/Ashina’s POV/
“We should look around………we might probably find something more beautiful than the ones that were snatched, time is against us right now,” Daciana suggests trying to calm me down
“Oh did I hear you say a coronation? Are you going to a coronation event? I think we’ll have what you might love, follow me.” The modiste beckons us over to the display room.
“I hope she gets us something nice because at this point I’m getting tired already,” Daciana muttered and I looked at her shockingly.
“Tired? We haven’t even spent an hour here and you’re getting tired? You’re not the usual shopaholic I know.” I conveyed this to her.
“For a coronation, a long, flowing, formal gown would be appropriate. A pale-skinned woman like you will look stunning in a dress that complements her skin tone, such as a deep green, navy blue, or burgundy. A dress with a sweetheart neckline and a fitted bodice that flares out into a full skirt would be flattering. You could also consider a dress with intricate beading or lace details to add some texture and interest. Remember to choose a dress that makes you feel confident and beautiful!” She recommends five gowns for me and I’m blown away by the beauty of these dresses.
“Wow…… these are all breathtakingly gorgeous, I can’t even pick out of these varieties.” I marvel
“Damnnnnn… these dresses are gorgeous even better than the ones that were snatched.” Daciana compliments.
“For tanned skin, you might want to consider wearing a dress in a cool colour like blue or olive green. These colours will complement your skin tone and make it look more radiant. You could also consider a dress with intricate beading or embroidery to add some sparkle to your look.” She bellowed at me and pointed out the dresses with intricate beading and the plain satin gowns.
“Wow Daciana, the olive gown with the intricate embroidery will look so good on you, let’s go and try our dresses out.” I persuaded her.
“Wow………. This burgundy dress is yours, just go with it because it was made for you, it looks so perfect on you.” Daciana marvels.
“Dacccccyyyyyy………..you look gorgeously breathtaking in this olive green gown, the guys of our pack will not know what hit them today.” I compliment while wiggling my eyebrows at her.
“Now let’s go and pay so we can get our nails and hair done.” I hurried her up because we’d wasted enough time at this shop.
We got our hair and our nails done, and then I decided to beep my dad so I asked him whether he’d be the one to pick us up.
“Hi old man, we’re done…… will you be the one to pick us up?” I beeped my dad and he instantly replied
“Yes just give me ten minutes……..I’ll be there to pick you up.” He texts.
“Oh, that reminds me Athena says she misses Adira, maybe we should let them run together during the coronation,” I suggested.
“Adira says she missed her too, but during the coronation? What happens to the thought of being the Luna of the white crescent pack? A Luna can’t sneak out I hope you know.” Dacy mimicked what I said earlier about being the Luna.
“Hey girls, hop in and you both look gorgeous………How was your day?” My dad rambles
“Hey Dad, thank you we tried and our day was hectic………..those two bitches came to pick up our clothes, claiming they were asked to do so by us,” I reported and fume with anger.
“You mean Anastasia and Janine? They did do that? Y’all should calm down and don’t say anything………since you got more beautiful gowns I don’t think talking is worth it again.” My father inputs.
“Mr Smith it was really annoying, how could they be that manipulative and petty to the extent of taking our gowns……. If we had no alternative we’d be cloth-less right now.” I spoke up because it was annoying as fuck.
“Oh well thank goodness there’s an alternative, and Daciana are you alighting or do you want to go to our house?.” My father asked.
“I’ll just alight here, I need to get back to sleep and hm……something smells very delicious, I think I’m going to love this coronation because if I can perceive the food from this place then it’s going to be a very sweet and delicious meal.” I inhaled
“Foodie………I know that the only thing you’ll be looking forward to apart from murdering Janine and Anastasia, Bye’ll beep you if we’re about to start going so we’d pick you up or are you going to ride with your parents?.” I inquired.
“Nope I don’t think I want to ride with my parents, they’d go to earlier than my liking and I want to make a dramatic entrance, so beep me so I’ll ride with you.” She lamented and picked up her gown.
“Okay bye, have a good day.” I implore her.
“Ashina, I’ve always told you to try not to get angry because the moment you do so everyone gets affected.” My father scolded me and I decided to keep quiet and just enter my room and nap.
"Dad, I am going to kill some people."