Chapter 225

As Alex settled into the plush interior of his private jet, a wave of amusement washed over him. He had anticipated many of the changes that were now materializing—the alliances forming against PowerGen, the subtle threats quelled at demonstrating its might, the global apprehension surrounding his innovations, even the renewed interest in technology. However, he had never envisioned the emergence of a new wave of cultivation techniques enthusiasm, sparked by the widespread recognition of mental training's importance.

With a raised eyebrow and a smirk, he thought, I wanted to make frequency techniques publicly accessible to everyone, to level the playing field. Yet here we are, nations scrambling to curry favor with the Suprema Nation for knowledge that I had planned to share. The irony struck him as deeply amusing.

It seems I've unintentionally created a hotbed of demand for the very techniques I wanted to democratize, he mused, shaking his head slightly. The notion that he held the keys to both technological advancements through PowerGen and the mental cultivation practices through the Suprema Nation felt like an elegant twist of fate. I'm essentially orchestrating a grand play where the entire world is vying for my approval, and they don't even know it.


He had been on the move for what felt like ages, but his destination—Lakeside City—was finally drawing near. In the spacious cabin, he prepared to practice the soul refinement necessary for the next layer in his soul cultivation technique.

With the skyline of distant cities slipping away beneath them, he took a deep breath, centering himself. The jet was a comfortable cocoon, the perfect setting for his concentration. In this moment, he shut out the noise of the world and the anticipation surrounding PowerGen's technological rollouts. He was no longer just an observer; he was actively engaged in sculpting his own destiny.

As he focused inward, Alex envisioned the intricate layers of his soul, preparing for the refinement that would bring him closer to mastering the next stage of his cultivation technique. This was not merely about improving his abilities but about laying the groundwork for the powerful transformation that awaited him.

The next layer is crucial, he reminded himself, feeling the energy within him pulse with potential. Each refinement strengthens my core and readies me for the challenges ahead.

He closed his eyes, channeling his soul power as he began the process. Waves of energy surged within him, swirling around like an ocean in a tempest. He guided the currents with precision, visualizing each movement, each pulse, as a building block for the future layers

The world is hungry for more than just technology; they crave mastery of the mind. Who would have thought that something as intangible as mental strength could become a currency in this technological age? he pondered, chuckling at the sheer absurdity of it all.

And I'm right in the middle of it, pulling the strings. The thought filled him with a sense of accomplishment and bemusement. The very essence of competition and cooperation was evolving, and he was guiding it from behind the scenes.


The Suprema Nation will flourish as a center of mental prowess, while PowerGen solidifies its place as a technological titan. And here I am, the quiet architect of this unfolding narrative, watching the world spin toward a destiny I've set in motion.

With renewed focus, Alex turned his attention back to his soul refinement. He understood that he still had much work to do, especially regarding the theoretical aspects of the cosmic matrix he had created. But amidst the challenges, he felt a sense of hope—hope for a future where the boundaries of human potential could be pushed farther than anyone had imagined.

Let the world dance to the rhythm I create, he thought, a smile breaking across his face. I'm ready for whatever comes next.