After days of contemplation, Alex found himself more focused than ever on uncovering the mystery of his breakthrough. He spent hours each day delving into various forums, research papers, and meditation groups. His usual meditation routine, once a source of calm and tranquility, had taken on a more investigative edge. He wasn't just meditating—he was searching.
The question of why he had reached Level 2 when no one else seemed to talk about it gnawed at him constantly. So far, every method he had seen involved visualizing the cosmos, but the lack of similar breakthroughs among others kept raising flags in his mind.
As he browsed through another platform, he began asking direct questions to those who seemed to be making progress. He posted on several forums, cautiously wording his inquiries to avoid sounding too esoteric. On his own online profile as "Star Gazer," he dropped hints about higher states of focus and asked if anyone else had experienced fundamental changes through meditation.
Days passed with little response. A few people chimed in about how meditation had helped them relax or focus, but nothing on the level of transformation Alex had gone through. Still, he pressed on, engaging with his online buddies—those few who had followed his visualization method and reported improvements in focus.
"Hey, Star Gazer," one of his regulars posted in the forum. "I've been trying your cosmos visualization method for weeks now, and I'm definitely noticing improvements. It's easier to concentrate, and I feel like I can tap into memories faster. Still not sure if I'm close to what you're talking about though."
"Same here," another replied. "The focus is real, but no breakthroughs yet."
Alex sighed as he read the responses. While it was good that people were making progress, it was clear they weren't getting the same results he had. Was it just him? Or was he missing something?
Then, out of nowhere, a random post caught his attention. It wasn't on his own page, but on a different forum he was skimming through—a response to a discussion about meditation and focus.
"I've been meditating for a while now," the user wrote, "but the thing that really got me into a focused state wasn't visualizing the cosmos or anything like that. Weirdly enough, it's listening to cool, ambient music. It's like the sound just pulls me into the moment, and I can focus on anything without distractions. Never thought music could do that."
Alex blinked at the post, re-reading it a few times. Ambient music? That's what was helping this person focus? He had assumed that visualizing the cosmos was the ultimate way to reach higher levels of focus. After all, it had worked for him and seemed like a direct method to align with the vastness of the universe. But this—this random person was experiencing heightened focus just by listening to music?
It threw him off balance. He had spent so much time believing that visualization of the cosmos was the only way to go, yet here was someone experiencing something similar through an entirely different method.
Alex quickly responded to the post, curious to know more. "That's interesting," he wrote. "How long have you been meditating with music, and how has it changed your focus over time?"
The user replied within the hour. "I've been doing it for about six months. It started slow, but now when I listen to certain tracks, I can just dive deep into concentration mode. I'm not sure if it's the same as what others get with cosmic visualization, but it's definitely improving my focus. I can hold onto thoughts longer and analyze them more clearly."
Alex leaned back in his chair, feeling a mix of confusion and intrigue. So there were other ways to reach these states of focus. It wasn't just about the cosmos. The idea that different paths could lead to the same result unsettled him slightly. He had thought his method was unique, but maybe it wasn't.
Over the next few days, Alex continued to engage with his online buddies and other forum users, throwing out more questions. He asked about their meditation methods, how they felt after long sessions, and whether they had experienced any fundamental changes in their cognition. The responses varied—some people reported increased focus through breathwork, others through mindfulness or body scans. A few, like the music enthusiast, had their own unique techniques.
Each new answer deepened Alex's curiosity. He realized there was no one "right" way to meditate or achieve higher levels of focus. But why, then, had his specific method triggered such a profound transformation for him?
"Could it be that the method isn't the key," he wondered aloud one evening during meditation," but the intention behind it? Or maybe it's how deeply I connect to the process…"
The idea lingered in his mind. The shard is part of the universe origin, maybe thats why visualizing the cosmos works best for him. Maybe what mattered wasn't just the method, but something deeper—your level of connection to the method.
The more he thought about it, the more he realized he had only scratched the surface. There were still so many questions left unanswered, but one thing was becoming clearer with each passing day, he is connected to the cosmos and cognichip will smooothen his path in this method.