Desperation. Panic. Fear. Nervousness.
Bernard was crippled with much of the heavier emotions that came with the realization that he might actually lose this fight and get jailed for the rest of his life.
The luxury lifestyle that he had been treasuring was crumbling all around him. It was all because of this Hunter family right in front of him.
'I don't know anymore!'
Bernard moved his hand behind his back, moved his shirt, and revealed a tucked-away revolver. It had a chamber full of bullets.
He pulled it out, aimed it at the spot between Karma's brows, and pulled the trigger.
Karma's eyes shook.
However, then Kiernan moved in front of him, his hands outstretched. The hands redirected the bullet away.
The bullet smashed through a nearby wall.
"The hell?!"
Bernard's expression turned hideously ugly.