Chapter 4-The Streak

We left off on the last chapter with a small cliffhanger. Barry asked Brooke why she never wrote him back he genuinely wanted to know why, Brooke starts to get her emotions in order and takes a deep breath before answering him.

Brooke:*looks into his eyes as her heart is pounding* Barry I did get your letter it meant everything to me i want you to know that. Just when I read it I felt all those emotions I was facing, I just got out of the relationship I was in when I read how much you love and care about me

Brooke starts to tear up trying her best not to, when Barry sees this he places his hand on hers to comfort her through this.

Brooke:*sniffles* I feel the same way Barry I always have but being vulnerable and opening myself up to someone else scares me. I felt like if I wrote back I'm giving you a piece of me I'm not ready to give out again, you have no idea how much I missed you, as well thinking about you constantly

Barry was taken back by this when he heard that he never thought she felt the same way and thought about him all this time. He continued listening to her, he can't help to smile a bit.

Brooke:To be honest I was worried you wouldn't feel the same when you came back or you would just disappear again it's not fair I know, I can't help it. I love you Barry but I need some time just tell me can we take this slow and figure this out together? I want to be brave enough to let you in

Barry:I understand Brooke I don't know what you've been through and that's on me for not being here. Just know I'm here for you no matter what I'm not going anywhere again, Brooke Davis I've missed you every single day I'm willing to wait for you like I've always have because I love you Brooke Davis. My Pretty Girl is worth the wait.

After hearing that Brooke couldn't help but jump into his arms giving him the biggest hug. She wanted to be in his arms after some time she breaks the hug and stares into his eyes

Brooke:Look at you handsome that smile of yours I missed it

Barry:Well get used it your going to be seeing it more often

Brooke:I'll hold you to that Mr.Allen *smiles* well I'll let you go now I'm sure Karen is wondering why you aren't home yet

Barry:Alright I'll see you tomorrow pretty girl *gives her one last hug before he leaves*

It's a new day in Tree Hill with the morning sun beaming through the windows and can hear the birds chirping. In the Allen/Scott household it's pretty much empty but that doesn't stop Barry from having his fun. You can hear the song Old Time Rock & Roll playing in the background and can see Barry dancing to the song making his breakfast.

Barry got interrupted when his phone started to ring, when he opened his phone he saw he was getting a call from Cisco. He answered it and what he heard from Cisco "Barry we need you to stop this police chase hurry". He changes into his suit and starts running towards the crime scene

Barry:Sorry you won't be needing this anymore *runs around the car dissembling it*

All that's left of the car is the driver who's wearing a ski mask and a bag of cash in his lap sitting on the seat, and then comes to a sliding stop.

After that Barry ran back home and changed into a black pair of jeans, his converse shoes, a gray shirt and throws a jacket on then starts making his way towards school. When he arrived at school he saw Brooke and their friends sitting at a table then as he makes his way towards them he's stopped by someone.

?:I haven't seen you around before you new here

Barry:No I just moved back you're new to me I don't think I've seen you around before...

?:Ya iam new here you can call me-

Rachel:Rachel and I guess welcome back to Tree Hill

Barry:I'm Barry it's nice to meet you Rachel *offers a handshake*

Rachel:*shakes his hand* You got some soft hands and you're hot so I take it you're the full package huh Barry?

Rachel asked him that in a flirty tone and runs her hand up his arm as well. This didn't go unnoticed by Brooke let's go check in on her

Brooke:That slut better take her hands off of Barry....RIGHT NOW!

Haley:Who are you talking about *looks away from Nathan then looks at Brooke*

Brooke:That red head bitch Rachel who was at that costume party her nasty hands are on Barry *motions them look*

Lucas was the first to comment on this situation "Sounds like Brooke Davis is jealous" he said it in a teasing tone.

Brooke:*annoyed look in her eyes as she crosses her arms* Seriously me jealous *chuckles a bit* did you fall and hit your head or something Lucas? I just think it's ridiculous how Rachel thinks she can just make a move on Barry who has no interest in her

Lucas:*smirks and leans in with a teasing glint in his eyes* Well to me it seems like you're not a fan of her tactics but you can't deny Brooke Davis that you care about Barry

Brooke:Of course I care about him that doesn't make me jealous I just...don't want him to be played by someone like her

Payton tunes into the conversation and has this to say about it "Brooke it's ok to be jealous it just shows that you care, maybe just show him how you really feel before Rachel steals your man."

Barry and Rachel can be seen laughing together Brooke saw this and lets out a frustrated sigh trying her best to ignore this is even happening

Brooke:UGH! Fine maybe iam a little bit jealous I'm not the only one who would! I just wish she would back off

After hearing that response her friends would start to encourage her to take action before it's too late. School would go pretty smoothly but slow for Barry as he's already read through all his books thanks to his speed and did all his homework he just wants this day to be over. School is then let out and before Barry can leave he's then stopped by Brooke

Brooke:Hey handsome you got a second?

Barry:Ya I got all the time in the world for you pretty girl

Brooke:*smiles at that with a small blush then clears her throat* Do want to walk with me to cheer practice? I want to talk to you about something

Barry:Ya sure i can kill some time so tell me what's on your mind?

Brooke and Barry start walking together this didn't go unnoticed by the students who attend Tree Hill. While they're making small talk Brooke then turned a bit serious

Brooke:Barry ever since our last conversation I've been thinking about us all day, I can't shake this feeling that you're the one for me. I've always had a hard time with people

Brooke embraces Barry in a hug and Barry returns it then, Brooke continues with what she was saying "But ever since we were kids its always been easy with you, I want to keep taking this leap of faith we both deserve someone who believes in us and I really want to be that person with you"

Barry's heart would flutter with his cheeks turning a small shade of red. He kisses the top of Brooke's head and starts to speak

Barry:That's all I want for us pretty girl and don't you worry I'm going to do that for you because you know why? I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis

Brooke:*smiles and rubs her head on his chest then breaks the hug* Good don't disappoint me handsome and I was a bit jealous when I saw you with Rachel. Only because I'm clearing that spot as your number one nobody else can have it you're mine Barry Allen

Barry:So does this make us official then?

Brooke:*nods her head* it does but I have to go to practice now, will I see you at my place later?

Barry:I'll be there

She then walks into the gym to start her cheer practice and with Barry running to start labs. Before we get into what Barry is gonna do let's go check in on our aspiring journalist Haley James Scott.

Haley is in hers and Brooks apartment their apartments living room is a disaster with notes, pictures/reports of a red blur from two years ago and some from the present. She has a board covered in pictures but the eye catching one is Dr.Wells why is he up there?

Haley:UGH!? I'm still not getting anywhere *rubs her forehead* something is telling me to peruse this story again I just don't know what I'm missing

Karen:*knocks on the door before entering* Hey Hal-

Karen sees the living room in the current state it's in with her mouth dropping due to the shock from what she is seeing

Karen:Haley...what is all this?

Haley:An old story that I tossed but now my gut is telling me to restart it and it all starts with him *points to the Dr.Wells picture*

Karen:How is he involved in whatever all this is?

Haley:Well these red blur photos are The Streak it showed up in Central City nine months after the practice accelerator went off. These ones *grabs a stack of photos* are sightings off it here

Karen:*looks through them* I assume you think this Streak of red is somehow connected to Harrison Wells?

Haley would nod at this and goes on to explain her next point, "There has been reports I was able to dig up of weird energy surges coming from Star Labs"

Karen:I can see your concerns Haley I've always had a weird feeling about Wells ever since he asked to take Barry

Haley:I feel like something has been brewing and I feel like it could set something off and if Dr.Wells is somehow involved it could be more serious then what I thought. Karen will you help me with this I know this sounds crazy but I'm right about this I just have this feeling

Karen:Already sounding like a true journalist...of course I'll help you Hales I can't let you do this alone just from what you told me it sounds dangerous

Haley would wrap Karen into a big hug thanking her for agreeing to help her before they would separate from the hug Karen had this to say, "Let's both agree to not tell Barry about this till we get proof that Dr.Wells is involved"


Inside the star Labs facility we can see Barry running on the treadmill he's feeling pretty down he doesn't know how to defeat this meta Turtle. Just moments ago he had a run in with the Turtle who was robbing a bank but he couldn't stop him. Barry usually is hard on himself he's a hero in his eyes, he's supposed to protect and save anyone he can. He failed all hero's fail once in a while what matters is how you come back from it.

Harrison:*rolls into the room* Barry do you have a moment

Barry heard Dr.Wells come in so he stops running as he is panting, after catching his breath he takes a seat.

Barry:Ya sure what's up?

Harrison:How are you doing ever since we came back to Tree Hill, it feels like we haven't spoken in a while

Barry:Ya now that you mention that *chuckles* It's been great being back seeing my friends, my family, and now I can say Girlfriend.

Harrison:I'm glad you're enjoying your time back, is anything else bothering you?

Barry:Well this meta Turtle i don't know how to beat him...seems like what they say is true "slow and steady wins the race"

Harrison:*sits up in his chair and leans forward* While slow and steady may win the race in some tales, don't forget YOU BARRY ALLEN! Are the fastest man on the planet not only are you fast you're smart, being fast also means you have to be clever

Barry nods at this and says thank you to Wells for having this talk with him. Barry's about to get back to running on the treadmill but the alarm starts to go off.

Caitlin:*speaking over the intercom* Guys we need you!

Dr.Wells and Barry start marking their way towards the cortex usually when this alarm goes off it's never good. Means a meta is on the loose and it's up to them to stop it!

Barry:What's going on?

Cisco:It's Turtle he's robbing an auction that's filled with really valuable art and antique pieces

Harrison:You can do this Allen just remember what we talked about

Barry:Thank you Dr.Wells *speeds into his suit then speeds off towards the crime*

When Barry arrives he notices this green field that's covering everyone that's inside the auction upon him noticing this he starts to get an idea.

Barry:Guys Turtles has a limit on his slow time flied I'm not being affected what if I run fast enough I should be able to push through it

Cisco:If you run at least 2 miles away then back you should be able to get past his barrier

Harrison:You can do this Barry we believe in you

Barry does feel doubt on if he can do this or not, if it means taking down turtle he will do anything to make it happen. He shakes away rest the doubt he fells then says, "Thank you Cisco I have to do this if not I can't call myself a hero"

Harrison:You can do this Barry we all believe in you NOW RUN BARRY RUN!

Barry runs leaving a trail of lightning behind him exactly 2 miles away, running back towards turtle entering his field but keeps getting pushed back.

Turtle:It's not use you're to late *pushes more of his power out*

Barry doesn't care he keeps pushing through getting closer to Turtles and shoulder checks him knocking him back into the wall.

Barry:*panting a little bit and speaks into his coms* I did it...Turtles is down

Caitlin:Put the Meta cuffs on him and bring him back we will store him in the pipeline

He nods his head putting the cuffs on Turtle then runs them back to start labs. After putting Turtle in the pipeline and changing out of his suit, his team congratulates him before leaving but one stayed behind.

Harrison:Good work today Allen all you have to do is believe in yourself sometimes running at those speeds can be overwhelming...just need to slow down and think

Barry:I understand and thanks for the talk earlier need that. *puts on his jacket* I'll see you tomorrow Dr.Wells

Barry runs out of Star Labs after Wells makes sure everyone is gone he starts rolling towards the hallway away from the cortex. He puts his hand on the wall it then opens allowing him access into a secret room.

Harrison:*gets out of his chair* Gideon please start a new Entry

Gideon:Opening a new Entry....Entry-187 is ready for use Dr.Wells

Harrison:Thank you Gideon now where do I began *takes off his glasses with a smirk forming on his face*