Cold Winds of Spring

The cold winds of the spring drifted through the grayish streets of Irio. The snow had mostly melted, but there were still some piles of snow on roadsides and in shaded areas that had yet to thaw completely.

Through the airport's sliding doors, a warmly dressed pair of young men stepped out with bags in hand.

"Cold…" Julian shuddered and zipped up his jacket tightly. "This is nothing like the World Seas!"

"Right, I forgot that you're from the warm area." Kiernan said. "Swording Port had never snowed, right?"

"Never!" Julian said. "I don't think it was ever chilly either, really!"


Kiernan whistled for one of the yellow cabs to stop, and it slowly rolled to a halt in front of them.

"Need help with the bags?" The cab driver rolled down the window and asked.

"No thanks, just open the trunk, please." Kiernan said, and after the trunk popped open, they tossed their bags inside.