Chapter 13: Spring or Winter,Prince is still Prince (Part 1)

King's Landing/White Harbor 303/304 AC.


On the whole, the swearing of fealty went well. There were questions regarding the North of course but those would soon be answered and if they went how she hoped they would, much to her satisfaction. The West had been complicated somewhat, there were far more Lannisters alive than she'd expected and many with competing claims both on Casterly Rock itself and on the Wardenship. Taking Olenna's advice she'd named Ser Daven Lannister as her new Warden of the West and the man had agreed to march men North without question. Though he had told her that the number of men they had to call upon was greatly reduced from what it had once been.

In regards to the Rock, Tyrion's aunt Genna named him a Kinslayer and said he had no right to it or its lands and while Dany was almost tempted to agree, she'd already come to an arrangement with Tyrion, one that she was loathed to go back on. In the end, a compromise of sorts was hit upon. Genna would act as Lady of Casterly Rock until Tyrion was ready to take up his position and her oldest living son Lyonel was officially named as Tyrion's heir unless Tyrion had a child of his own. To him, it was yet another slight that she felt Tyrion didn't accept gracefully and both Olenna and Varys pondered on whether or not Lady Genna would seek to see some accident befell him.

Dany found she cared not if one did, his advice to her had almost cost her everything and his attitude regarding Jon had only grown even worse. Varys telling her of drunken insults being spoken about the part Jon played in the taking of her throne and how his own part was exaggerated greatly at times. Idle words she could accept for now, for she had much bigger things to worry and concentrate on. The Vale had not answered her call and so she was tempted to take Drogon and Viserion and fly to the Eyrie herself, only her eagerness to head North stopping her from doing so. Dorne it seemed was relatively content, though there were some who felt that Princess Sarella should be forced to wed one of her Bannermen, something that both the girl in question and Dany herself would not allow. Both the Riverlands and newly formed Crownlands were happy with their situations, Edmure Tully agreeing to march men North and Aurane Velaryon agreeing to help man King's Landing and the surrounding lands.

Asha had set sail for the Iron Islands and yet Theon had asked to stay and would join her on her journey North. His debt to the Starks was something that he wished to pay back should they allow him to. A debt was what Jaime Lannister seemed to owe too. Melisandre told her that his debt was one more than twenty years in the making and one that though she may not wish him to pay, she needed to allow him to. That the woman would say no more was frustrating and had she not arrived with Jon and proved her usefulness many times over, then Dany would have ignored her words.

The Reach provided a welcome respite. Olenna running it as smoothly as she did the rest of Dany's kingdoms and the wisdom of having her as Hand had been made abundantly clear more than once. Lady Desmera Redwyne was to be named as Olenna's heir and as the Lady of Highgarden, though there had been a surprise too when Olenna's daughter Janna had announced she was with child. Dany wondered if the lady would seek to name that babe her heir if it turned out to be a boy since she had no wish to name any of her other grandsons in her stead.

"All done my queen." Missandei said as Dany looked at herself in the looking glass, her thoughts no longer on Seven Kingdoms and instead focussed on simply one.

"All is prepared?" she asked and Missandei nodded.

Dany rose to her feet and together with Missandei left the rooms she'd had completely redecorated and named her own. Queens Chambers that for now, she spent her nights in alone and she shivered in delight a the thoughts that soon that may not be so. Walking through the Red Keep with Ser Jorah and Grey Worm at her back and guards nodding to her as she passed, she felt as she had in Meereen, truly a queen. She'd been one in name only when she'd arrived on Dragonstone, the rightful and true one, but one without a crown. Now she wore a silver circlet on her head, the city was hers, the lands hers and she was about to set off and do what a true queen should. Fight for those who needed her protection.

That the lands she was traveling to had not named her queen as of yet, mattered little. Nor that it may take a marriage for them to agree to bend the knee. For had it not always been so? Was that not what she'd set out from Meereen with in her mind? To find a suitable man who'd be the best match politically and who would bring her the most benefit. Little had she known at the time just how suitable that man would turn out to be and just how much he'd bring her. Reaching the courtyard she smiled at those assembled there. Lady Olenna, Lord Varys, Lady Ellaria, Aurane Velaryon, not a full Small Council but enough for now.

"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come, my queen." Olenna said warmly.

"I thank you, Lady Hand."

"For Lord Snow." Olenna said handing her a letter.

"My queen" Varys said with a bow.

"I look forward to many whispers, Lord Varys, especially regarding the Vale."

"My little birds will see the songs are sung, my queen."

"My queen."

"Lord Velaryon."

"Be safe, my queen, I and Dorne pray for your success and your swift return to us." Ellaria said, her eyes still red from tears that had been spilled when saying her goodbyes to both her daughters who'd be sailing North with them.

"I shall do my best to see it so, and to see your girls return with me." she said to a thankful nod.

With a last look to the Red Keep behind her and dismissing the thoughts that she'd come here to take this city and this keep, to sit the Iron Throne and now far sooner than she'd have thought she was leaving it behind, she climbed up on her silver and once those with her were mounted, she rode from the courtyard and through the city.

There were cheers, worried looks, hopeful ones and it took them some time to reach the dock where their ship awaited. Almost the entirety of the fleet had been loaded already and had set off. The ship that she, Missandei, and those closest to her would sail on amongst the last to leave. On deck, she could see someone who was mayhaps even more eager than she to be underway. Wylla looked impatient to be on her way, to be sailing North and to see the same man that Dany herself truly longed to see. In the sky both her sons flew in circles, eager themselves to see their brother once more and so once she and her silver were on board, she gave the order to set sail.

There were even more ships in this armada than had been in the one she'd brought to Westeros. Dornish spears, Reach knights, her Khalasar, and Unsullied and supplies to feed, clothe and arm them all. Others would ride to the North, men of the West and Riverlands and despite it being the largest army ever assembled, a part of her feared it would not be enough. As she stood on the deck and watched the city fade in her view she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned expecting to see Missandei standing there, only to find herself face to face with Wylla instead.

"We'll see him soon, my queen, you have my thanks for making it so." Wylla said softly and Dany could see the longing in the older woman's eyes.

"Is he who I believe him to be?" she asked softly, Wylla having told her little if anything to name Jon as true other than making it so that all the pieces fit.

"He is the song that's yet to be sung, my queen. The Prince that was Promised. He is their song, the song of ice and fire." Wylla said and Dany felt her heart stir at the words.

As the ships sailed and the weather began to turn, Dany found herself relieved that her own visit to the North had been enough to prepare her and those with her for what it was they would face. Her Khalasar was used to the cold nights in Essos but compared to what they'd face in the North those nights were sweet summer ones. The Unsullied and the Dornish forces were used to far warmer weather and those from the Reach too had never truly fought in Winter.

Jon had given her some furs and clothing to bring back with her, Dany then tasking Missandei and the women of the Khalasar to come up with something akin to it. They would probably need more once they got to the North itself, but the army she was bringing was relatively well provisioned in this regard. As they were with weapons and food, though truly that would depend on the enemy they faced and how they adapted to the way of fighting that they'd need to use to beat them. It could not be how they fought up to now, both Jon and Jorah having told her that large charges across the lands of the North in the snow would not be effective. It was why she'd asked for it to be Jon who commanded her armies and not Jorah or Grey Worm. Both men respected him and would follow his lead, and Jon had proved he understood tactics, but his experience in the North would be just as vital to their hopes of victory.

When she saw White Harbor come into view, it took her breath away. The city was as white as its name suggested and the smell of the fish and seafood being cooked at the docks and beyond made her stomach rumble just a little. She heard the worried shouts when her children flew overhead and so she directed them to land far outside the city. As they marched she'd take to the skies and do her best to resist the urge to fly to Winterfell which she knew she'd soon be feeling. They were welcomed by a rotund knight who named himself Ser Wylis Manderly and who took issue with Ser Jorah being by her side.

"Your grace, welcome to White Harbor." the knight said before his eyes were drawn to Ser Jorah and courtesy was forgotten "You have some gall to set foot back in the North, Mormont. Be thankful that you come as part of her grace's entourage or else you'd lose your head by nightfall."

"Ser Jorah is commander of my Queensguard, Ser Wylis, and shall be spoken to with respect." she said angrily.

"The man is a slaver, your grace, and the North will seek his head." Ser Wylis said not looking at her when he spoke.

"Then they'll need to take mine own to get it, Ser Wylis, and they'll find that no easy task."

For a few moments, she felt that the knight may be about to take that risk, only for him to shrug his shoulders and offer her the comfort of the New Castle while the army disembarked, Dany refusing to accept it after his harsh words to Jorah. So it was later that day that they left the city behind, she, her Unsullied who had landed in half the time that it took others to do and some of the Khalasar, the rest to follow.

"I had meant to bring that up, Khalessi. How the North would react to my presence. Ned Stark sentenced me to death and there are those who take his word as if it was spoken by the Old God's themselves still." Jorah said as they rode through the lands outside White Harbor.

"Yet Jon never sought it did he?" she asked to a shake of Jorah's head "And you would say he too would have lived up to such words would you not?"

"Aye, as much if not more than any man, Khalessi."

"There are those who would seek Jon's head too, Jorah, who'd name him a traitor and oathbreaker and yet he is anything but. Whatever crimes you committed against the North are no matter, for you've more than atoned for them over the years and should any have an issue with what you did in the past, then let them bring it up with me and face my scorn and contempt for doing so."

"It could cause problems, Khalessi, the North Remembers." Jorah said and Dany reached out her hand and touched his own, a hand that had been covered in Greyscale, not more than a year earlier.

"As do I, Jorah, as do I."

She felt it when she camped that night, the overwhelming need to fly and though the night was far too cold for such, she cared not. Despite the protests from Jorah and Grey Worm and the worried looks from Missandei, she had felt the call and she was determined to answer it. So she made her way to Drogon and spoke softly to him and to Viserion, her children keener even than she to be in the air, and then a few moments later they were.

The air was cool on her face and blew her hair back, the hood on her cloak down despite the chill. In the sky. Above her the moon shined brightly and each of the stars looked as large as she'd ever seen them. It was clear, not a cloud in sight and as she looked at the ground below she could see the reflections of the stars shining in the streams and rivers that she flew over. When she heard the roar ring out it brought a smile to her face, Drogon and Viserion quickly answered their brother's call. Her smile grew even larger when the Green Dragon came into view and then more so when she saw the figure on its back.

Winterfell 304 AC.


He felt it, the call resounding through every fiber of his body. His very blood called out for him to answer it and he was powerless to do anything but give in. After making excuses and speaking to Tormund and Davos, the former acting as a shield of sorts and setting up a hunting party that he could slip away from unnoticed, Jon spoke to Rickon and told him that he needed to go and see Rhaegal and that he'd been gone until the morrow at least.

His brother seemed to understand and Jon was grateful for that small mercy. As he was for the ride to where Rhaegal had made a nest of sorts since it allowed him time to gather his thoughts. For some reason, he knew what the call was, or at least suspected it and if he was right, then it would mean that he would be seeing Dany sooner than he'd expected. While that thought was one he much enjoyed, it brought with it some worries too. Worries that even his conversation with Rickon after he'd laid out his plans in the Great Hall had not completely removed. His brother's offer and his own belief that Dany would feel a certain way were not enough to make him forget a lifetime of being told he was not nor would ever be good enough.

" Why?" he asked as he stood in his brother's room, Rickon looking at him to see if he was upset or just curious, finding it to be the latter Jon hoped.

" You know why."

" Why not speak to me first?" he asked, again curiosity and not anger his tone.

" I wanted you to react naturally, Jon, to act how you did, and to feel the truth in the words you spoke." Rickon said, catching him by surprise.

" How do you know I spoke the truth? How do you know that I didn't just hold my tongue because my king was speaking and to call him out would be bad politics?" he asked and Rickon chuckled.

" Because you're not that good a mummer, Jon. You may care for politics and not wish to undermine my rule, but you lead with your heart too. You're not Bran, Jon, thank the old gods for that." Rickon said and Jon smirked as he took his seat "It is what you want isn't it?" Rickon asked a moment later, his brother's voice was far less sure than it had been a moment earlier.

" Aye." he said before sighing far more loudly than he'd intended.

" Jon?"

" What if it's not what she wants? I've nothing to offer her, brother. No lands, no titles, I know where Tyrion would come out on the idea of this match and he may not be…"

" Fuck Tyrion Lannister, fuck any of them who think you're not good enough. You are my brother, the son of a Stark who carries the oldest bloodline in Westeros in his veins. And that's just on one side of your family tree, Jon. So fuck them and let them dare say you're not good enough, they'd better do it far from my hearing though." Rickon said angrily and Jon felt something he'd not known but a few times in his life, he felt supported, truly and unconditionally and he rose from his seat to walk to his brother, embracing him as tightly as he could for doing so "You're my brother, Jon, to me, there is nothing that makes you more worthy than who you are."

" Thank you, brother." he said mussing his hair and being slapped on the hand for doing so, Rickon smiling all the while "Besides you won't' be going to her and offering nothing."

" Rickon?"

" The North, Jon, you'll be bringing her the North."

He'd argued, they'd argued, well not a true one and more a heated discussion. Rickon named him as the rightful king and Jon told him it was never something he wished for. His brother countering with the fact that he'd not wished to be King in the North or Lord of Winterfell and yet fate and blood had brought them both to his door. When he'd brought up that Dany was queen and had won by right of conquest, Rickon had said that he was not suggesting he usurp her throne, only that he share it with her. That the North would kneel to a son of Stark and more importantly, that he was the dragon that Rickon himself intended to kneel to.

It hadn't removed his doubts and he'd found others soon joining them. Yet as he saw Rhaegal, as he climbed up on the Green Dragon's back, he tried to remove them from his mind and enjoy the flight to come. Something that he very much did. Flying seemed to bring a sense of peace to him that he'd rarely known. Soaring through the sky and almost being able to touch the very stars themselves was an experience like no other and one that only one other person in the world would understand. Not even the cold winter night's air was enough to spoil the experience and so lost was he in it that he didn't notice the other two dragons when they came into sight. Rhaegal's roar of greeting being the first inkling he got that he was no longer alone and seeing her on Drogon's back, the wind blowing her silver hair back and what he believed was a smile on her face, was a sight he'd take with him to his grave.

"Dany." he said softly as Rhaegal roared once more, to his brothers or mother, or to them all, Jon couldn't be sure.

They flew a little longer together, all three dragons welcoming the chance to be able to do so after some time apart while it seemed that Dany too was simply enjoying their nighttime flight. It was he who directed Rhaegal to land and he picked a place that was both open and sheltered at the same time. A place where they would be safe and undisturbed and as he climbed down off Rhaegal's back, he looked to see Dany doing likewise off Drogon's. The urge to run to her was strong and yet one he resisted, instead going to Rhaegal and thanking him for allowing him to share this with him. Then to his and Dany's surprise, the three dragons took to the sky once more, this time riderless. He stood watching them for some time, the dragons seeming to be playing in front of his eyes and it was only when they were gone from his sight that he moved.

"Dany." he said, the words like an expiration of breath.

"I… Jon." her reply telling him all he needed to know and stopping him from doing what he truly wished to.

"You know?" he asked softly unable to look her in the eye, fearful of what she may be thinking or about to say.

"I know. Blood of my Blood." she said, taking his hands in her own and forcing him to look at her.

Her expression was not one he expected, but it was the one he'd hoped to see. There was no anger, recrimination, or hint of betrayal in how she looked at him. Instead, there was an eagerness, a willingness for him to be who she now knew him to be.

"I didn't know, Dany. I swear it. When I arrived, when I left, I didn't know." he said while holding his breath.

"I know enough about you to know that's true, Jon. Jon, is that your name?" she asked and he both nodded and shook his head at the same time.

"I… I don't know."

He felt her squeeze his hands and then before he could stop himself, he was kissing her deeply. She didn't pull back or resist and showed no signs that it was not what she wanted and so the kiss went on for some time and would have done for longer were it not for the cold breeze that blew.

"We should set a fire." he said to a nod from her and so he moved to gather some wood and less than a few moments later they were sitting facing each other with a fire burning between them, something that felt apt for some reason.

"It was Olenna and Varys, Jon. They worked it out somehow. I believe Olenna may have suspected for some time and set Varys to the task of finding out for true." Dany said as he handed her some of the food he'd brought with him and she ate it sparingly.

"Why? Why would Olenna wish to know?" he asked.

"It's who she is. More so now as my Hand, but I think it's who she is. In that regard, she's a little like Tyrion, had he suspected I believe he'd have done likewise… though…"


"I fear he'd not have told me."

"Aye, he may not have. When I left to come back North, the first night I flew brought me to High Heart, you know of it?" he asked to a shake of Dany's head "It's not far from Harrenhal in the Riverlands and is to those of us who follow the Old Gods, a sacred place. It's said that the Andals killed the Children of the Forest, the animals that served them, and their First Men allies when they fought them there. They cut down the Weirwoods and all that remains of them now are stumps."

He looked over to see she was rapt in her attention to the words he was speaking, her eyes almost examining him from head to toe as she looked for something he knew not.

"I met a woman there who told me a tale of our house, our family." he said noticing how Dany smiled at his use of our "She claimed she was the mother of Jenny of Oldstones, you know the tale, the song?" he asked to a shake of Dany's head.

It took him some time to tell her of Jenny and Prince Duncan, of Summerhall and the prophecy that the Ghost of High Heart had given to his great grandfather, Dany's grandfather, and how it had led to Aerys and Rhaella being wed. Dany ate up every word like a starving babe, even more so when he began to speak of his father and what the Ghost had said about him. Jon then told her how she'd asked him to sing and named him a bard just like his father before him.

"You can sing?" Dany asked with a large smile on her face.

"Aye, though I knew it not at the time."

"So if I asked you to sing for me?" she asked playfully and he nodded, though he didn't sing right then, instead speaking words he'd not done to anyone else as of yet.

"I feared that I was a child born of Rape, Dany." he said before taking a deep breath "The tales I'd heard of my father were such that they were all I knew and I knew no reason to question them."

"My brother wasn't…"

"Aye, I know. I know the truth of my father, of my mother and yet for so long I'd known only the lies and I hate that I ever believed them, Dany, that even for once I believed them." he said his voice breaking as he spoke and before he could speak more, Dany had gotten up from where she'd been sitting and now sat beside him.

"He was a good man, Jon, I know he was." she said softly and he felt her arm around his shoulders as she offered him comfort that he welcomed.

"When I returned to Winterfell I found my mother's things. All my life they'd been there as had she and my uncle had kept them and her from me. I…" he swallowed the words he was about to speak on his uncle, not willing to let hate be what he spoke of as of yet, not after what he'd said about his father "My mother's maiden cloak, some toys she or my father had made for me and her journal. They loved each other Dany, with all they were they loved each other and this fucking world killed them both for it." he said angrily, unable to stop himself "I… my brother, my sister, my grandmother….my father and mother, I've…" he took her hand in his and brought it to his face kissing it softly "We've lost too much."

They sat in silence, Dany resting her head on his shoulder, her arm around his back making sure he wouldn't move and he felt so weak and so in need that he accepted the comfort of her without offering her much of his own. Eventually, though he moved and turned to look at her, seeing the tears she'd shed over the tale he'd told and the losses they'd gone through.

"When I was at the Wall I met our granduncle, Aemon, we spoke of him." he said to a nod of her head, a smile on her face at the thoughts that he'd at least met someone of their blood before now, "He told me something, something at the time I'd known not how to take and didn't truly understand. I understand it now, finally."

"What did he say?"

"A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing, Dany. He told me that and I know it to be true." he said rising to his feet and helping her up so that she was facing him "I'm not alone anymore, Dany. We're not alone anymore."

On the road to Winterfell 304 AC.


For more than twenty years she had waited. Waited for them to call for her and to tell her story, his story. She had hated Eddard Stark for so long, first for not accepting he was to stand for her Prince's rights, for hiding him as a bastard, and for keeping her from coming to Winterfell, stating that his wife would think her the mother of his nephew. Then for not sending news of her Prince as he had promised he would. Yet there wasn't much she could do about it as she had been needed in Starfall after Edric's birth and she couldn't do much either since she wasn't from a noble family.

She remembered the excitement she felt when she was called to King's Landing. She had been wary of the new Queen's intentions, but seeing her smile when she spoke of Wylla's Prince made her realize she was genuine in her feelings. It reminded her of how Prince Rhaegar used to smile when he was looking at Princess Lyanna and she almost opened up to her. Almost, yet she resisted because she felt her duty was to talk to him first.

Young Edric was surprised to see her in King's Landing and then on the ship, but the truth of her willingness to see the one she'd nursed so many years ago and considered as her own child was enough for him not to insist, thankfully.

Queen Daenerys was eager to know more, more about Prince Rhaegar and his relationship with Princess Lyanna, and Wylla had to hand it to the woman in that she was very understanding when she was being turned down. While she on the other hand could understand her need to know much about her family. Instead, Wylla spoke about Rhaegar and his friendship with Ser Arthur Dayne.

"Those two were brothers by choice. Nobody could deny it. Whenever Rhaegar went, Arthur would follow. They had huge fights every time Rhaegar suggested leaving to appease the situation. Arthur wanted to go with him but Rhaegar feared he would be punished by his father for his role in Lyanna's disappearance, and he wanted to make sure someone he could trust stayed by his wife's side. Arthur did not want to hear this, and he relented only when Rhaegar informed him that Lyanna was with child. That was when Arthur brought me from Starfall to the Tower of Joy and things started to change between the Kingsguard and the Princess."

Someone else had started to regard her strangely when he'd asked about her presence on the ship.

"She is Jon Snow's wet nurse." The Red Woman answered for her. "She wanted to see him and to talk to him."

"Oh, so the Queen decided to give the Bastard a reunion with his wet nurse out of kindness? How… Nice of her to do so." The former White Cloak sneered.

"You should focus on what is waiting for you in Winterfell, instead of antagonizing anyone else, Lannister." the priestess retorted.

"And just what is waiting for me in Winterfell?" Ser Jaime asked and Wylla could see just how eager he was to know.

"The truth that you will have to face, about yourself and the things you did for love."

Wylla felt confused but happy to see the man's smirk fade. She was a Dornishwoman and had heard a lot of things about Jaime Lannister since the end of the Rebellion. While she couldn't fault him for killing Aerys Targaryen as her Princess would have killed him herself if she had the opportunity, she blamed him still for what had happened to Princess Elia and her children.

She kept her impatience in check by watching Edric spar with Tyene Sand and Sarella Martell. The little boy she nursed was now a man, and he had finally been given leave to become the new Sword of the Morning. She felt so much pride seeing him wield Dawn as his uncle previously did, and to know he was about to protect the Realm along with her Prince made her emotional. even though she was more amused at that moment. Wyla smirked when they all kept complaining about the growing cold as they grew closer to White Harbor and it reminded her of Lyanna's tales about the North.

"I just can't with this heat. Seriously. It feels as if the Sun itself wants me to suffer." the Princess said jokingly.

"Yet you refuse to wear anything else than your breaches, Princess. Why is that? This dress would make your life so much easier…"

"You're right, but… My brother Benjen offered it to me, along with this shirt. Soon I will not be able to wear them, and this is the last remaining thing I have from my family."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have…"

"All is well, Wylla. I am just… I miss the North. I miss Benjen and our daily rides into the Wolfswood. I miss seeing the summer snows and bathing in the hot springs. I know I will not be welcome there for a long time after the Rebellion, but I hope… No. One day I will show you, Wylla. We will travel there and I will show you and this little one the wonders of the North."

The Princess could be sad sometimes, most of the times when she thought about her family and the troubles she had caused by leaving with Prince Rhaegar, but she was determined to endure whatever scorn the North would throw at her and she was also adamant that they would hear reason when Rhaegar would give them proof of his innocence. She still couldn't believe how things had ended up this out of control and while she had mourned Brandon's loss, she had blamed Rickard and Ned as much as she had blamed herself.

The travel from White Harbor to Winterfell felt excruciatingly long for Wylla. They were surrounded by snow and she was grateful that both her Prince and the Queen had been foreseeing, for the journey would be much harder on them had they not been warned of how cold it could get. The Dothraki clearly were as the Dornish, not used to the snow at all, yet Wylla could see beauty in the snowy scenery around them. It was a whole new world to her, a world she only heard about through Lyanna's tales and she found that, as her Princess said when they met, it was leagues from what she had imagined.

Would it be the same with her Prince?

She had wanted to ask the Queen about him, but didn't want to cause much trouble or to give too much away by being emotional, so she had settled on one of her followers. The woman though came to her before she could ask her anything. Her red attire and the way people feared her made Wylla wary, yet the words she said had soon warmed her heart.

" You want to know if my Prince is worthy."

" Your Prince?" Wylla repeated, unsettled.

" I suppose he was yours long before he was mine… I can however assure you that he is worthy."

" How can I be certain?"

" The Lords of the North are oft to say that he has his father's sense of justice and a strong attachment to his family, but we both know that it comes from his mother." the woman said with a smirk, making her own smile grow. "Oh he has some of his father in him, this is true, but not in the way they think. He has an immense sadness in him, one that is only tempered with being around his loved one."

" Are you sure about her, too?"

" I am. You will see them together and any doubt you'll have will be erased instantly." the woman said firmly.

" I hope you're right, my Lady."

" Just Melisandre. I am not a Lady."

" Will you tell me more about him?" Wylla had asked eagerly, happy to see the Red Woman nod.

She had wept. For how the boy had been treated by his mother's family and then sent to end his life at the Wall when he should have been King. For all the hardships he had to endure and the betrayals he had to face before finding his way back to his family. He was now supporting his cousin who he thought of as his brother and who was King in the North when it was he who should be the one ruling all Seven Kingdoms. Wylla had thanked the Red Woman for bringing him back from the dead and prayed to the Seven that they would protect him and to both the Old Gods and R'hllor too, though she believed in neither. And then she vowed to herself to never leave his side once she would get to see him once more.

The North/Winterfell 304 AC.


The words he said resounded in her head, the way he said them showing that he spoke the truth as clearly as any evidence that could be provided would ever do. Hearing someone else speak of her family, their family, in such a way was something she never understood how much she needed until Jon did so. For as much as in the end she'd come to hate her brother, he was like her a Targaryen and as Jon had put it so truly, A Targaryen alone in the world was a terrible thing. To not be alone any longer was something she welcomed greatly, to not only find that more of her blood lived but that he like her wished to be joined, was even more so.

After they'd spoken on what it meant that Jon was a Targaryen, they'd then spoken on what it truly meant that he was who he was. Not to the Realm or the world at large, but to them, to each other, and to their future. Hearing that he wished for what she wished for had been such a relief. As the thoughts that the truth of who he was may have changed how he felt about her were not ones that she wished to ponder on for long. When she'd spoken to him of what she'd been advised to do, she'd stood waiting with bated breath for his response, laughter not being the one she'd expected.

"Jon?" she asked confused as he stopped laughing when he saw her expression.

"It's nothing, just… do you ever get the feeling that those around you know you better than you know yourself?" he asked and she nodded, knowing that Missy knew what she would think or feel long before Dany herself did at times "My brother made the same suggestion, Dany. It seems those around us wish us to be wed."

"And you?" she asked nervously, smiling when he moved to her and kissed her softly, his grey eyes staring deep into her violet ones.

"You need to ask?" he said and she nodded her head "Aye, it's what I want. It's what I want more than anything I've ever wanted. Marry me, Dany, be my wife."

She had no words, they were lost to her and she was unable to form them and speak them and so she answered the only way she could. The kisses she delivered to him were many and she never wished them to end. Her head nodded and she felt her eyes grow wet as the tears of happiness wished to be let loose. Eventually, she was able to speak the words, and even though her voice was strained and husky with emotion, they sounded as sweet to her ears as they seemed to do to Jon's.

"I'll marry you, of course, I'll marry you." she said smiling beamingly.

They'd held each other for some time and had then been surprised when the dragons had returned. Surprised and disappointed as it had been the signal that their time together had come to an end, for now at least. Saying goodbye was even harder this time than it had been the last. Though Jon's whispered words that they'd see each other again before she made it to Winterfell and that once she had they could then begin to plan a wedding and a life together, were more than enough to make her accept their need to part.

It was just after noon that she arrived back at her army that had already begun their march. Missandei, Grey Worm, Jorah, and the others relieved to see her unharmed. From Drogon's back, it was to her Silver that she went, turning down the chance to stop and eat and instead doing so as they rode. Melisandre and Missy rode beside her with Grey Worm marching with the Unsullied and Jorah taking up his position behind her. Up front some of her Dothraki led the way and Dany had seen from upon Drogon's back that they had sent scouts on ahead to make sure their march was undisturbed and held no surprises.

"All went well, my queen?" Missy asked and Dany turned and smiled at her friend.

"More than well."

"You met with my prince?" Melisandre asked.

"We met. Jon is well." she said not wishing yet to have the conversation she knew she would soon need to have.

Melisandre looked at her, as did Missandei, both of them wearing almost identical smirks, and yet neither said anything more regarding her and Jon's meeting. When the weather begin to change and the cold wind began to blow, she called a halt to the day's march and ordered her men to set up their tents for the night. It was something that was welcomed by one and all and soon enough the fires were burning and men and horses alike were huddled around them.

It was after she'd eaten that night that she knew she couldn't hold back how she was feeling about her talk with Jon. Even during the meal, she'd found herself drifting off somewhat, wishing the meal was being held in the Great Hall of Winterfell and not in a tent on the road to there. Trying her best not to be disappointed in the company she kept while she ate and wished it was with others that she did so. So once it was over and done with, she knew she had no choice but to speak on all that had happened. Asking Missandei and Melisandre to stay along with Wylla, she readied to tell them that she and Jon were to wed.

"Jon knows the truth about who he is, he knows he's my nephew and that the man he thought his father was in fact his uncle. We spoke much on it and then on what it meant regarding how we felt about each other." she said as the three women looked to her with eager eyes, two on Jon's behalf she believed and one on her own "He wishes for us to wed and it seems the North wishes it too." she said, the last words bringing a smile to her face and to the others she was pleased to see.

"I am so happy for you, my queen….Dany." Missandei said when Dany reached out for her hand.

"As am I, your grace." Wylla said and Dany could see no reason to doubt her words, her eyes were then drawn to the last of the three women, Dany holding her breath as she waited for Melisandre to speak.

"I am most joyful at this news, your grace, most joyful. There is no better match in the realm than my prince and yourself, and I mean that not because of politics. No two people deserve to be happy more than you both and I know you will have R'hllor's favor in your union." Melisandre's words were far more effusive than she had expected and more than welcomed.

Talk soon turned to the preparations for the wedding itself, Missandei not needing to ask her whether or not she wished it to be held in Winterfell or to wait until they headed back south once the war was done. Her friend told her that she'd begin work on her dress as soon as she could and that it would be ready most quickly. Both Melisandre and Wylla asked her how Jon was and she told them that he seemed in good spirits and keen to see them both. Something that Melisandre seemed more pleased about than Wylla, though Dany knew that the woman was growing more nervous the closer they were getting to Winterfell.

Over the next week and a half, she flew three more times and met up with Jon on each of them. They spoke on many things, some regarding the war to come, some on those she traveled with, and yet mainly on the future, their future. Listening to him speak of life once the war was won was incredibly comforting. Talk of helping her rule and of the changes they would bring to the Seven Kingdoms was something that she truly needed. Just the knowledge that she'd not be alone in the world, that she'd have someone by her side who understood what it meant to be a dragon, that was almost enough for her. The fact that person was Jon, that when she looked at him and he, her, she could see how he felt about her in his eyes or were that not enough, feel it when he held her in his arms and kissed her, that was so much more.

When she finally saw the large grey keep come into view after more than two weeks of travel, she felt her heart begin to race. The rest of her army had joined her, the Dornish were finally getting used to the cold weather and her Khalasar was finally united. All in all, she had brought more than a hundred thousand men to Winterfell, with more on the way. As they passed through the small city that lay some distance from the keep, she could see the worried looks and frowns on some of the faces. Jon's words came to her as she did so and she held her head up high and offered her warmest smile, something she saw returned by the children alone at first.

It was then that the white wolf came running towards her and some of the Dornish spearmen began to grow agitated. Jorah calmed them down as Ghost ran past everyone to come to her side. She took off her glove and felt his warm tongue on her hand, the wolf then taking up position alongside her Silver once he'd welcomed her to the North. The effect of him walking alongside her was instant, the looks on the faces that had been less than friendly a few moments earlier were now much different and it was no longer only the children who smiled as she passed them. Jon had told her that the Direwolves were the sigil of his mother's house just as the Dragons were of theirs, seeing Ghost accepting her so easily and so completely, had the desired effect and she wondered whether Jon had sent him to her to ensure it.

Upon reaching the courtyard, she looked to see that Jon was not standing with those assembled and for a brief moment she worried he was elsewhere. She'd seen Rhaegal join his brothers in the sky when they were marching through Wintertown, but Jon had not been on his back at the time or so she had believed. Just as she began to doubt whether or not he had been, she heard his voice and looked to see him standing by her Silver, his hand held out to help her down and she took it unreservedly.

"Welcome to Winterfell, My queen." he said softly when she was standing beside him.

As the others dismounted, he led her to where Rickon and the rest of his family waited to greet her. The Lords and Ladies of the North looked on with hard-to-read expressions on their faces as he did so.

"Welcome to Winterfell, Your grace." King Rickon said, his voice even and with a smile on his face that she could see was true.

"I am most pleased to be here, King Rickon." she said warmly.

"My sister, Lady Sansa." Rickon said and Jon moved her to the tall redhead, Dany not expecting the warmth she was greeted with, nor that it seemed as true as both Jon and Rickon's welcome had been.

"It's a pleasure to meet you again, your grace." Sansa said with a picture-perfect curtsy.

"You too, Lady Sansa." she replied trying to keep eye contact with the taller woman and not looking to Jon as she wished to.

"My sister, Arya." Rickon said and Dany was surprised to see the smile on the younger woman's face, though there was some suspicion in those grey eyes as she looked at her too.

"Your grace." Arya said simply with a bow of her head.

"Arya." she said softly, the feel of Jon holding her hand a little more tightly helping her to move to the final member of the Stark family, and the greeting she received from Bran Stark was cold and distant.

Once she'd greeted some of the Northern lords and ladies, Lady Lyanna greeting her warmly as did Lord Wyman, while others like Lord Glover did not. She began to introduce those with her, hearing the intake of breath when she did so with Jorah and with Qhono though for much different reasons. Sarella was greeted warmly much to the woman's surprise while Jaime Lannister was very much not, to no ones. When Sarella introduced Ned Dayne, she heard the hushed whispers and found Jon's eyes immediately drawn to the young lord of Starfall. Yet it was when Jon's eyes locked with Wylla that it seemed as if the world itself stilled.

She watched on as Jon moved from her, his footsteps unsteady as they brought him closer to the woman. As for Wylla herself, hers were anything but and she almost ran to Jon the moment that he moved towards her. They were too far from her to hear what words were spoken to each other, none but the two of them able to hear them and mayhap that was how it should be. When Wylla embraced Jon and held him tightly in her arms, Dany heard the shocked gasps that came from more than one of the Northerners present as well as from the Starks. Yet seeing Jon weep openly as the woman spoke softly to him and held him in her arms, was something that none of them expected.

After he'd wiped his eyes, Jon called for Ser Davos and spoke quietly to the man, Dany looking on as the older man nodded his head at whatever words Jon had spoken to him. Once he was done, it was Ser Davos who led Wylla away and Jon then moved back to her side. His hand was held out in front of him for her to take which she did so happily. She heard him speak words but not what they were, instead her focus was on his demeanor and she was relieved to see he was able to keep his emotions in check, which he'd not been when speaking to Wylla.

"I'll show you to your rooms, Dany." he said softly after a few moments and then led her into the keep, Missandei following behind them along with Ser Jorah and Grey Worm.

"You are well, Jon?" she asked when they were far from any but those closest to her.

"I am. I'd not expected…." she watched as he took a deep breath "When you told me that she was with you and in your party, I'd not….she was there Dany, she was with my mother and father, she knows….she knows my name."

"Jon…" she said softly only for him to stop and turn to her.

"That's not who I am, Dany, she knows who I am, who I was always meant to be. She told me that my mother and father would be proud of me….I've always wished… it's what I've longed to know…."

In the end, it was her and not him that led them to her rooms. Jon was happy enough for her to lead the way and not once did he let go of her hand as she did so. A fire was already burning in the hearth and Missandei, Jorah, and Grey Worm were soon joined by guards and servants who showed them to their own rooms, all on the same wing as hers. It allowed for her and Jon to be alone and she readied to offer her whatever comfort he needed given the emotions he'd just gone through, only to find it was a different type of comfort he sought.

The kisses were deep and she welcomed them and the feel of his hands as they explored her body somewhat. Before she knew it they were laying on the bed and her hands were doing some exploring of their own. Who stopped first she knew not, but she looked up at him to see that he wished not to. There was a fire in his eyes, a hunger the likes of which she'd never seen before and it sent a shiver down to her very core. Not even Drogo had looked at her with such want and desire as Jon now did and how he restrained himself from just taking her there and then or how she did likewise to him, only the gods themselves knew.

"I want…" he said huskily before he took a breath "But I want it to mean more, Dany. I want our first time to be more than just frenzy, I want it to be true." his words were spoken so earnestly that despite the heat she felt, despite the need he'd instilled in her, she nodded and then spoke her agreement.

"Aye, as do I." she said, smiling when he chuckled at her use of his Northern tongue and shivering at the thoughts of the use she'd most like to put it to.

"I love you, Dany, truly and with all I am, I love you." he said as he kissed her softly and Dany found she could barely reply, her words stolen from her and she hoped the look she gave him was enough to show that she loved him too.

Winterfell 304 AC.

Rickon Stark.

She was making him very nervous and he didn't like the feeling. He had planned everything with the help of Ser Davos, and yet she insisted all the council be present when they would make their offer, as well as his family members.

Daenerys Targaryen stared at him with a bit of nervousness in her expression too, and the fact that he could pick up his emotions thanks to his closeness to the wolf seated next to her made things a little easier.

"I thank you once again for respecting your part of the bargain, Queen Daenerys. I have to admit that the army that you brought with you is an impressive lot." he began.

"More is to come, King Rickon. The Westermen are on their way, as is your Uncle Edmure who has sworn fealty to me and will travel with some of the forces from the Riverlands, as well as some from the other kingdoms."

"I hope we will have time to train them all. They might be skilled already but they will have to endure the storm that is coming. The Night King brings the cold with it. A cold that none of us has truly experienced apart from my brother and the Free Folk.

"That is why I would name your brother as commander of our joint forces." Daenerys agreed.

"I agree with the idea, but I need you to order your forces to accept to be trained by the Free Folk too. They won't survive if they keep their prejudices getting the best of them."

"I understand."

"You said you had an offer to the North. Do you want to talk about it now?"

"I do, but before we speak, I have two matters to settle with you."


"Lord Yohn Royce has…"

"Oh, for fuck sake! Will he never give up!" Rickon exclaimed angrily. "We offered him a trial by combat to settle the matter and the fucker refused it."

"That's what I thought." Daenerys sighed. "I will talk to him."

"What's the second matter?" Rickon asked, deeply annoyed.

She gestured to one of her Unsullied who walked outside before bringing in a man who was chained and looking down. Sansa gasped while Arya and Jon rose to their feet, making Rickon wary.

"Jaime Lannister." Daenerys said, her tone full of disdain.

"Why did you bring him here?" Rickon frowned, lifting his hand to halt his sister's impulse as Nymeria and Ghost went to stand before the prisoner menacingly.

"He asked to come North during his trial and Lady Melisandre vouched for him." Daenerys said and Rickon turned to the Red Woman.

"Is there a particular reason why, my Lady?" Rickon asked the Red Priestess.

"A debt to be repaid and an oath to fulfill, Your Grace." Melisandre answered, her gaze fixated on Jon who looked uncomfortable at it and her word but before he could comfort his brother, Daenerys spoke again..

"When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story… about the man who murdered our father. Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor. He told me other stories as well. About all the things we would do to that man… once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp." Daenerys declared, and Rickon could feel her dislike for the man.
