Dangerous Fight

Zachary grabbed the backpack tight, and kept swinging it at Julian with insane speed. It was like he was using the backpack like a whip.

Julian had trouble dodging the backpack, and it was nearly impossible for him to make any kind of attack towards Zachary. The backpack was making sure of that.

'So annoying!'

He gritted his teeth and lunged forward once more, but then the backpack came crashing down on his head.

He quickly sidestepped the backpack, but it swung back around, smacked against his shoulder, and knocked him off balance.

At that moment, Zachary threw the backpack at him. Julian caught it reflexively, but the backpack was covering his vision, and he couldn't see where Zachary was at the current moment.

Then, a punch landed on his stomach, making him double over, and then Zachary kicked him hard in the chest, knocking him off balance.
