Chapter 7: My Prince Send his Regards

Dragonstone 303 AC.


She knew she should be concentrating on the prisoner exchange and making sure the island was protected with the queen and her dragons no longer here and yet she could not. Just as it had been for the past few nights, her mind was once again on Jon Snow and on the truth she was now certain of. So much so that despite it being one of the very last things she thought she'd ever do, it was to Varys she found herself walking to.

He too had not been concentrating on the prisoners as much as perhaps he should have been. Though in his case it was so he could ensure that his message arrived at the fleet and that the Unsullied sailed back to Dragonstone rather than continue with Tyrion's idiotic plan. He'd told them all that he'd stopped the attack, much to Missandei's relief and Tyrion's annoyance and that the ships were on the way back, but each day they'd not arrived had created its own worries. Seeing him standing looking out on the bay, Olenna for once was glad to be out in the cold winds that blew around Dragonstone in the morning. The conversation she intended to have with him was best had with as few ears around to hear it and was one that she knew she'd need to be on her guard with. Something that was easier to do when she was wide awake and free of distractions.

"I had not expected to see you up this early, Lady Olenna. Nor to see you out here in the cold morning air." Varys said sounding at least surprised to see her.

"If that is a jibe at my age, Lord Varys, you'll find that better men than you have tried such and found themselves bloodied by my thorns." she replied and the titter he made was one she liked not.

"Indeed, many songs my little birds have sung of your thorns, my lady." Varys said before turning from her to look once again at the open sea.

"And what songs have your little birds sung of our fleet, Lord Varys, or of the North?"

"The fleet passed Tarth a day passed, my lady, and should be arriving today I'd wager. As for the North…" he began only to point to the sea and to smile as the fleet came into view.

"It seems your little birds sing true once more, Lord Varys, now the North?" she asked.

"King Rickon Stark has been most welcomed, my lady. More so than his sister it would seem. The company that Lady Sansa keeps is not one she really should."

"Littlefinger?" she asked and he nodded.

"Perhaps we should speak to Lord Snow when he returns, I'm sure there is much we can tell him about the Mockingbird." Varys said and she looked at him curiously.

"You're sure he will return?"

"I believe our queen may demand it." Varys's words showed that he knew far more than he let on, as always.

"He's a fascinating young man, Lord Snow. What know you of him?" she asked as casually as she could, though given how Varys looked at her, not casually enough.

"As much as any of us, my lady. Eddard Stark's bastard begat on a woman that even my little birds haven't been able to sing on for true. Raised alongside his trueborn brothers and sisters and disliked much by the Lady of Winterfell. What plans or future Eddard Stark had in mind for the boy, I doubt this was where he imagined he'd end up." Varys said and she couldn't agree more, the boy had been sent or convinced to go to the Wall, and given who she now was sure he was, that irked her greatly.

"And his mother? Am I to believe that even the great Lord Varys with his network of little birds knows not who she is?" she asked challengingly.

"Little birds sing songs, my lady, but only when there are songs to sing. Eddard Stark never spoke the woman's name aloud and good though I am, even I can not read minds. Oh, there have been songs sung and names mentioned, but alas…."

"Which names? "she asked and cursed herself for doing so too quickly.

"Ashara Dayne, Wylla, a fisherman's daughter from the Fingers. Why the sudden curiosity in a bastard's mother?"

"This particular bastard warrants it does he not? Especially given his proximity to our queen and the advice he's given without which we'd have lost more than we could afford. Not to mention he's of a certain age and position where he offers something few other men in Westeros do." she said and Varys stared at her before smiling.

"That he does, my lady, that he does. Perhaps it's time my little birds sought songs that were sung many years ago." Varys said before walking away and leaving her alone to look out as more and more of their ships came into view.

She wondered if she had said too much, made Varys too curious, and yet she knew that it needed to be done. If she could find out what she already had, then Varys could find out the rest, and the rest was much needed. Rhaegar Targaryen's son created many issues for the queen and while her own time would be long done before most of those came to pass, she'd like to have a solution for them long before then.

A union, a joining of both claims was what was needed, and given what she'd seen of the young man so far, and how the queen looked at him, it was a union that both would benefit from. The North could be brought back into the fold with the promise of a marriage and the queen would have a man by her side that would both secure her line, and offer her far better counsel than the Imp had to this point. Were her granddaughter alive and she had then met with Jon Snow, then it would be Margaery that she'd seek to be his wife, but Cersei Lannister had taken her precious rose from this world long before her time. No, if she could do this, if this was her last act before she made her way to the gods and saw her granddaughter again, then it would be one she'd be most happy about. This and seeing Cersei Lannister pay for all she'd done. Give her that, give her that, and then she'd be ready to close her eyes and rest eternal.

Feeling the chill, she turned and nodded to her two giant guards. Left and Right taking up their positions with her as she walked back into the keep. She arrived just in time to see most of the household rise and when she saw Missandei hurrying her way, the smile on the young woman's face was a boon to her heart. Later as she broke her fast, she noticed how the young woman was not there and so it was with Theon Greyjoy and Tyrion Lannister she was forced to eat. The Imp giving her looks that made him look so very much like his father that were it not for Melisandre's arrival, she'd have perhaps spoken most harshly to him.

"Lady Olenna." Melisandre said as she took her seat beside her.

"Lady Melisandre."

The red priestess was as enigmatic as the man she named as her prince. Olenna had actually expected her to sail back North or even to seek to fly with the Queen and Jon Snow and yet she had stayed here and now was for some reason taking an active part in the prisoner exchange, much to Tyrion's annoyance. For that alone, she liked the woman, as the more annoyed that Tyrion Lannister became the happier it made her. The idea of what could have happened to her had she followed his plans and how petty and jealous he had been since they and his even more foolish one of sending Jon Snow beyond the Wall had been denied, was a sign of just how much he cared more for personal glory than for the Queen's success.

Another man would have been put out by his plans being rejected, of course, men were vain and most were insecure, especially when it came to a beautiful woman. However when faced with clear evidence that their plans were foolish, most would accept and move on and seek to do better next time. Failure was an acceptable thing, not constant failure, but then not everyone could be expected to succeed all the time. What wasn't acceptable was trying to compound that failure. Seeking to repeat the same mistakes because you felt slighted that someone had pointed them out. Tyrion was in that regard just as much of a Lannister as his father had been. Tywin would never accept looking foolish and the realm had bled because of it.

"You seem disturbed, Lady Olenna?" Melisandre said taking her from her thoughts.

"Not disturbed, distracted mayhaps." she said to a nod "Your prince, Lady Melisandre, do you believe he will return with her grace?" she asked and noticed how Tyrion suddenly looked her way.

"My prince's place is in the North, Lady Olenna. I believe once he returns there he would seek to stay." Melisandre's words were spoken far louder than they needed to be and she wondered if they were for her or Tyrion's benefit.

"And yet you stayed here?" she asked curiously.

"I have my part to play before I see my prince again, Lady Olenna. My god wills me to be here, but my place is by my prince's side." she said and Tyrion decided that then was as good a time as nay to interject himself into their conversation.

"You name Jon Snow as a prince, Lady Melisandre, but is he even a Lord? Does he hold any rank at all?" Tyrion asked snootily.

"What I name him is for my benefit, Lord Tyrion. He is my prince, the prince I was always meant to follow." Melisandre said.

"He was Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, was he not? Does that not entitle him to be named as Lord, he's also his brother's regent and so is that not rank enough?" she said irritably to a nod from the imp.

"Yet the Night's Watch vows are for life and yet Lord Snow serves the order not?" Tyrion said and she had wondered when this would be brought up again.

"My prince served the order true, would that they had served him just as well." Melisandre said rising to her feet "One day a story will be told, Lord Tyrion, a story the likes of which none have heard before. I look forward to seeing you on that day and hearing you question my prince's oaths and his suitability. Until then I seek not your company, you would do well to seek not mine." Melisandre said walking from the room, her steps purposeful and graceful and yet they were angered too.

The smile he wore on his face was not one she was meant to see and yet she did. His eyes blazed as he caught her looking and the fool then thought he had covered it up so quickly that she'd not seen the truth in those eyes. She'd told Jon Snow that Tyrion would wish him harm. It was now even more clear he wished him dead and that was something she'd not allow come to pass.

Later that day.

The reunion that Missandei and Grey Worm had shared had been much shorter than the girl had wished for. As soon as he had heard about the prisoner exchange and who was to sail on the ships to King's Landing to see to it, he'd volunteered. That the young woman hadn't sought to talk him out of it, despite how she felt, was a testament to just how Leal both were to their queen. This was something that Daenerys sought done and so Grey Worm would play his part and for now, he and Missandei would have to forgo whatever plans they may have made with each other.

Olenna wasn't sure exactly what the nature of the young woman's relationship was with the commander of the Queen's armies. She had heard what they did to the Unsullied during their so-called training and it had disgusted her to find out that men were treated that way. Though given how Missandei herself was treated while a slave in Essos, perhaps it should not have shocked her as much as it did. What she did know was that the two of them seemed as close as any couple she'd ever seen, so perhaps it was simply the company they shared that was enough for them.

Theon, Melisandre, Tyrion Lannister, Grey Worm, and a large group of Unsullied along with an even larger group of Dothraki had set sail and would trade Jaime Lannister for all three of the hostages that Cersei had taken. She'd said her words about how the woman couldn't be trusted and Jon Snow had said his own to the queen to get her not to seek to take part in the exchange herself. While she worried somewhat about what would happen, she felt comforted as did Missandei by the words that Melisandre had said to them both before she left. The red priestess had made it clear that they would return unharmed and while she knew there was no way that even Melisandre could be certain of such, the woman herself had shown no such doubts.

" My place is by my prince's side, Lady Olenna. I will see him again, my god has assured me of this. Those who travel with me have R'hllor's protection and not even the Drowned God can stand against mine own." Melisandre said before whispering something in Missandei's ear.

As the Ships finally sailed out of view, Olenna turned to see that Missandei was wearing a smile on her face. Reaching out to offer the younger woman her arm they both began the long walk back to the keep and she couldn't resist asking her what Melisandre had said to her. Something she was only too happy to share.

"Valar Dohaeris ." Missandei said and Olenna looked at her confusedly "It means all men must serve, Lady Olenna. Melisandre told me that all men must serve and Torgho Nudho's service to our queen is far from over."

She hoped it was and that the woman turned out to be speaking true, for while she'd welcome the loss of Tyrion Lannister and cared not for Theon Greyjoy, she'd prefer to see the queen surrounded with Leal men such as the Unsullied Commander. That it would make the young woman beside her happy too was an added boon. As for Melisandre, she believed she'd see her once again, her and the man she named her prince. The man she now began to wonder whether he had truly been born as such.

A cell in the 4th level dungeon of the Red Keep, 303 AC.

Ellaria Sand.

She didn't know what day it was, or if it was morning or night as she couldn't see the sunrise. How long had she and Tyene been there? She would not know either. Only that they were alive for now and that seemed to be both a blessing and a curse.

They were tied face to face, her daughter and her, close but out of reach and it was the worst form of torture for a mother. They were gagged, unable to talk to each other except for the moment they were forcefully fed and given water. Their words were spoken between a fit of coughs and with their voices hoarse due to the rough treatment they endured. Yet they managed to voice their love for each other before being silenced again.

Ellaria remembered the fear she'd felt when she got captured, her despair when she saw her lovely girls been shown off on the prow of the beast of a ship that Euron Greyjoy captained. He had Yara beaten daily but nobody raised a hand to her and Tyene. Just looking into her eyes she could see that she had taken the death of her sisters as hard as Ellaria herself had.

" We should have listened to him, Mama," she had sobbed in her arms, as they both lay in the cage they'd been thrown in.

" Who, my sweet?"

" Jon Snow. We should have listened to him and not trusted the Lannister. He was the reason for Father's death and he wanted our heads because of Myrcella."

" Do you think he would have sent us to our death when he allied himself with Daenerys Targaryen? When he had killed his own nephew and father?"

" He hated us for killing her, Mama. Look where we are now. You said Snow had called Lannister's plans foolish, so why didn't you listen?"

Ellaria wanted to answer, she wanted to explain that she didn't trust the Stark boy to have her best interests in heart. After all, Jon Snow was an oathbreaker, the former Lord Commander of the Night's Watch who had deserted his post. Soon enough, perhaps when the Queen had learned more about the customs of Westeros, he would lose his head.

But Tyene had made a good point. She had been led by her fondness for Yara, who hated the Starks with a passion and made it clear for all to know. Even the broken brother, Theon, had advised listening to the boy despite being belittled by him.

" Jon has always been one with a mind for military strategies. I cannot count how many times he and Robb would beat me at cyvasse, and knowing how Robb won every battle he'd been involved in, I swear I would never bet against Jon or his instincts anymore."

" Why are you here, then, if you love him so much?" Ellaria spat.

" Because I follow my sister, my family." he said almost sobbing as if the situation with Snow affected him personally.

" And you best remember that. That bastard and his family are why you are like this in the first place. They stole you from us and I'd rather die than owe that piece of shit anything." Yara intervened abruptly.

" That's… That's not… Jon has never done anything to me…"

" What? Now you're going to defend him? Did you see how he treated you? How disgusted he was by you after everything you've done for his sister? He should have been fucking grateful and kissed your fucking feet for saving her!"

" But…"

" Forget about the Starks, brother. They've been nothing but trouble for us and our people."

She'd clung onto her newfound friend's judgment and the fact that the Queen she chose to follow had agreed to Tyrion Lannister's plan Even despite her own aversion for the imp. She made the mistake of putting her hatred for the man responsible for her love's death aside for a moment and she and her girls had paid dearly for it.

Obara and Nymeria were dead, brutally killed by the madman who had captured her and Tyene and who had then gifted them to another madwoman who wanted them dead. She didn't care about dying, truly she would welcome it if it meant not being a hostage to Cersei Lannister and being reunited with her love. The only thing keeping her from giving up on life was looking at her with desperate eyes. One of her last surviving daughters.

She hoped the others were safe and that Sarella had received her letter at the Citadel. That she would protect the youngest ones should she fall on the path she had chosen had been all she'd asked of her, she believed she would, she needed to.

Ellaria didn't part on good terms with Sarella, her girl who was the most like Oberyn of all of his daughters. She had argued with Ellaria about the matriarch's methods for revenge, which had given her pause for a moment. But Varys had promised her to see the Lannisters fall, all of them, including the Imp at the end, thanks to Daenerys Targaryen, and it had been too good an offer to decline. So she left her sweet girls, the ones who were too young to taste the blood of their enemies, in her father's care until Sarella could come and care for them. Now she thanked the Gods every day since she and Tyene had gotten captured for the last good decision she had taken before joining forces with Daenerys Targaryen.

She jumped in fright as the door opened and the monstrosity that rode walked into her cell. She still couldn't understand how they had saved him from the Manticore venom that should have ended him, but they did and it angered her, even more, to think that Oberyn hadn't even succeeded in avenging his beloved sister and her children. All of it, the trial by combat, his death, all had been for naught and Cersei Lannister took great pleasure in reminding her of that fact.

" Ser Gregor will gladly help me in taking care of both of you," the Lion Bitch had said as they were tied to the wall and the monster had lifted his helmet to show he was indeed who she claimed he was. "As you both took care of my sweet daughter, soon we will return the favor."

So far nothing had happened, nothing other than empty threats but Ellaria was still on her guard. She didn't know why the bitch hadn't made good on her promise and had feared that she would torture her daughter to get her revenge. Tyene's strength was faltering and Ellaria's anxiety grew as each day went by. So much so that she could stand the suspense no more and she now demanded to know their plans for her.

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you supposed to kill us?" she asked once the Maester had ungagged her.

"The Queen needs you both alive, Lady Ellaria." the man answered her softly as he brought the device he used to forcefully feed her, making her frown.

"Why?" she asked as bravely as she could, as the thoughts of what the reason could be threatened to rob her of her senses.

"I suppose it doesn't hurt to tell you," he shrugged. "You are both to be exchanged with our other prisoners and sent back to the Targaryens."

To say Ellaria was shocked by this would be an understatement. So much so that at first she couldn't comprehend the extent of what Qyburn was saying. An exchange meant that Daenerys had captured someone important, or at least important enough for Cersei to forsake her desire for vengeance and agree to free her and her daughter. But why would Daenerys be willing to get them back when she held a hostage who would prompt Cersei to comply with their demands? In the grand scheme of things, they were nobody really, nothing of true value in the war to come. Their lives were unimportant, and if anything, Dorne would perhaps more easily follow the Queen they chose if they no longer lived.

There were still a lot of the Lords and Ladies who were furious with them over their coup. even if Ellaria and the girls had made sure that they didn't know the full extent of their betrayal of Doran. Between them, they had managed to twist a tale and make it so that Cersei had been held responsible for his death, as she blamed him for Myrcella's death. By the time they were done most of the fools had believed all they'd said. So even if they were wary of following her and the Sand Snakes in their bid for revenge, they did so anyway because Obara and her sisters were of Martell blood. With Sarella now being the head of their House, Daenerys could still count on Dorne's support.

Despite her disbelief, looking at her daughter's hopeful gaze, she couldn't help but feel grateful that Daenerys hadn't given up on them. Tyene would live to see another day and the thought made Ellaria almost delirious in her joy.

While she had at first only followed Daenerys because of their common enemy, she was now and would forever be indebted to her. The loyalty she'd show her from now on would be of a different sort, she owed her the life of her daughter and she owed Tyrion Lannister a debt she'd seek to pay as well.

King's Landing 303 (Before the exchange) 303 AC.


She bounced up and down on him, feeling every inch of him as he filled her up as few men had before. Though not the same as she felt when she was with Jaime, she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel pleasure from what they did together. Not that this was actually about pleasure if truth be told. He had to do as she wished, what she wanted and so it had been to her bed she'd taken him. All her life it had been this way. Be it the promise of what lay between her legs, the truth of that promise, or simply someone wishing to experience it once again, she had always known the value of what she had and what men wished from her.

"By the fucking Drowned God." Euron grunted out loudly as she felt his seed spill inside of her.

Her own pleasure had surprisingly not come and she wondered how long he'd stay and if she'd have the chance to get Bernadette to use that wicked tongue of hers before the night was done. Probably not she thought annoyedly as she climbed off him, reached for the bottle of wine, and poured each of them a glass. She lay back down on the pillow as she drank, her hair spread out behind her and looking like the sun's beaming rays against the whiteness of the pillow itself. Looking down at herself she could see the perkiness of her breasts and that her nipples were erect. One showing that even after three children she was still as desirable as ever and the other that she had been excited if not fulfilled.

"I need you to do something for me, my love." she said as she took another sip of her wine.

"Have I not done enough?" he asked and for a moment she thought he meant bringing her two snakes and killing two others, but she quickly realized that like all men he wished to be praised for his performance.

"More than enough." she said as she kissed his cheek, the self-satisfied smile on his face was one he probably deserved, he'd satisfied only himself after all.

"Yet you wish for more?" he asked, smiling still, the look in his eye one that was lustful yet challenging, and she knew then he had realized it was more than just his cock she wished for tonight.

"Always." she said flirtatiously and he chuckled "But this is for our throne, Euron, to see our reign secured."

She waited while he drank his wine, then moved quickly to pour him another. It irked her that she was serving him when it should have been the other way around, but for now, she needed him to do as she wished and so she could forbear it. Waiting until he was or at least seemed more willing to listen, she took a breath and then continued.

"Yara, I need you to give me Yara." she said and felt him stiffen beside her, and not in a way she wished for.

"You can't have her, she's mine." his petulant reply proving he was just like all the other men she'd known "My niece and I have much more fun to have before I send her to sup in the Drowned God's halls" Euron said almost gleefully.

"I need this, my love. They have my brother, without him the West is at risk, and without the West…." she left the rest unsaid, a small lie but one she had felt was best to go with.

Cersei didn't fear she'd lose the West without Jaime to lead them. She was their queen, she'd proved herself to be her father's true heir and unlike her brothers, she'd not been outplayed or outmaneuvered once during this war. Her leadership was respected, admired, and while there would be some who were envious, envy was a good thing too.

"We don't need the West, we own the sea." Euron said after what felt like an age.

"We need men, my love. Fighting men. The Dragon Bitch may have lost Dorne, but the Reach is still hers. My brother's attack failed." she said and she heard him laugh loudly "Yet he is still who the men from the West would march for. Jon Snow has arrived to negotiate with the whore on Dragonstone and should the North and she join…"

"The North has no men." he said as he laughed.

"It's the symbol, my love. If the wolves can forgive the dragons, what message does that send?"

The silence was deafening and she felt she may as well be one of those mute fucks that manned Euron's ship. Other than the beating of her heart as it pounded in her chest while she awaited Euron's answer, nothing could be heard. On and on it went and she was just about to break it when he did so for her.

"I take it they've offered an exchange?" he asked and she nodded "All three for your brother?"

"They know the value of a lion." she said proudly.

"I have no wish to give up my prize, I doubt you have with your own either." he said looking to her.

"Oh, I never said we'd be giving them up, my love." she said and she felt his stiffness finally in the right place as he moved on top of her.

Walking around the Red Keep that day she was in a far more pleasant mood than she had feared she would be. The second time they'd fucked had been far better than the first. Once she knew she'd gotten her way it had allowed for her to simply enjoy it and enjoy it, she did. The peak she'd been denied the first time finally coming and the fall was pure ecstasy. Whether it was simply her being so close, or knowing she'd gotten her way once more, she cared not.

When he brought Yara Greyjoy to the Red Keep later that day, she could see he'd had his fun with her, just as he said he had. The momentary jealousy she felt when he'd said that, was now a thing of the past as she looked at the beaten and broken thing in front of her. She'd not been raped and he'd not taken his pleasure with her, not in that way at least. Yet perhaps given how she looked that was no surprise. As even covered in bruises and bloodied, the plainness of her features still stood out. Cersei cared not for Yara Greyjoy and her suffering, she didn't even care if she lived or died. Though it was to be the latter that was to be her fate when Euron retook her as his prisoner.

"My queen, I must set sail to the North, for the Wolves need reminding who rules these lands." Euron said and as mummeries go it was not the worst.

"I shall count the days until your return, Lord Greyjoy. And the nights." she said smiling at him and with that he was gone and she, Ser Robert, and Qyburn looked at the broken thing in front of her, and with a nod, Yara was taken from her sight.

The days went on and on and she found her sleep to be troubled. Images of Jaime being beaten, tortured, and disfigured making her wake up screaming in the night. Not even the feel of Bernadette in her arms was enough to chase the worst of her dreams away. Though each night she woke it was with the feel of the girl's tongue bringing about her pleasure that sent her back to sleep.

She insisted that all three of the prisoners be treated well, or better than they had. Qyburn worked on Yara Greyjoy's injuries and the food she sent to them all was far better than they deserved. The thoughts that they'd seek to harm Jaime because she'd harmed these pathetic wretches were not ones she could dismiss so easily. Yet not once did it dissuade her from her course of action or make her reconsider her plans. So as the day drew closer, she felt her excitement override anything else. The thrill of knowing she'd see all her enemies brought low and that her beloved twin would be returned to her, improved her mood no end.

"The ship has been seen, my queen." Qyburn said as she stood with a wine glass looking out the window of the Red Keep and at the city below, her city, hers for true.

"Ship?" she asked.

"The others seem to have dropped anchor outside the bay, my queen. Only one makes its way to the exchange point.

"Is she aboard?" she asked eagerly.

"My little birds have not been able to say, my queen. Forgive me." Qyburn said bowing his head a little lower than normal.

There was a time when she would not. Had he not proved himself time and time again, then she'd have not forgiven that he couldn't do as she bid. Qyburn though was a good and true man and one completely under her thumb and he'd earned an odd failure here and there.

"There is nothing to forgive, Lord Hand. The poison, you have it?" she asked and she looked to his hand to see it there "And the antidote?" she asked to see him nod.

"Drink it only in the carriage, my queen, only when we arrive to make the exchange and as soon as the exchange is done and the ship has left, then make sure you drink the other immediately." Qyburn said and she welcomed the concern he had for her in his voice.

"How soon will they pass?"

"It could be hours, days, weeks. They will pass though, on that you can be certain, my queen."

She wore the smile all the way to the empty beach and then swallowed the poison once they arrived. The ship docked someway off and she looked to see the boats being loaded and swore she caught a glimpse of Jaime's golden hair, but couldn't be sure. All three of the prisoners wore hoods and were gagged and with a nod to Qyburn, the two Dornish whores had theirs removed. The look on Oberyn's paramour's face was one she reveled in. Ellaria looked hopeful and relieved when she saw where they were and looked out to the sea to see the ship bearing the Three-Headed dragon on its sails.

Moving to her and her daughter, she looked and saw the fire in each of their eyes. The fire that said that this wasn't over and that they would come at her again and again and it only dimmed when she smiled at her and had the guard remove her gag. Leaning forward she put her hands around the woman's head and kissed her lips. Cersei enjoying the feeling of her struggling against her when she did so.

Once many moons earlier she'd forced herself on one of her maids, forced the pious little thing to do things she was shamed about and it had led to one of the best climaxes of her life as she did so. The thoughts of doing the same to Ellaria Sand briefly entered her mind, and as she looked to the woman's daughter, she felt herself grow a little wet between her legs. The thoughts of doing the same to Tyene and making her mother watch as she did so, were wicked and wanton, and were it not vengeance and justice for her daughter she sought, ones she may have even considered more fully.

"You crazy fucking bitch." Ellaria spat as Cersei moved to Tyene and nodded to have the guards remove her gag.

The struggle was even fiercer, the girl knowing now what she had planned and it took all of her strength to hold her head in place and to press her lips against her own. As with her mother, the girl spat once she was done and Cersei was almost affronted.

How dare they?

They should be on their knees begging to feel her lips on theirs.

They should be on their knees begging for her favor.

They should be on their knees.

Her thoughts were confused and had gone somewhere they should not have. Cersei wondered if it was the effect of the poison that made her think so wantonly. She hoped it was and that the wetness she felt between her thighs was because of what she was about to say and do, and not because she wished to do something else.

"She kisses better than you." she said with a chuckle as she looked at Ellaria who spat once again.

Reaching into her dress she pulled out the small bottle and drank down its contents, the look of realization that soon turned to horror on first Ellaria's and then Tyene's faces were ones she'd remember long after they'd gone to their gods.

"You really think I forgot what you did? That I forgave it?" she said almost gleefully.

"Mama." Tyene called out and the sound was as sweet as any she'd ever heard.

"Myrcella was my daughter, my only daughter. I suckled her at mine own breast because of that. She was a light that shined in this cruel world and you took her from me. Give your own daughters my regards when you see them and know that there was nothing you could do to save them or your precious little Tyene." she said as Ellaria screamed that she'd kill her and Tyene began to sob.

"Gag them both." Qyburn said when she nodded at him and though she wished to hear them scream some more, to hear Ellaria try and tell her daughter that all would be well, she had more work to do here today before she could sit back and enjoy all she'd achieved.

Though both struggled, even when the hoods were placed back on their heads, they were struggling in vain. Qyburn moved over to her and checked her nose and mouth, nodding once he was done and she let out the small breath she'd been holding in. It meant nothing to take her revenge if it cost her too much in the process. Her life was still the most precious thing in the world and all she had left and it was not something she'd give up easily.

"My queen." Qyburn said handing her the Myrish eye and she looked to the boats that rowed her way and she cursed when she saw the Imp in one of them.

"Jaime." she said softly, when she spotted her twin, he looked well, intact, and soon he would be back in her arms and in her bed again.

She paid little attention to the others in the boats. The red priestess though was a surprise and the Unsullied guards would ensure that this went off without them breaking parley. Not that she intended to, her plans were more elaborate than that and while she'd not by the looks of things get the Dragon Bitch, she'd still get to see the little monster that named himself her brother finally get what was owed to him.

"A Lannister always pays their debts." she said with a smirk as the boat finally reached the shore.

A Cell in Dragonstone (before and after the exchange) 303 AC.

Jaime Lannister.

The Gods might laugh and his father would roll his eyes at him.

Once again, he'd been held captive by the enemy, and this time it had been because of sheer stupidity on his part. He wanted to end it in one strike, to be sure Cersei wouldn't risk getting hurt by killing the source of all this chaos. He could still remember the heat building up around him as the black dragon was ready to end him and he would have welcomed it in a way, as then he wouldn't have become a liability to his twin and love.

To make things worse, he had to endure his brother's presence. Tyrion could thank the Gods that Jaime was bound and unable to move when saw him coming into his cell. As hundreds of thoughts suddenly went through his head about how to efficiently snap his head to end his miserable life.

"You made me look like a complete fool." Tyrion started. "I thought I'd surprise you by hitting Casterly Rock. But you were three steps ahead of me. Abandoned the family home, completely unsentimental. Father would have been proud.

"Don't talk about Father," Jaime growled warningly.

"Listen to me…"

"I once told Bronn that if I ever saw you again, I'd cut you in half."

"Well, it would take you a while with one hand and a stump…" Tyrion's joke didn't brighten his mood and he stood glaring at the monster he had considered a brother once.

"He was going to execute me." Tyrion insisted. "He knew I was innocent. He didn't hate me because of anything I did. He hated me because of what I am. A little monster sent to punish him. Did he… Did he think… Did he think I wanted to be born this way? Did he think I chose it…"

"What do you want?"

"Daenerys will win this war."

"She's lost the majority of her support in Westeros." he snapped back.

"She still has the Unsullied and the Dothraki, and soon she will get the Sand Snakes and Yara Greyjoy back."


"Cersei has agreed to an exchange. Her prisoners for ours."

"You mean…"

"You'll be released soon, indeed."

"Why would she do that?" he asked and though it was said with genuine curiosity, he knew the reason, he was the reason.

"You know why. We all know why. You're her weakness, always were, always will be."


"You're a military man and you know what it means. You must know there's no way around this. Daenerys is not her father."

"That's not what I would say. I happened to be there when she did to our army in the Reach and I've heard what she did to the men who were coming from the Rock. She burned them all to a crisp!"

"And yet she spared yours and the Reachmen's life when she had no reason to do so."

"She wanted me as a prisoner." he retorted.

"Then you know that she can contain what you believe is her worst impulse. When you get to know her, you'll see the truth of her."

"I killed her father, Tyrion. Are you stupid enough to think she would let me live long enough so I could get to know her?" he said almost laughing, Tyrion thinking that somehow he could convince him that this ended with him keeping his head.

"You will, if the bastard is right, which I pray he is not. You will live long enough and then we will need your help."

"What the hell are you talking about? What bastard? and ``Why would Cersei and I help you after what you did to us?" he asked angrily.

"Because you of all the people owe me."

"I owe you nothing! you killed our father!" he shouted.

"And I would do it again with no regrets."

"He was right," Jaime spat. "You're a monster."

"Aye, thanks to him and to you I am."

"I loved you and you tricked me into saving you only to then kill my father, to help lead to the end of our family, and now you're telling me it's my fault?" Jaime laughed in disbelief. "You truly are one of a kind!"

"Do you remember Tysha?" Tyrion asked softly.

Jaime's laughter died at the mention of that name and the seriousness on his brother's face made him shiver.


"Varys told me after Father's death. When we had arrived in Essos. Was it ever you plan to tell me the truth about her one day?"

"Never," Jaime admitted, thinking back to the day he lied to Tyrion and what it entailed for the poor girl. "For what it's worth, it was either her gone or you disinherited. You spent years benefitting from Lannister coin, so don't act now as if you were constantly thinking about her."

"What if I am? You took something important from me?"

"So have you from all of us. Was it worth killing Father and exposing the family to those who stayed their hand against our family because they feared him?"

"You think I'm responsible for Myrcella's death when you never even batted a lash to get her back after Oberyn Martell's death?" Tyrion sneered.

"I went to her!"

"How long after? How many times could she have died in Dorne while you were with our sister? You tried, that's commendable, but you were too late and this, brother, is not my fault."

"You're the one who sent her there in the first place."

"Aye, I did it to secure Dorne stayed its hand in the war we were embroiled in, but I would have brought her back as soon as the trial happened."

"Father would have if you-" Jaime interrupted.

"You and Cersei both relied on Father for every fucking decision. That was always your greatest fault and you've both paid dearly for it. If you want to blame me for this too, aye, I'll take it, but what about what happened to Tommen? Isn't it Cersei who blew up the Sept of Baelor?"

"Because she had no choice! And she had made sure he wasn't there before ending the faith militant" Jaime said defensively.

"Wasn't she the one who gave arms to the Faith Militant? Because she feared her influence dwindling and Margaery Tyrell's growing and believed it would be her and Cersei that influenced Tommen?"

"Of course you'd say that, you're now fucking allied with the Tyrells!"

"She wanted power and they denied her that. She did that not to save our family, else she would have made sure Uncle Kevan wasn't present as well. She did it to be Tommen's regent and to manipulate him through his grief."

"How can you be so certain of yourself? Of how it happened?" Jaime asked as he relived the pain of losing his son through their conversation.

"Because I too know Cersei, brother. Not as intimately as you do, but I know her dark side probably more so than you. I sincerely believe she didn't plan for Tommen to end his life, but it was bound to happen. He loved his wife, and as you did with mine, she took her from him. How do you think he would react." Tyrion said his voice softer now.

"You didn't try to kill yourself." Jamie retorted, only to be answered by Tyrion's teary gaze.

"Because I believed you over her. I believed she was a whore and that she didn't want me. that she was only after my family's wealth. And I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me destroyed. And it was all a lie…"

Jaime shook his head, overwhelmed by his conflicting emotions. He wanted to hate Tyrion, not to pity him, not to feel guilty on his behalf.

"Anyway, this is not why I came here. As I said, you will be exchanged for Cersei's prisoners and my Queen wants to meet yours afterward."


"Daenerys is willing to suspend hostilities if Cersei agrees to certain terms."

"If you want Cersei to bend the knee, you can ask her yourself." Jaime said snippily.

"I… I don't. And Daenerys doesn't. Not right now, anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"First, we are going to exchange you. Then we will ask for a parley. She has a more important request for Cersei and she needs you to make her see reason."

He tuned out Tyrion's rambling, as he would not take part in his plot to see their family fall. Instead, he simply held onto the fact that he would soon be with his other half.

Cersei had delivered a big blow to the Targaryen forces. The capture of the Sand Snakes and the fall of the Dornish army were great boons to their side. That it was thanks to Euron Greyjoy that they had managed those feats made him a little uncomfortable, as he knew what the man wanted, but he had pushed his emotions aside for the sake of his sister's victory. Dorne would be out of the war for the time being and soon Ellaria Sand and her get would pay for what she did to Myrcella. Or so he'd thought. Cersei though was now willing to let them go, ready to forsake her right to avenge their daughter, all because of him.

He wished she wouldn't trade them for him. He had been ready to die and should have died in the fight against Daenerys Targaryen and her dragon. His life was meaningless compared to the Iron Throne, or their revenge for Myrcella's death, yet part of him rejoiced that she loved him enough to put all of that aside, for him.

Time and time again he doubted. When she rejected him after he came back from the Riverlands without his hand, he feared she had only used him and she didn't love him as he loved her. Yet, now as she once again gave him a most beautiful proof of her devotion to him, he felt undeserving of it.

He missed her, missed being in her arms, missed burying himself inside of her to forget the pain and the losses that both of them had endured. To be able to forget everything that wasn't them. People could call it whatever they wanted, unnatural, an abomination, an insult to their gods, the fact was that nobody but Cersei and he could understand what they were and their feelings for each other.

The only one that had an inkling about the depths of their love for each other had tried to use it against him when he visited his cell and Jaime would make sure he would pay for his crimes one day. Tyrion thought himself so very clever. He was trying to manipulate his emotions as if what he had done was justified. Jaime had freed him, and when he could have just gone and lived a good life in Essos he had instead chosen to kill their father. Then as if that was not enough he'd allied himself with the Dragon Queen who was ruling over her Bay of Dragons. Allied with her and then had helped to push Daenerys towards Westeros. Taking her side even against their own family.

This was something that Jaime could never forgive nor forget. In order to have a chance to be with Cersei, he was however willing to play the fool. Let Tyrion think that he would do his bidding and talk to their sister about this important meeting, whatever it pertained to. Let him think him complicit and soon enough he'd show him that it was Tyrion and not he who was the stupidest Lannister.

When they departed from Dragonstone to King's Landing, he was surprised not to see the so-called Dragon Queen with them. Was she flying overhead with her dragons, waiting to break parley them the moment the exchange was done?

He was shocked when he learned that she hadn't even come. Even more so when he heard that she had left with the Bastard of Winterfell, the deserter from the Wall, to resolve a matter that seemed concerning enough for them to ask for a truce with Cersei. A truce his sister would never agree to.

His eyes never left hers from the moment he saw her on the beach. Her smug smile, her black attire, and the way she carried herself made him desire her more than she ever did. That Euron Greyjoy didn't bother coming was a relief, as Jaime feared the things his sister was willing to do to have someone like that piece of scum at her beck and call. He hoped he was wrong and that she had kept him away from the body that belonged to only him. The body that was his to take pleasure from and with and to lay beside when he was spent.

He didn't look at the other prisoners, nor did he look back at his brother. He only wanted to see her, to be with her, and soon enough they were reunited.

Their rough coupling started the moment they climbed into the carriage. His clothes all but clinging in tatters onto his body while she straddled him right away, and for the first time in years, he finally felt whole and sure of himself.

"I missed you… you fool…" she said as she kissed him softly when both had spent.

"You shouldn't have done that, Cersei…" He managed to say, struggling as she tried to get up, not wanting to let go of her.

"Are you not satisfied enough?" she asked with a wicked smile on her face.

"I'm talking about the prisoners."

"What? The exchange? The Dragon Bitch and her equally fool of a so-called Hand asked for it and I would not let you rot in a cell or die. That doesn't mean they will get what they want." Cersei said smiling even fuller now.

"But -"

"If you think that I haven't planned something to get back at them and make them pay, then you are really the stupidest member of this family," she said briskly and for once, he didn't feel offended.

"What have you done?" he asked, smiling as the smirk he loved so much appeared on her face once again.

"I sent Euron Greyjoy on a little errand. He intends to bring back his dear niece that he so gracefully lent so I could make this exchange."


"Do you really think I would let them go that easily?" she laughed. "They will never get back to Dragonstone. None of them. The monster who killed our Father, the bitches who killed our daughter, soon they will get their due and we will see them fall. First them and then the Dragon Whore." Cersei said determinedly.

Her smile got softer and her caress made his heart flutter and he felt his manhood harden. This was the sister he knew and loved and he should have known she would dupe them all. After all, he thought as he grabbed her hips to celebrate her second victory, a Lannister always pays their debts and there was still much that they were owed.

Blackwater Bay (before, during and after the exchange) 303 AC.


The flames had shown her much and she knew what it was she needed to do. Why she needed to do so was a different matter. Oh, she knew of course that part of it was to earn her prince favor, yet she felt he'd earned favor with those who he truly needed to already. The Dragon Queen was smitten with her prince, as well she should be. Lady Olenna already looked more to Jon Snow than she did to any other and in Missandei too he had found a more than welcome ally.

Yet she did as her god bid and so she readied to play her part in the mummery that was to come. Looking to the others with her, she could see the one from whom her prince had found anything but favor and it irked her that R'hllor had not shown her what was to become of Tyrion Lannister. Her prince had told her what Lady Olenna had said about him, how she had warned him that the Imp would look to see him brought low. He had already, she believed, tried to have her prince killed by suggesting sending him on a fool's errand Beyond the Wall. One that she was sure that Jon Snow would have returned from despite the best efforts of Tyrion Lannister. For he was her god's chosen after all.

" Perhaps you should put aside some of that honor of yours, my prince. See the Imp in the ground before he gets the chance to see you there?" she asked as they said their farewell for now.

" Worried about me, my lady?" Jon asked amusedly, and yet there was gratitude there too she felt.

" Without you, we are lost, my prince. And I fear I too would be lost." she said surprising herself with her words.

" I've died once, my lady, I have no intention of doing so again so soon. I understand it now you know, what it is that resides in some men's hearts. I get it where I didn't before. You may even say I know something." Jon said with a chuckle which brought a smile to her face.

" So you are alert to the dangers?" she asked and he nodded "Good."

" I do appreciate your concerns, Lady Melisandre, truly. I am warmed by them and I welcome them and your counsel."

" They're both yours for as long as you need them, my prince." she said and she actually laughed for true at his reply.

" Then you and I have a long future together, let's hope it's far duller than we expect it to be."

Hearing him jape and seeing him smile far more than he had when she'd met him at Castle Black made her see her god's touch at work. R'hllor had not only brought Jon Snow back from the dead, but he'd also brought back the better version of himself. The truer spirit that had perhaps always resided in him and she felt that was who they needed to lead them through the Long Night to come. She made her way from the cabin to the deck above and looked out on the sea and their escorts. Half a dozen ships carrying almost a thousand Unsullied and Dothraki warriors. On this ship alone there were more than two hundred and half were their best archers, just in case. She felt they would not be needed, that what she'd seen in the flames would be enough, yet she welcomed them too.

"Lady Melisandre." she heard Theon say from behind her and she turned to look at the almost broken man.

"Lord Greyjoy." she answered with a polite nod of her head.

"My uncle, my lady. I know how his mind works, he'll not allow Yara to walk free." Theon said worriedly.

"None of us would be allowed to walk free, Lord Greyjoy. It's only fear that will get us back to our ships, fear and overconfidence. Once we're there you must play your part." she said and Theon nodded.

"And you, my lady?" he asked before walking away, she didn't reply though she had her own part to play and would do as her god and her prince bid her to.

They dropped anchor and were soon rowing to the shore. She, Theon Greyjoy, Tyrion, and Jaime Lannister along with Grey Worm and some Unsullied in one boat while the best of their Dothraki archers were in another. On the beach ahead of them, she could see the giant Kingsguard along with some others. The wrongness of the largest man she'd ever seen was clear to her even from this distance away. There was no sign of Euron Greyjoy which she was not surprised by, and the three prisoners they'd come to free all wore hoods.

As for the woman who sat the Iron Throne, looking at Cersei Lannister was like looking at the man who sat a few feet away. Twins who shared everything, including their looks. Seeing how she looked at her twin, Melisandre knew that this part of the exchange would go without incident. Her worries for her brother were all too clear on her face and it was only once she felt that Jaime was safe that she'd act, or act directly against them at least.

"My sister is not a pleasant or polite woman, I'd ask you to swallow all insults, even those spoken of our queen." Tyrion said to her, Theon, and to Grey Worm, the Unsullied's reluctant nod all the reply he received.

Insults were given, the so-called Queen of the Seven Kingdoms more than eager to speak her mind on Daenerys, Stannis, Jon Snow, and the North and especially on the Imp. Her true ire and anger was directed more at Tyrion than anyone else and just hearing her speak such words, she'd not have named her as his kin. Grey Worm and Theon did as they were bid and she was far too focussed on the prisoners than on anything that Cersei Lannister had to say.

When the hoods were removed she could see how badly beaten Yara Greyjoy had been and the panicked and feared looks in both Ellaria and Tyene's eyes. Tyrion asked for the gags to be removed but other than Yara's none of them were. Cersei spouted on and on about how she'd not listen to words spoken by Dornish whores and Melisandre letting those words wash over her head. The same as she did with Tyrion's about making sure that both women were unharmed.

How long they stayed on the beach she knew not, but she was sure that Cersei was delaying them for some reason. When they finally moved to the boat and began rowing back, both the Dornish women became agitated and when their gags were removed she heard them speak of the poison that the queen had forced them to take. Tyrion wished to give the order to the archers to fire, to see Cersei brought down for breaking the terms of their agreement and it was her hand which stayed his own.

They needed to be gone from here, away from here without incident and despite the pained cries of both Ellaria and Tyene, and the demands for vengeance that went unanswered, they soon reached their ship. It was only when they were all aboard and the order had been given to sail that she acted. Melisandre moved to Ellaria and Tyene and handed each of them the small bottles which they looked at with both hope and fear.

"A gift from my prince." she said softly "Drink, and do so quickly for your time is short." she added quickly as both women swallowed the contents.

"Mama, will this…"

"She gave us the Long Farewell, my lady, will your…"

"I know full well what you were given, Lady Ellaria. My prince sends his regards and wishes you both well. Dorne may have issues with Jon Snow, you may have issues with him. He bears neither of you ill will. Be sure to remember that when next you speak to him." she said as she walked away, Tyrion, Theon, Yara, Ellaria, and Tyene all looked at her in disbelief, and yet it was the small bow of his head from Grey Worm that she welcomed the most.

Blackwater Bay (Before, during, and after the exchange) 303 AC.


Speaking to Jaime had not gone how he'd wished it to. He'd tried his best to keep his temper in check and his brother had done likewise, though what was really resolved between them was anyone's guess. He doubted he could ever forgive his brother for his part in what had happened to Tysha. Were his father alive he'd kill him again and again, just as he had each night in his dreams since Varys had told him the truth of things.

It actually made him chuckle when he thought about it. For years he'd heard Robert Baratheon say those very same words about Rhaegar Targaryen. Every time he was near him and he was in his cups, the Stag would declare it loudly and proudly how he had brought the last dragon low. Then softer and more quietly he'd say how he killed him each night in his dreams too. He'd always found it pathetic, and yet here he was now doing the same things and for the first time ever he felt a kinship of sorts with his dearly departed goodbrother. It was more than the kinship he was feeling for his brother by true at the moment.

Still, he cared, despite it all, he still had no wish to see Jaime dead, or perhaps deep down he wished him dead by his own hands, the same as he wished for his sister. No, no, he did not, he could not, he would not. He shook those thoughts from his head and made his way to the deck of the ship, finding he was not alone in doing so. Theon Greyjoy spoke to the Lady Melisandre and Grey Worm stood looking out on the sea like a sentinel. All of them like him wishing they were elsewhere or that someone else was here with them.

For Grey Worm it was Missandei and were anyone to ask it of him and were he in a mood to speak the truth, then he'd name himself jealous of the Unsullied Commander. Theon wished it was his sister so that he could right the wrongs of his escape and of his leaving her behind. Melisandre no doubt missed Jon Snow, the man she named as her prince and a man that Tyrion had come to hate as much as the woman herself seemed to worship. As for him. Tyrion wished that Daenerys was here, not simply because to gaze upon her was one of the few pleasures he had left to him. He wished her here not because dragons would ensure his sister's worst tendencies were kept at bay, though he'd have welcomed her being here for that. In truth, he missed her and wished her here because he feared the growing closeness she was enjoying with Jon Snow, and where that closeness may lead. With a loud sigh, he turned and walked back below deck, to wine and warmth and to his bed and his dreams.

" Where do whores go?"

He woke up and felt sick and yet not, slowly moving to the bucket that served as his privy, it was only piss that came out of him and not the bile that he felt in his mouth. Reaching out to the glass and bottle on the table once has done relieving himself, he poured a glass of wine and swallowed it down in the blink of an eye. The second one he drank much more slowly and only after he was done, was he ready to face the world and the day ahead.

They broke their fast and he wished he was back in the keep on Dragonstone, the food on the ship was good but not as good as what was served by the cooks there and he found he missed the burned black bacon very much. He brought Jaime his meal himself and while they didn't speak to each other, he was glad to see his brother eat heartily. The last time he'd been held prisoner had almost broken him and while it was his hand that everyone looked at when Jaime arrived back in King's Landing, for Tyrion it was the weight he'd lost and how he looked more aged that he had concentrated on. At least this time his confinement had been much shorter and his treatment far better.

"We'll be arriving in King's Landing within the hour. Our men have orders to kill you should our beloved sister seek to break parley. You'll be unarmored and the Dothraki are fine archers, Jaime, let's both pray that for once our sister gives not into her worst temptations." he said as he turned to walk from the room.

"The next time we meet that's not a parley, I'll kill you, Tyrion." Jaime spat and Tyrion nodded.

"The Kinslaying Kingslayer, it has a nice ring to it and at least then I'll have company in the seven hells." he said as he walked from the small room that served as Jaime's cell.

How long it took for them to be ready to row to the shore, he knew not. Two boats were lowered from their ship with him, Jaime, Grey Worm, Theon Greyjoy, and the Lady Melisandre along with some guards in one, and Dothraki archers in the other. All in all, there were maybe fifty guards with them when they made their way to the beach. Only four would join them once they were there. while the others would aim their bows at those onshore and at his brother most of all.

He had no fear that they'd miss or that the rocking of the waves would impair their aim. The Dothraki fired their bows from their horses as they rode hard and fast, from a boat would be child's play compared to that. Truthfully he didn't fear Cersei would do anything to them before or during the exchange. Her love for Jaime would be their shield until he was back and safe in her arms that was. Once he was, then all wagers were off and she'd no doubt have something in store for them. What that was, he had no idea, only that they'd not make it back to Dragonstone unharried.

Each of the prisoners was wearing hoods and while he was almost certain it was who they'd come for, he knew he'd need to make sure before they left the beach. Cersei had come with a little over twice their number of guards, a concession that he was willing to make though it was not supposed to be so. Besides, it wouldn't be any of them who'd cause them true problems here, not with that monster that stood by his sister's back. He'd have named him as the Mountain had he not been told the man had fallen. Whoever he was he could be the man's twin and he'd be enough to cut through them all if he wished it. As for Cersei herself, he could see her eyes were torn between looking longingly at Jaime and staring daggers at him. The daggers won out once she could see that Jaime was unharmed.

"Sister." he said warmly when they finally made it to where Cersei and the others too.

"I'm no kin of yours, Imp." she snapped.

"Father will be most pleased to… Oh that's right, father no longer hears anything." he said with a chuckle that earned him more of his sister's ire.

"Monster, evil spiteful thing. Have you any idea what you took from our family? What you've cost us? Myrcella's death is on your hands, Imp. Were it not for you then these whores never would have dared, not with father alive. I spit on you." Cersei shouted as she did just that "I will see you dead and your death will be a long one coming."

He swore she looked almost ecstatic saying the last few lines. Her nostrils flared and her breathing was heavy, and for the first time, he felt he had just seen what his sister looked like when she was truly aroused and it was absolutely terrifying.

"The prisoners, we wish to see them." he said, composing himself.

"You can remove their hoods, but the Dornish whores remain gagged." Cersei said looking at Jaime now more than him.

"How are we to know you've not harmed them? That you've not taken their tongues?" he asked annoyedly.

"You know because I say I've not. I'll not hear words spoken by the whores who killed my daughter. You take them how you see them or we can call this exchange off and see where that leads us." Cersei said and the way she looked to the giant guard, pretty much confirmed where it would lead.

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't tempted, that a part of him wasn't considering doing as she suggested just to see what happened next. If he was certain that he would walk away alive and that Cersei ended up dead, then he'd perhaps have done so. The thing that stopped him was the look in Cersei's eyes. Knowing his sister how he did, he was sure that he would be the first to fall, him and then Ellaria and Tyene. With them dead, Cersei would care about nothing else here other than getting herself and Jaime to safety, but he would be the first to fall. She may have failed all those years ago at the Battle of Blackwater Bay, but he had no Podrick Payne to save his life this time.

Looking to Theon who was speaking to a very angry-looking Yara Greyjoy and to Ellaria and Tyene who both wore panicked looks, fearing no doubt that he'd just walk away, he nodded his head, and then he sighed when Theon spoke.

"Where is my uncle?" Theon asked as Yara shook her head.

"Lord Greyjoy is busy elsewhere, far from here, and is of no concern to you." Cersei said and her tone would have been enough to prove her a liar without looking at the gleeful look she had in her eyes.

For now, though he found he could care less about where Euron was, not even the nagging at his head that he should, was enough to make him consider spending any more time here than needed. So with a nod of his head, Jaime was moved forward and so were Ellaria and Tyene, Yara already standing by her brother's side. With that it was done in mere moments, the exchange had taken place and he hoped that Jaime would speak to his sister about the parley that they soon needed to have. More than that he hoped that once his queen returned from the savage North she would welcome his initiative in setting up that meeting. With a last look at his brother and sister, he moved to walk back to the boat and heard her voice call out to him.

"I wished you died the day you were born and I curse every day that you've been allowed to breathe since. Your time is drawing close, Imp. I look forward to seeing you draw your last breath." Cersei said sneeringly.

"Now you know how I felt when I killed our father, sister mine." he said and he moved quickly to the boat once he'd done so.

Each sweep of the oars brought them further from the beach and closer to the ship and he swore he held his breath for each and every one of them. When they finally were on the deck, he immediately gave orders for them to set sail. They were far from safe yet and his sister's words proved that she had made other plans. He looked on in amazement as Melisandre gave both Ellaria and Tyene a small bottle to drink and as he heard them speak of being poisoned. Looking at Theon Greyjoy he could see that he was speaking to his sister and seemed relieved by whatever she had just said to him.

"We needs must be away from here, I doubt this is all that my sister has planned for us." he said as he watched Ellaria and Tyene embrace each other and both women look to Melisandre with gratitude.

"Have no fear, Lord Tyrion, Today is not your day to die." Melisandre said and despite not believing in her or her god, he'd be a liar if he said that didn't comfort him somewhat.

Though as they sailed he found himself reflecting more on Cersei's words and he realized she didn't want his death to be a quick one. It wouldn't be death that she sent for him, it would be someone to bring her to him so she could drag out that death. Reaching for the bottle of wine he began to drink and drunk heavily, better to face danger drunk than sober, and if he got drunk and lucky enough, when he woke they'd be on Dragonstone.

Blackwater Bay (after the exchange) 303 AC.

Theon Greyjoy.

He had feared her broken, like him. He had feared her silence when she climbed into the rowing boat. He had feared Euron had killed her spirit, yet as he felt the pain run through his jaw, he couldn't help but laugh in relief.

"Why are you laughing?" she spat, her anger seeping through her words and making Theon laugh harder.

"You're still you." he said happily.


"I think you broke my nose."

"Well, you fucking deserve it! And stop fucking laughing, you idiot! You left me!" she growled yet he could hear the pain and the disappointment in her last words.

"I did. I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, you bastard."

"I know."

"Are you going to say more than two words or do you want me to make sure that your nose is actually broken?" she snapped.

"I'm glad you're here."

"That's not thanks to you." Yara said dejectedly.

"Aye, I know."

"Where's Queen Daenerys?"

"She flew North, with Jon."


"I don't know exactly. But she gave me this to give to you when you were safe," he said, holding out a letter that she took from him while frowning.

"We will be safe only when we will be in Dragonstone. That horseshit they fed us about Euron doesn't sit well with me. He was furious to have to give me away and swore before I was given to the Lion Bitch that I will be his sooner than I think." Yara said worriedly.

"That's what I feared. Do you feel well enough to captain the ship?"

"Even if I didn't, I would still be a better captain than you," she snorted. "Our discussion is far from over, Theon. When we'll get to Dragonstone…"

"You'll beat me bloody. Looking forward to it, my queen." he said with a bow of his head.

A glimpse of surprise showed on her face before she quickly schooled her features and gave him her signature smirk. With a nod, she then ran to the helm of the ship and Theon felt more confident about their chances of survival when he saw the Red Priestess walk the same way.

That Lady Melisandre was Jon's close advisor made her intimidating in Theon's eyes. That she seemed to know a lot about the events to come made him fearful. How she saved the Sand Snakes' lives by giving them the right antidote when the mother and daughter told them of their being poisoned was beyond his understanding, but he would be a fool to dismiss her advice after witnessing her intervention.

Yara though didn't seem ready to listen to the Red Priestess. He rushed toward them when he heard the start of the argument and the sound of his sister throwing insults at the woman for following the Starks.

"Whatever you think about my prince, my Lady, he is the reason I am here and the reason you are too. You should best remember it." Melisandre said firmly.

"Daenerys is the reason we're here, priestess. It was not Jon Snow who exchanged Jaime Lannister."

"Had you listened to him in the first place instead of letting your hatred for all Starks cloud your judgment, there would have been no need for an exchange, Lady Reaper."

"Listen here, you -"

"Yara, stop it. She's right and you know it." he said and her sister stared at him with disbelief. "She has just saved Ellaria and Tyene from the fates Cersei planned for them. If Euron is really planning something, I say we should follow her advice."

"I see… And why should I trust her?" Yara questioned.

"We all want the same thing, Yara. Moreover, Jon was the one who suggested that the Queen take prisoners, and Lady Melisandre is here on this ship with us. She is risking her life to help us."

"I do all I do because my prince wills it so." Melisandre added, making Yara roll her eyes and Theon sigh loudly.

"Aye. Somehow, she knows what is to come. She knows where Euron is and what we shall do to escape him." he said quickly hoping it was his words that his sister listened to.

"You would vouch for her? Put your life on the line for that?" Yara challenged.

Theon hesitated, but one look at Melisandre and an encouraging smile from the Red Woman strengthened his resolve.

"Aye, I would."

"Then so be it. The helm is yours, brother. Follow her lead while I'm getting some rest. I hope for your sake and ours that you are right." Yara said dismissively as she turned to walk away.

The pressure he felt when she had walked away almost made him faint. It was overwhelming, almost suffocating, and soon panic took over his mind. Had he said the right thing? Was he making the right decision by backing the priestess? His sister's life, his life, all of the crew, and those on board were depending on him and he wasn't certain he could handle it.

He felt a hot soft hand caressing his cheek and soon was drawn to Melisandre's gaze.

"Do not be scared, Theon Greyjoy. You already knew you had a part to play. This is your part right now."

"Will… I don't…"

"I will stay with you. Have no fear." she said reassuringly.

"What shall I do?"

"Manoeuvre as close as you can to the coast. No light shall be lit until we arrive safely. I know it seems too dangerous, but have faith, for the Lord of Light, will guide us through the darkness."

"I don't follow…"

"If not in Him, have faith in yourself and your desire to save your sister. That will be enough."

Theon nodded, somewhat invigorated by the Priestess' words. and ordered for all the lights to be extinguished. The crew stared at him as if he was mad, and he probably was, it surely felt like he had lost his mind. He was not as skilled as his sister behind the helm. He was perhaps still more of a greenlander than a captain, yet he felt it in his bones. The movement of the sea and of the wheel between his hands. Not one muscle of his body wasn't tense in concentration as Melisandre guided them closer to the shore when the light of the sun dwindled to disappear. He heard the waves crashing against the cliffs and prayed to the Drowned God while keeping the ship away from the rocks that could hit them.

She stood beside him when the darkness surrounded them, chanting in a language he didn't understand, and he felt the darkness grow as the moons and stars disappeared from the sky. Never in his life had he seen such a dark night. He could hear the anguished cries of the crew around him, but couldn't see where they were. Only Yara's voice telling them to stop yelling so they wouldn't be found out seemed to calm them down.

Finally, Melisandre told him to go starboard and to stay their course. He didn't hesitate this time and did as he was bid. He prayed and prayed for hours and then he froze when he saw the familiar shape of an island.

"You've done it, Lord Greyjoy." Melisandre whispered in his ear, making him shiver and then smile in relief. "You've brought us back."

"Euron?" he asked, still worried about his uncle.

"Will wait for us for a long time and he will rage, for he'll not see us fall into his trap."

Theon sighed loudly, finally seeing the shore more clearly and the lights of their allies welcoming them from afar.

Dragonstone 303 AC.


It had taken him time to restore his network and some of it was lost to him forever and now being used by the new Hand of the King. Some of it that the man thought was his, was truly Varys's, but it was not what it had once been. The songs took a little longer to arrive and being on Dragonstone hindered him somewhat in that. Yet it was still not safe for him to be elsewhere as of yet. Nor did he truly have a wish to be anywhere but here.

He needed to be close to the queen, to make sure he was in the right of things. To ensure that she was her mother's daughter and not her father's, something he'd been much relieved to see that she was. With his own work taking precedence and the need to be able to offer sound and good advice, he'd been lacking in offering any, to be honest. Had he been part of the councils for true then he'd have named Tyrion's plans as folly and called them out for such, yet it had been left to another to do so. Another who he watched just as keenly as he did the queen herself, though now for a different reason than he had at first.

At first, it was because of who Jon Snow was in regards to their plans for the realm. The regent of the King of the North and Ned Stark's bastard son, he could be a valuable ally or their worst and most dangerous enemy and so Varys had watched as he tried to decide which he was. He'd seen enough to think him more the former than the latter and so he'd stopped watching as keenly and had once again concentrated on his own work. Perhaps he would have still done so were it not for his conversation with Lady Olenna.

Varys had not been there when Ned Stark returned with the bones of his sister and a bastard babe. Not yet welcomed fully back into the Small Council or the King's good graces and so he's simply heard the tale and so had not thought much more about it. Over the years he'd paid Jon Snow no mind and when he'd heard he'd gone to the Wall, he'd not even given it a second thought. Now he was given it far more than that and none of it was adding up in his mind. Why not name the boy's mother? What reason could Ned Stark have for keeping it to himself? Why was Lady Olenna so keen to speak on the boy and find out more?.

It was only the last of those he could answer with any certainty. The young man had saved her life after all, but still, he was sure there was more to it than simple gratitude. He had spoken to Tyrion about him and had found that he was not much liked when it came to the Imp of Casterly Rock. A man who it now seemed was too worried about losing his potion to accept that Jon Snow offered them something they had not and so he'd paid Tyrion's words about him little mind. Vicious and cutting though they were.

" Bastards are devious by nature, Varys. I fear this bastard is far cleverer than I thought and so I fear for our queen being near him."

" And here I thought you were fond of cripples, bastards, and broken things!" Varys had jested, making Tyrion snort as an answer.

While there was truth in those words, it was not the truth that Tyrion wished it to be. He feared Jon Snow's closeness to the queen alright, but only for what it meant to him and not for Daenerys herself. Looking to the table he saw that he'd paid little attention to the songs that had been sung and so for the next hour he concentrated only on them. Once he was done writing out his missives, he moved from the room and went to eat, finding himself with quite an appetite and it was as he was doing so that the ships were spotted.

"All of them?" Olenna asked Missandei as they hurried to see them land and to see that all who set sail on them had returned, something the young woman was perhaps keenest of all for.

"All of them, Lady Olenna." Missandei said nervously.

They were halfway there when he saw the boats and who they carried. He heard Missandei let out a relieved breath when she saw Grey Worm was unharmed and Olenna's small laugh when she saw that all three prisoners seemed likewise. Ellaria, Tyene, and Yara Greyjoy had all been released and as he heard the dragons behind him, he took note of who else was in the boat and then hurried to where the dragons would land.

He arrived some time after they had and saw the coffer being guarded as both the queen and Jon Snow moved closer to the dragons. Watching Jon Snow do as the queen did, seeing him stroke the green dragon as if it was a far tamer beast was incredible to him. None had gotten close and while Tyrion had tried to, he'd only been allowed to remove the chains, not touch them as Jon Snow was now doing. Even when he had done so, Varys had not heard the dragons make the sounds the green one now was. Only under one other's touch did they sound so joyful and he felt his heart still as he looked at the expressions on both the queen and Jon Snow's faces.

Not only were they the same ones, they were identical, familial even, and as he looked at one more than the other, he began to consider that he may now know who Jon Snow's mother truly was. What that would mean if he was right, he knew not. Though given the look both shared as the dragons took to the sky and they moved to join him, it was not a problem without a solution. He only hoped if he was right that both would see the need for that solution.

"Your grace. The prisoners and those sent to make the exchange have all returned safely." he said to a beaming smile from the queen.

"Excellent, this is the most excellent news, Lord Varys."

"Lord Snow." he said with a small bow of his head and it took all he had not to name him as his prince, and perhaps soon to be his king.

"Lord Varys. Lady Melisandre?" Jon asked concernedly.

"Is safe and well, my lord." he replied.

"We should get back to the keep, have that put somewhere safe, and see that all went well." the queen said to a nod of his and Jon Snow's head "Lord Snow." the queen sided offering up her arm which he was happy to see was taken without hesitation.

As he watched them both walk away he knew he had work to do. He had to be certain before he presented this to them both, but as he looked at them he smiled. A good Queen and King, the realm could only prosper from such, and after so very long he may have finally found them.