Akira Miyamoto, a seemingly ordinary 16-year-old high school student, is thrust into an extraordinary and terrifying reality after he foresees his own death at the hands of a ghost.
That chilling premonition awakens a strange ability: Akira can now see spirits, youkai, and other supernatural entities that lurk in the shadows.
But his newfound powers come with a grim consequence—his body begins to fade, becoming translucent by night. To survive, he must absorb yang energy from the ghost, spirit, youkai, even human beings.
When he is in the middle of solving a mystery, Akira crosses paths with three girls—Kanna, Sayaka, and Yuriko—who are live-streaming their ghost hunts to their growing online audience.
The group join the Supernatural Club, investigating haunted locations and helping those in need with paranormal disturbances, all while documenting their experiences for their fans.
However, their actions have not gone unnoticed. A mysterious detective, aware of the supernatural happenings surrounding Akira, forces the group to join a government-sanctioned Paranormal Investigation Team.
Tasked with solving unexplained mysteries across Japan, Akira and his friends must navigate the thin line between the living and the dead, while Akira races against time to find a way to reverse his fading existence.