The silver-sailed ship sailed away with the pirate flag appearing back on its mast. It was heading straight out of the region of the five islands.
However, they left behind a red rowboat, which was battling against the waves.
"This is bullshit!" Julian grabbed the two oars and rowed backwards.
Opposite him, Kiernan sat at the front of the boat, trying to keep it steady.
"What now?" Julian asked. "We're poor, stranded, and definitely about to die."
"At least we're free!" Kiernan said with a grin.
"Yes, free, yippee." Julian rolled his eyes.
"Don't worry, though; head back to Letzer Island," Kiernan said.
"Why?" Julian asked. "The navy must be scouring the whole island by now."
"This rowboat will be the death of ours; we must steal one of the ships there."
"Steal one?" Julian turned around to look at the brightly lit island and at the ships. "Those are all navy ships, though?"