The evening was calm as Alex sat quietly in his study, the soft glow of his desk lamp casting a warm light over the room. It was one of those rare moments where he had nothing immediate to focus on—no training, no urgent tasks, just a stretch of peaceful time to reflect.
He leaned back in his chair, eyes wandering over the various books and notes scattered around his desk. Martial arts training? Complete. Firearm training? Underway, but practically done. His plan was moving along smoothly. He had taken steps to expand his skills, slowly shaping himself into the person he wanted to be. But now, sitting in the stillness of his apartment, his thoughts naturally drifted back to the conversation he'd had with his parents earlier.
His father's decision to retire had taken him by surprise, but it was a move that made sense the more he thought about it. Alex could still hear his father's words echoing in his mind: "We don't want you to worry… we're good. It's time for us to enjoy life."
A small smile tugged at the corner of Alex's lips. Maybe that's what it's all about—just being happy, he thought. His parents had worked hard their entire lives, and now they were finally taking a well-deserved rest. Maybe he had been too focused on making sure everything was perfect for them, not realizing that they were already content.
With that thought, he decided to send more money their way, just to make sure they didn't have to worry about anything else. Pulling out his phone, he opened his banking app to wire the funds, only to freeze for a moment as the numbers on the screen caught his eye.
The balance was far higher than he had expected. In fact, it was an absurd amount—well into the millions.
What the…? Alex frowned in confusion, quickly tracing the sources of the funds. As he scrolled through the transactions, the picture became clear. His occasional trades in the market had yielded far more profit than he'd realized, especially given the advanced predictions and tips he'd been using. But that wasn't all. A sizable chunk of the money had come from his office—appreciation bonuses, incentives, and even special payouts for the work he'd done with market analysis.
Alex leaned back in his chair, staring at the screen in disbelief for a moment. He had been so caught up in his training and daily routines that he hadn't paid much attention to his finances. But somehow, quietly and without fanfare, he had become a millionaire.
He let out a soft laugh, shaking his head in amusement. All this time… and I didn't even notice.
It was funny, in a way. He hadn't set out to make a fortune—at least, not consciously. He'd just been doing what he enjoyed, following his instincts and applying his abilities where they could make a difference. And yet here he was, sitting on a small fortune without even trying.
He thought back to his parents once more, imagining their reaction when they found out. They'd probably tell me not to send too much at once, he mused. But knowing his parents, they'd also be proud—proud that he had found his own way in life, that he had achieved success on his terms.
Alex stared at the screen for a few more moments, the numbers now more amusing than shocking. So, this is what happens when you follow your own path, he thought. His parents' words rang true once again: being happy and content was the real key. Everything else—money, success—those were just byproducts of doing what you loved.
With a chuckle, Alex sent the money to his parents, a generous amount that would ensure they could enjoy their new life without a second thought. He closed the app and leaned back once more, feeling a sense of calm settle over him.
The path ahead is wide open now, he thought. Time to see where it leads.