Chapter 59: Secrets and Support

After the long, intimate night and the sweet, peaceful morning she spent with Mirei, Kaede made her way to the agency office to meet her bandmates and manager. They were set to review the previous day's performance, and as Kaede arrived, she was greeted by the cheerful faces of Risa and Yukina, who waved enthusiastically. They settled into their seats as their manager pulled up some footage and stats from their last show.

"Great work, everyone," their manager began. "Yesterday's performance was fantastic. Fan engagement is up, and there's a lot of talk online. People are really starting to notice you!"

Kaede exchanged a thrilled look with her bandmates. She felt proud of how far they'd come together. The manager continued, "One thing that fans keep bringing up is… well, what's the official name for your fanbase? People are asking."

The three of them exchanged glances, and Risa was the first to blurt out, "How about 'Kaedeheads'?"

Yukina laughed, shaking her head. "What? Risa, no way!" She added jokingly, "Maybe 'Rising Stars'? We're, like… 'rising' in popularity, right?"

The group chuckled, but it didn't quite feel right either. After a moment's thought, Kaede hesitantly raised her voice. "What about… 'Starries'? You know, like, our fans are the little stardust we're collecting as we go along on this journey. When we gather all those stardusts, they become 'Starries.'"

There was a pause, then Risa and Yukina's eyes lit up. "That's beautiful, Kaede!" Risa exclaimed, clapping her hands. Yukina nodded in agreement, and even the manager smiled as they noted it down. "Starries it is."

With the new fanbase name decided, their manager moved on to discuss the band's upcoming schedule. "You've got a busy month ahead," they said. "You're booked for another performance on October 15, at the same venue. Then, on October 21, there's a show at a venue with a 200-person capacity, which will be great for exposure."

The trio nodded eagerly, their excitement growing with each new booking. Then the manager continued, "And on November 3, you're invited to open for Cosmos Concert in Nagoya."

Risa and Yukina let out simultaneous gasps, while Kaede's eyes went wide. "Wait… Cosmos?" she stammered. Cosmos was a nationally renowned band with a massive following. The opportunity to open for them felt almost surreal.

The manager laughed at their stunned reactions. "Yes, Cosmos has specifically asked for you as the opening act. I take it you're interested?"

The three of them nodded vigorously, barely able to contain their excitement. They chatted happily about the upcoming performances as the manager wrapped up the meeting, leaving them to their own practice and song writing. Kaede took down notes for inspiration, jotting down snippets of lyrics and melodies as they practiced. After a few hours, Yukina was the first to dash out the door, waving her goodbyes.

As Kaede was about to leave, she felt a gentle tug on her shirt. She turned to see Risa, looking somewhat nervous. "Risa? Is something wrong?" Kaede asked, a bit surprised.

Risa shifted awkwardly before managing a small smile. "Would you like to grab dinner together? There's something I… kinda wanted to ask you."

Curious and concerned, Kaede agreed, and they found themselves at a small ramen stall not far from the office. Once they'd placed their orders, Kaede looked at Risa, who seemed hesitant to speak. "So… what's on your mind?" Kaede prompted gently.

Risa took a deep breath. "Kaede… are you… in a relationship?"

Kaede's face instantly flushed. She hadn't expected Risa to ask something so direct. After a moment's hesitation, she decided to be honest. "Y-Yes," she admitted, feeling her cheeks burn.

Risa nodded, looking a bit more serious. "I thought so," she replied softly, and then, after another pause, added, "Is it… with Mirei?"

Kaede's breath caught in her throat. She stared at Risa, wide-eyed. "H-How… how did you…?"

Risa looked away, her expression sheepish. "I… I accidentally saw you two together last night. I didn't mean to intrude, but I just had a feeling. I wanted to make sure… I mean, I won't tell anyone, Kaede. I'll keep your secret safe."

Kaede exhaled, her initial panic fading into relief. She let out a nervous laugh, scratching the back of her head. "Thank you, Risa. You really gave me a scare there."

Risa grinned, playfully rolling her eyes. "You should be more careful, you know. Mirei's popularity is skyrocketing lately; the last thing you two need is a scandal."

Kaede nodded, laughing nervously. "True… I'm just glad it was you who saw us, not a stranger."

Their ramen arrived, interrupting their conversation, but as they ate, Risa continued to ask Kaede about her relationship with Mirei. "So, if I can ask… how long have you two been together?"

Kaede almost choked on her soup, causing Risa to laugh. "Sorry, sorry! I was just curious."

Recovering, Kaede smiled sheepishly. "It's been… about a year now. Since we were trainees, actually."

Risa looked genuinely surprised. "Wow, so you two have been hiding this for quite a while. You're good at keeping secrets." She paused, then grinned mischievously. "I get it, though. Mirei's amazing. I'd be charmed by her too."

Kaede blushed, looking proud as she thought of her girlfriend. "Yeah… she really is."

A moment later, she decided to turn the tables. "What about you, Risa? Anyone you've got your eye on?"

Risa's cheerful expression faltered for a split second, and her gaze softened. "Maybe… but it's complicated."

Kaede smiled encouragingly. "Well, whoever it is, I hope it works out for you. Let me know if I can help, okay?"

Risa's heart skipped a beat at Kaede's bright smile, but she quickly shook herself out of it. "Thanks, Kaede. I really appreciate it." She forced a grin, then added with a playful nudge, "And you, take care of Mirei! She's got herself a catch."

Kaede laughed and thanked her, but as they parted ways, she was completely unaware of Risa's true feelings—that the person Risa's heart beat for was Kaede herself.