Herforao Against the Angels

Razael acknowledged the power of the massive serpent, despite ascending to the same rank as the latter. Simply because he had just recently ascended while the massive serpent had long solidified its foundation and might even maxed out its stats, now aiming for a breakthrough to the Mythic rank.

If he has bloodline awakening of the ancient rank, then the massive serpent must have possessed the same. In addition, their elemental mana countered each other–simply put, whoever was the strongest won.

Despite all the odds, Razael was determined to bring judgement to the massive serpent. His eyes flashed with cold glint.

"Munkar and Hadriel, protect the choir. Micah and Laylah, go behind the choir and recuperate. Once you are ready, back me up. Choir, support me with your spells while trying to weaken that massive serpent from time to time." I might not be able to defeat it alone, but with you all, I am confident I can.