In a charming suburb of Shanghai, two childhood friends, Li Wei and Mei Ling, have grown up just across the street from one another, their lives intricately woven together from a young age. While Li Wei comes from a traditional family that values stoicism and restraint, he often finds it difficult to express his true feelings. In contrast, Mei Ling is a joyful and carefree soul, whose radiant personality brings light and warmth to everyone around her. Both families share a deep bond, regularly celebrating life’s moments together and viewing the two as inseparable.
As they transition into college, they enter the vibrant world of university life, both excited about new experiences. However, changes soon disrupt their once-simple friendship. With her magnetic charm, Mei Ling quickly catches the attention of several male admirers, making her the center of attention on campus.Li Wei, who has always harbored deep feelings for her, becomes increasingly jealous as he watches other boys pursuing her.
Though Mei Ling remains blissfully unaware of Li Wei’sinternal struggle, she values their friendship and hopes to nurture their bond amidst the changes. However, as the boys’ advances intensify, Li Wei recognizes that he can no longer hide his feelings. Fearful of losing her to someone else, he confronts his own emotions and decides it’s time to make a stand.
In a heartfelt moment, Li Wei opens up to Mei Ling, expressing not just his jealousy but the depth of his love for her. He reveals how her joy and exuberance have always been his guiding light. Mei Ling, taken aback but touched by his confession, reflects on her feelings and realizes that their bond has blossomed into something far deeper than friendship.
As they navigate the complexities of their evolving relationship, they grow closer, learning to communicate openly and support each other through the challenges of colleg