The banners of the four schools flapped in the flagpoles, and the trumpet music filled the air with a celebratory tune.
A sea of people swarmed inside a stadium. The mood was exhilarating. This might be the first time ever that the mere representation tournament received so much attention from citizens of Irio.
The sun was high in the sky today. It was a perfect day for the stadium's ceiling to stay open and let the warm rays shine down on the stage below.
Smiles were present on everyone's faces.
"Karuza High! Karuza High! Karuza High!"
The chants echoed through the stadium.
At that moment a bus carrying the members of Karuza High entered the underground parking lot and came to a stop at the end of the driveway.
With the door opening, they all departed the bus with their bags in hand. They were already wearing their Karuza High jerseys—white with the beautiful black flowers printed on them.