Brother in law's protection

It has been eight days since Dalton left for London, and as he promised, he calls and texts Maya every hour to check on her. Maya does the same when she finds the time amidst her busy schedule as a sous chef.

She misses him like crazy. It been a week since he left, but it feels like an eternity to her. She is counting the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until she sees him again.

"We're here," Aiden said, pulling her out of her thoughts. He parked the van in front of a house. Maya is delivering the birthday cake and food she prepared for Haven's aunt, birthday party.

Maya blinked. "Oh, I can take it from here. Thanks for dropping me off."

"Nope, I'm coming inside with you," Aiden insisted from the driver's seat.

Maya sighed in frustration. "Fine," she said, fuming.