Martyr Town.
100 years ago.
A boy was screaming in agony. He was in a room of a large mansion that was owned by his family.
"It is the curse." His father told the mother. "There is no other way around it."
Suddenly, the maids and the servants and the rest of the house help arrived armed to the teeth with battle rifles. They stood next to the father and mother.
"Is there no cure?" The mother pleaded with tears in her eyes.
The father simply shook his head.
"Sir, we are ready." One of the male servants announced.
The boy's father lifted up a revolver. "Time to end this."
The male servant nodded and opened the door to reveal the boy transformed into a monster.
The boy was breathing heavily. He seemed in a rage and ready to kill. There were two claws each protruding from his hands and they were made of bone.
"Kill him!" The father shouted and fired the first shot.