Chapter 37: The bad list grows!

Nathan went to his desk to get started on the book. He found that he had some of the plants listed in the book and that, if this Theanore was to be believed, he was looking after them all wrong.

His potted Vorn was supposed to grown in gardens, for example. He would have dismissed the words of Theanore if there was not the following warning written.

Warning: If the Vorn is grown in a pot, then it will start to give out itchy spores that will get on your clothes.

Nathan's sweaters were itchy ever since he got the plant. He would replant it today after the date. He kept reading on and found out about cover crops, different livestock feeds and the different vegetables he could plant during the seasons.

The more he read, the more he itched to go to his garden and to plant some radishes and lettuce so he could make a fresh salad for Yule!

 Or maybe it was the sweater that itched? He wasn't sure.