

Hours later and I was still strung up like a human sacrifice. Which I was if you count the whole situation.

I was left alone to stew in my thoughts. I could argue that I had every right to react the way I did but that would be bullshit.

Soren warned me about what we were going to do and I ignored it just like I ignored the signs that he wasn't the narcissistic, cold man I thought he was.

He was the same one who had gotten me clothes and made me breakfast, nobody had ever done that before.

My father provided food on the table but he never gave it to me. From small, I fended for myself till he died and I kept doing that. 

I looked up when the door opened and light flooded the dark room, I winced. Soren came in and ordered his men to stay out,

He sat on the stool in front of me and pinned me with his infamous glare.