Dreaming of fire

Liria was dreaming of fire.

Not the wild, uncontrollable kind that burned and devoured, but something steady hers, bending to her will, flickering between her fingertips like a living thing. The embers danced around her in a rhythmic pulse, warm against her skin, wrapping around her in a cocoon of strength.

She had never felt so at peace.

Which was why it was such a rude awakening when something slammed into her face.


Liria jerked upright, arms flailing, her heartbeat exploding in her chest. She barely had time to process what was happening before she registered the heavy weight smacking against her forehead again.

It took her a moment to recognize the culprit.

A pineapple was perched on her chest, looking at her with a level of disdain that should have been impossible for a fruit.

Liria blinked, still caught in the grogginess of sleep. "What…?"

Ananara huffed. "Finally. You're awake."