A bright white light swallowed my vision for only a fraction of a second and disappeared.
The moment I became aware of the sudden change in my surroundings, I tried to muster a thought.
But before I could, my eyes rolled back and I keeled over, dropping to the ground.
I puked my guts out as a strong wave of nausea hit me.
I felt dizzy.
I coughed repeatedly before bobbing back violently.
"Ugh...shit...", I mumbled under my breath as I gasped for air, using a hand to wipe off the residue of the puke on my lips.
It seemed that my first shot at teleportation was not a welcome experience.
I was feeling utterly wasted.
Ugh...is this how people feel during a hangover?
Obviously not...I was feeling several times worse. Having your perception of the world suddenly changed could not be compared to a mere stomach ache from poor drinking decisions.
Then again, I've never drank, so I wouldn't know.
I groggily summoned two items from my inventory.
[Equipped Item: Empty Goblet]
[Equipped Item: Stone Gallon]
The two items spawned from a weave of sparks, settling down before me. I picked up the Gallon and groggily poured water into the Empty Goblet, filling it to the brim before putting it away.
After that, I brought the glass to my mouth and took in water, using it to wash my mouth before spitting it out and pouring myself another glass.
"Ah...no drink beats water...", I said after gulping down the glass cup.
An obvious lie, you'd kill for a cola right now.
My inner voice spoke, chiming in.
You didn't let me finish...no drink beats water when you're thirsty...and yeah...I'd kill for a cola...
At my remark, my inner voice and I shared a short laugh.
I dismissed the cup and let out an exhale, before looking up.
So...it worked, huh?
"I actually teleported."
I muttered to myself as I looked around, seemingly in disbelief of the fact.
This was an action that was said to only exist in fiction and yet, I had done just that.
I had teleported with the use of magic.
Such a feat would cause several scientists back in the real world to throw an epileptic fit.
But of course...this is a game...it's not real...
With a sigh, I looked around before speaking,
"Where am I?"
It was a crucial question, because after all, I had just teleported to only God-knows-where...or Untethered-knows-where.
The place I had just found myself seemed strange...
For starters, the environment was shrouded by a thick brown fog which seemed almost like sand. Light seemed to penetrate the ceiling, giving out rays of light which illuminated the outlandish space.
What's with these developers and fogs?
I shook my head before placing a hand on the ground to push myself up, but immediately felt a strange texture.
Looking down, I saw a shocking sight.
Beneath me, was a magic circle; a teleportation circle.
One several times larger than the last. It was directly engraved in the ground and looked extremely ancient.
I rose to my feet and looked around with a bewildered expression.
"Who...who carved this?", I muttered under my breath.
It seemed too large to have been carved by a single human and again it raised many questions.
Was I still in the cave?
Was Galter here?
I fell into deep thought, pondering on the existence of the ancient circle until I heard the system speak.
[Bloodlust detected.]
[The player is being threatened by an enemy.]
I froze at the system's voice; my eyes going wide, my hair standing on end and my blood going cold.
My head slowly turned to the source of the awful chill and instantly, a cold terror gripped my heart.
[Level 12. Lone Fomorian]
Standing at about 12 feet, wielding a battle-axe in its hand and staring at me with crazed eyes, the amethyst-skinned hunchback with bulbous muscles and shorn rags for clothes looked absolutely horrifying.
The beast snorted as it took a step forward.
Its heavy footstep sent a powerful shockwave rolling through the ground, causing me to step back in fear. My gaze met the beast's as it came to a halt, standing meters from in eerie silence for several seconds.
I remained in my position unmoving, simply keeping my gaze on the bulbous monster.
For a second, I thought the beast would just turn around to leave, discarding its interest in me and leaving me to my own devices but of course...
Reality is one twisted jester.
The Fomorian snorted again and then... broke into a mad dash!
I scrambled away from the impact zone of the Fomorian's deadly axe. The force behind the attack was so powerful that it rose a large dust cloud and left behind a deep impact crater on the ancient circle.
I rolled to my feet and stared at the frightening juggernaut.
Oh...God! Oh God! Oh God!
I screamed inwardly as my eyes darted all over its massive figure. I was trembling terribly, panicking until the beast swung its massive arm, swatting me like a fly.
My head went blank, the force of the Fomorian's glancing blow was so terrible, it felt like I had been hit by a truck.
[Skill: Resistance is active.]
"Urk!", I coughed up blood as I flew several meters back, colliding against a hard surface at a deadly velocity.
[You have been wounded.]
I bounced on the surface and crashed to the ground, reeling in a world of pain. Blood pooled out of my mouth as I laid on the ground, like a broken marionette.
I struggled to respire, my breathe hitching between cycles but...
I wasn't dead yet.
"Shit...", I groaned in pain before stretching out my hand.
Millions of sparks accumulated around my fingertips before extending to the length of a silver uchigatana.
[Equipped Item: Silver Lining]
I used the silvery blade to force myself up to my feet, reeling in the restorative energy of the blade. My gaze located the accursed beast and shone with a dark light.
I guess I'll have to kill you, huh...
I stared at the beast who was recovering from its recent attack, its arching back straightening and its powerful breaths quickening. It twisted its head and pierced me with its spinetingling gaze; its eyes igniting with a mad light.
Involuntarily, I took a step back and grimaced, "I really have no choice...huh..."
My gaze darted to the sides, trying to discern an escape route but of course, there was none. If I tired to run, the beast would simply catch up to me and slaughter me. It was Level 12 and I was Level 5, a whole gap of seven.
How was I supposed to outrun such a monster?
The only option I had was to face the dreadful beast in mortal combat and slay it.
But...it's not new...
I took a stance, taunting the monster.
[Skill: Battle Arts has been activated – Iaido.]
I've slain foes greater than me...you will fall to my blade to...
"Besides, it's been a while since I've thrown hands anyway.", I remarked as I gripped the hilt of the blade and entered into a state of combat clarity.
The Fomorian let out a powerful bellow that seemed to shake the heavens. Its dreadful roar permeated a chilling aura of bloodlust.
[Bloodlust detected.]
[The player is being threatened by an enemy.]
Yet, I stood stalwart and in kind, radiated my own bloodlust.
[Skill: Fear Inducement has been activated.]
The moment the system spoke, the Fomorian's face contorted into one of bestial fury.