Karuza High vs. Tiamut High

The lights fell over the ring at the stadium.

There was only one ring left—the big ring—and it was almost three times as big as the small rings that had been used so far.

Instead of multiple matches at the same time, from the quarterfinals onwards, only one match would be fought at a time in the big ring.

At the large screen that was hovering over the big ring, the two teams that were about to fight were displayed for everyone to see.

It was extremely loud at the stadium because the fan favorite, Tiamut High, was going to fight at the first quarterfinals match!

At the commentator's booth.

"The first quarterfinals match is upon us!" Chris Chang shouted into the microphone. 

"There are a total of four quarterfinal matches, and that will conclude the second day of the nationals.

"Tomorrow the last three matches will be held—the two semifinal matches and finally the grand finals—however, now we will decide the semifinalists!"