Chapter 128

Weeks had passed since Alex first set up his secluded lab in Lakeside City, a place where he could pour all his time into uncovering the depths of his abilities. Every new discovery seemed to open more questions than it answered, and today, with a focused determination. Despite the late hour, the lab's dim lights cast a warm glow over the screens displaying complex genetic sequences.

"Eva," Alex called out as he moved his eyes between monitors. "Bring up the recent simulations on genome 94B."

A digital voice responded. "Genome 94B loaded, Alex. The last sequence displayed unusual activity with elevated response markers. Do you wish to isolate?"

"Yes, isolate and amplify markers. And let's cross-reference it with the new findings on the hidden code expression," Alex said, rubbing his temples, already anticipating a long night.

"On it," Eva replied. "You sound particularly driven tonight. Are we on the verge of a breakthrough?"

He chuckled softly, but there was an edge of tension in his voice. "Possibly. It's just... frustrating. Every time I think I'm close to understanding this Life Code, it seems to slip through my fingers."

Eva hesitated, as if contemplating her next words. "Dr. Carlisle never acknowledged the existence of a Life Code, only a 'hidden' one."

"That's exactly the thing," Alex replied, leaning closer to the screen as he gestured toward his notes. "The hidden code is like an echo of something deeper. Carlisle thought it was always there—buried, waiting. But I'm realizing it's more than that. The Hidden Code itself didn't even exist in the DNA until… well, until the Life Code activated it."

He took a breath, trying to explain to Eva what had dawned on him over the last few weeks. "Imagine the Life code as a spark, Eva. When that spark ignited, it didn't just reveal something dormant; it wrote something new—something the world's never seen before."

Eva processed this, her voice coming back in a more contemplative tone. "So, you're proposing that this hidden code didn't exist before, and it's an expression of something larger?"

Alex nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Exactly. And the more I investigate, the more I realize that the Life Code is dynamic. It's changing me in real-time, constantly rewriting itself, pushing beyond any of our prior understanding of genetics."

Eva was silent for a moment, before responding with an analytical tone, "Intriguing. Dr. Carlisle's documentation shows no evidence of this, but if the hidden code was merely a catalyst... then this Life Code could be… limitless?"

"That's what I'm betting on," Alex said, his eyes gleaming. "It's like I'm watching evolution on fast-forward. But right now, it's just a hypothesis. I need to isolate more segments, study each reaction, and test its effects."

A moment later, Eva updated him on the results. "Genome 94B shows a shift. Cellular adaptation is immediate, but there's an anomaly in cellular decay rates."

"Interesting… Accelerated cell decay could mean instability in the hidden code's structure." Alex typed furiously, recording every observation. He ran his hand over his jaw, considering. "I might be pushing these codes too hard."

"Shall I run a new simulation, prioritizing stability?" Eva offered.

"Do it. And let's overlay it with markers from genome 47F. Maybe we can stabilize the decay rates with some minor splicing."

As the simulation ran, Alex leaned back, exhausted but exhilarated. The hours blurred, but his mind raced with the implications of what he was discovering. He had cracked his DNA's expression sequence down to the final details, fully understanding how it shaped his physical self and abilities. But the Life Code was different. It was an ever-evolving mystery, a layer even Carlisle hadn't dreamed of.

"I think," Alex murmured, his thoughts half-formed as he spoke them out loud to Eva, "that the Life Code could be the key to abilities no one's ever thought possible. Real, evolutionary abilities—not just the ones we've seen manifested in people who were affected by the cosmic change."

Eva processed his words with a slight pause, then responded in her usual precise tone, "Alex, are you implying this Life Code could be the source of powers beyond those currently observed?"

"Yes, Eva. If I can unlock it, stabilize it… who knows what's possible? We could be looking at powers that reshape what it means to be human."

Eva's response was laced with a touch of skepticism. "The potential for danger is significant. If this Life Code truly has such transformative properties, what guarantees do you have that it won't result in unintended consequences?"

Alex gave a short laugh, though he understood her concern. "That's what these experiments are for. But you're right… there's a fine line here. I need to proceed with caution."

Just then, the simulation chimed, indicating it had finished. Eva announced the results. "The new sequence appears stable, with no adverse decay markers in the latest run. Adaptation rates have increased by 7.3%, and energy efficiency is optimized."

A satisfied smile crept onto Alex's face. "Finally, some progress." He glanced around at the array of screens, a mixture of weariness and triumph in his gaze. "We're one step closer, Eva."

After a pause, Eva ventured, "Alex, have you considered that you might not need to observe the Life Code directly? Focusing on its expressions, like the hidden code, might yield insights without requiring full visualization."

He considered her words. "It's possible… maybe I don't need to see it. I just need to understand how it acts, how it drives change."

Eva sounded almost pleased with his response. "A strategic approach. And safer, perhaps, than forcing it into visibility. Observation changes the nature of any subject, and something as profound as the Life Code might respond in unpredictable ways."

Alex nodded, thoughtful. "True. Maybe the next stage is working with what I can manipulate. If I can edit the hidden code and track how the Life Code adjusts, that might just be enough."

"An adaptive experiment," Eva agreed. "You'd be setting the code in motion, then watching its trajectory."

"Yes!" Alex's mind raced as he started mapping out a new sequence of tests. "Eva, let's prepare a suite of gene-editing techniques focusing on splicing in controlled, observable changes."

Hours passed as he worked, Eva assisting with each meticulous step. Yet, the sense of urgency lingered. He knew he wasn't alone in his quest; government officials were monitoring every anomalous power. They were bent on controlling what they couldn't understand. Alex knew he had to stay ahead, if not for himself, then for the potential future he saw—a future where this Life Code might be a key to empowering humanity, not shackling it.

As he finally set the last sequence in place, he paused, allowing himself a moment of reflection. "Eva," he said softly, "do you think… am I pushing too far? Is it too much?"

Eva replied thoughtfully, "Your research has the potential to transform lives, Alex. The question isn't whether you're pushing too far, but if you're ready to handle what comes next."

He sat back, taking a deep breath. "I guess I'll find out soon enough."

In the dim glow of the lab, he returned to his work, aware that he was stepping into uncharted territory. Each experiment, each fragment of the hidden code he manipulated, brought him closer to understanding the elusive Life Code.