Kaiju Strikes

Before the Thermal Overload, Kaiju was done analyzing the battlefield. He glanced at his mana points and saw it was finally recovered to the brim. He was not only staying idle but was trying to recover his mana points, too. At the same time, he browsed through his inventory and found only the Sylph's Feather and Tempest Fang could be used.

As much as he wanted to use the Frostbite Arrow, he did not even have a bow. He was also not keen on the sudden idea of stabbing the violet infernal with it since Frostfang Dagger would do. 

Kaiju instantly placed the Sylph's Feather behind his ear and wore Tempest Fang on his left hand, relished by their effects.

{ Sylph's Feather effects:

Windwalker Grace: Increases the wearer's movement speed and agility, making them faster and more agile in both combat and exploration.