Chapter 49

Although answers in Smart Mode had ultimately eluded him, Alex emerged from the experience feeling anything but defeated. While his quest for the answers regarding the nature of mental strength had stumbled, he found himself carrying a small treasure trove of insights that had slipped into his consciousness during those precious minutes. The clarity he gained, even in the chaos, was invaluable.

Reflecting on the session, Alex realized that perhaps he had approached the mystery too broadly. His aspirations to uncover the entire complexity of mental strength were ambitious, especially given his current limitations. With only a few minutes of sustained focus before his mind began to wane, it had been a wonder that he had managed to glean any answers at all.

He had also come to understand another crucial limitation of Smart Mode. Once activated, he could not adjust his line of questioning or redirect his focus until he either found the answer or burned out completely. It was as if he were a machine, programmed to seek a single solution, and should that solution remain elusive, he would ultimately crash under the weight of unresolved questions.

Yet, he didn't view this limitation as wholly negative. It meant that, while in Smart Mode, he could concentrate deeply without distractions. In a world filled with chaos, that was no small gift. He chuckled at the thought, realizing that perhaps the rigidity of the system mirrored the disciplined focus that meditation demanded.

With renewed determination, he sat down to jot down the insights he had gleaned, organizing his thoughts in a manner that felt both satisfying and enlightening:

1. The current world had changed. There seemed to be subtle shifts in the mental landscape around him, possibly due to the residual power from the shard he had received. This power, which he had not fully absorbed, might be influencing those who sought to tap into their own potential, creating ripples of change in the fabric of reality.

2. Meditation works best with something you are aligned with. His deep connection to the cosmos made it a natural focal point for his meditative practices. After all, the shard that granted him his abilities originated from the very core of the cosmos. This alignment had helped him access depths of understanding and growth that others might not experience if their focal points did not resonate with their true selves.

3. There is a distinct rhythm to progress. Each level of mental strength seemed to require a unique cadence, one that demanded patience and persistence. Just as a musician practices scales before performing, he realized that he needed to master the fundamentals before advancing further.

4. Introspection is key. The more he reflected on his experiences and the methods that led to his growth, the more he understood how they intertwined with his identity and the universe around him. It wasn't just about the techniques; it was about how they resonated with his essence. It seems to help in getting by mental barriers

As Alex finished listing his insights, a wave of relief washed over him. He had entered Smart Mode seeking to uncover a singular truth, yet he had emerged with a more nuanced understanding of himself and his abilities. The experience had revealed not just the limitations of the mode but also the potential within it.

With a smile on his face, he thought, "This is just the beginning." He felt a sense of empowerment, knowing that he was not just a passive observer in his journey but an active participant, shaping his destiny with every thought and action.

The road ahead was still filled with questions, but now he felt equipped to navigate it. The universe was vast and mysterious, and he was ready to explore its depths, one insight at a time.