicted him wearing an armor made of pure blazing flames, no humanmade weapon could hurt it, only another leader can ever pierce through it.

the following gift was: the ARMY, each leader can muster an army of soldiers that would fit it's Ruling ability. Yet again referring to the first leader who could summon legions of Fiery Fighters, the people of his time referred to them as "demons".

and to end with the Final gift: the OVERRULE, the power that allows each leader to control a phenomena, element, concept, etc.... the overrule will probably inspire a leaders' path in life, also helping the civilians to know who they need to serve. Who we need to serve.

I'm sure all of us have a favorite historical leader like Qin Shi Huang the Supreme Emperor, Napoleon the Conquering Regent and some of our quirky audience may really prefer Mozart. This concludes the first audio book of Japan's Supreme Museum of King & Leaders, you are welcome to explore more on our website and always remember to follow the lead."

[Shinjuku, Territorial battle between {God of Swords} and {Lord of the World}]

A sudden strong gust of wind had emerged from the clash of the two warriors making all the choppers surrounding them to become unstable. Meanwhile on the ground G.O.S (God of Swords) grabbed Jonathan and started to stab him repeatedly only he wasn't seeing any blood flowing out of the wounds he supposedly inflicted.

"Surprised? asked Jonathan with a big smile on his face"

G.O.S couldn't understand his OverRule , Jonathan's abilities were too versatile. A command word, simply wielding a sword and a shield but emanating a weird aura, and now suddenly being unkillable. This only enraged his furious temper.

"Stop using petty tricks on me!" he screamed sending about a hundred blades fly onto Jonathan.

 "So this is your army huh? yet again you justify your title" retorted Jonathan. As the area started to radiate of a bluish white light, from that gleam emerged an militia of a hundred warriors, for appearance they wore traditional Western Knight armor. Some wielding swords, others handling spears but few weared bows. Clearly Jonathan was still an amateur bringing to pass G.O.S' anxiety.

"You seem to know a lot about me. How long have you been planning this terror attack?"

 Jonathan started laughing wildly causing the viewers to shiver. "Terror attack? You guys treat people like garbage and if they weren't so god damn slow brained & had a bit more of self-love you motherfuckers wouldn't be here with your brooms sticked up your asses! Now, I'm gonna fix this mistake, fix All of it & free this God Damn planet!"-proclaimed Jonathan raising his swords toward G.O.S, all his warriors charging at G.O.S But to counter this, the swords started to spinning around, ravaging Jonathan's militia.

"Don't get a hold of yourself, you brat. I ruled this land for nearly ten years. You think you got what it takes to beat me when your army dies this easily? I didn't even summon all of them".

"a-all of them?" asked Jonathan with his eyes looking worried.

As G.O.S raised his hands forward, multiple swords started to appear from thin air while others flew from all of japan bringing about massive fear across the country, all the swords started swarming, forming a constant moving ball as G.O.S looked at Jonathan's terrified gaze

"Blade Swarm, {Susanoo's Judgement}"

 The Blade Swarm fell down, laying waste to everything around them resulting into the god's building and the rest of the area to be utterly devastated. Skyscrapers fell and houses turned to dust, but in G.O.S' shock Jonathan manifested his full armor making the blades only scratch him.

"You're still standing?" he asked not believing his swords left almost no impact on him.

"I stand for I know your secret, you aren't even a true {leader}. You were just born with a silver spoon in your mouth, I'll admit I didn't think I'll have to struggle that much against you thinking you never fought a day in your life because you kn-".

 before Jonathan could finish his sentence all the swords flew at him causing a giant explosion to erupt causing a huge smoke to cover the area. "You serfs really need to learn the meaning of silence.-angrily replied G.O.S"

"cut the yapping already, clearly you're the one who never fought in his life you god damn hypocrite. You just used a trick any newbie would use."

Jonathan noticed G.O.S had used his swords behind him to propel himself forward at a speed he couldn't perceive at all.

"You think the world is fair?-asked G.O.S.

"Churls should stay at the bottom, that's how it works. While the top has to be above everybody else! It's been like this for longer than writing exists, why do you think people call it the Law of Nature! Callicles was right & Socrates was wrong. History teaches us all that, and no one will ever change this status quo."

 "and that's what makes you.. the perfect example" replied with harshness Jonathan.

Jonathan was now filled with new determination charging the god as they started to clash each other with each of their strikes while Jonathan's army battled the swarming swords. While it looked like they were even only one knew who really was stronger in this duel, stabbing forth Jonathan in the stomach, then slamming him into the ground and started to stomp him in the face until a small crater was formed and even that couldn't satisfy the wrathful god's anger.

"So that Blade has no goddamn weight?- asked Jonathan breathing heavily"

"You stated that I never fought a day in my life right? Well then you better pull out an excuse out of your ass real quick. I ... Have fought ... My Whole Life! I am here thanks to my Own strength!-G.O.S shouted and followed by making an horizontal swing, obliterating all of Shinjuku's Skyscrapers while Jonathan was switching with his Troops to avoid being it at all cost

Nothing on the path of that Blade could survive, it annihilated everything it touches being dusted away. each slash that was sent at Jonathan was like an eraser cannon making everything it slashed vanish into dust, as Jonathan continued to jump, duck and dodge he could hear the gods laugh between each mighty slash.

"What's wrong ? I recall you claimed to take me down remember!" exclaimed the god maliciously laughing like a hunter toying with a frail animal.

Then suddenly from the giants mists of dust, Jonathan's army emerged charging at him and holding him down having captured his every move. They had been waiting for him to merge all the swords together so that he couldn't protect himself anymore, not that it mattered to the God as he could just kill them all at once but just as he was about to smash them all, the soldiers started to stab him from every angle, from his feet to his neck. His protection fully down and incapable of flying away, he desired to unmake {Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi} to recreate his defense but he couldn't make a single move.

"You may have all the Strength but there's something you forgot, a true Leader is strategic.-Jonathan informed the bleeding god as he drew near him unsheathing his sword once again."

 The world observed in trepidation as Jonathan mutilated the God's chest and when the god finally collapsed unconscious Jonathan grabbed him.

"You were a perfect fight, I'm sorry it had to end this way but now thanks to you the world shall witness a new era, so take care I guess?"

Jonathan seemingly held no remorse as he let go of [god of Swords] until he felt a weird warm feeling and started to analyze the body, particularly a stab wound that had began to expand into a hole that undertook a blueish glow. While the territory battle was over, the cameras were still rolling as they beheld on the edge of their sits looking at the corpse of G.O.S started to glow even brighter and brighter until light was the only thing anyone could see


[God of Swords] had now awoken in a new place

"Is this heaven?-he asked"

"not quite-answered" [?????]

G.O.S. looked around but he couldn't see anyone only hearing a whisper which held he didn't know why but such immense power behind it

"Do you wish to go back?" the whisper spoke again

"Back? I'm dead. Or are we talking about some kind of Samsara (Buddhism term for the Cycle of Reincarnation)"

"You desire revenge child, I'm offering you to return to the land of the livings, your status will be restored as well if you choose so-The Whisper became a Voice as it's tone started becoming greater, as if it was getting closer."

G.O.S. then reflected on the offer, reflecting about his last moments, and he knew he had still much to do to accomplish his own ambitions.

"Yes I want it back, I want it all back" 

"Very well then" replied [???].

Out of the darkness stepped out a Luminous Entity radiating of brightness until all thins were light and suddenly, nothing was.

[Shinjuku, Lord of the World's Area]

The light had now vanished and from the hole of the God's corpse, an arm coated in lapis blue armor rose out of it. In the end, had came out a tall figure wearing a whole set, and Two Great-swords sheathed on his back.

"So that was the feeling, maybe I misjudged you", said Jonathan quite surprised while the god looked a the sky confused.

"I, I'm back. Sister did your brother return?"

This incident would be the first step in the new world, the Lord of the World's world and in the nearby future, people would remember this fight as the "Tokyo Takeover Incident".

[Japan's Embassy, Roof]

A man with black hair in a fine suit was seen on the roof solving a Rubik's cube when a man barged in yelling

"Sir I've come to report! A New [Leader] has taken over a great majority of Tokyo, even with our best analyzers his OverRule has been impossible to deduce Sir!"

The figure turned to him, his gaze as hollow as the deepest depths

"It doesn't matter, nor do I care. Just ask other leaders to take care of this meaningless business"

"Y-yes, [Grand Shōgun of Japan] "replied the Messenger.

"what a drag..."


helping editor: nomisd