Osairus pulled out his blue aura-covered sword and clashed with his brother. Though they looked equally matched, Osairus was stronger. After a few clashes that almost destroyed the palace, he managed to subdue his brother and had him in chains.
Sirius, though subdued, burst out in maniacal laughter. "What are you laughing about?! You have failed!!" Osairus shouted in anger.
"My end goal was never to take the throne you fool. I'm going to wipe everything you love off the face of this planet. Your family, your people, the kingdom; everything. Getting to kill you with my own hands was nothing but an additional luxury", Sirius informed amidst maniacal laughter.
Sirens suddenly rang out throughout the entire royal capital. "Hahahaa!! The die has already been cast. There is no going back now!!" Sirius shouted with glee.
"You bastard!! What did you do?!" Osairus shouted back. "Your majesty you need to see this!" a guard shouted drawing his attention. There was a transparent three-dimensional screen over his wrist displaying an extremely disturbing image.
There were multiple multi-headed titanic monsters rampaging in all the cities across the entire planet. "Planet eaters! How did you get these creatures unto this planet, and why? You've doomed us all", Osairus' rage erupted as he drew his blade and stomped towards his brother.
"This world is done for. See you in the underworld big bro…", his head flew before he could complete his statement.
"Go, aid in the rescue and evacuation" Osairus ordered the guards. "Yes, your Majesty!" the guards responded and rushed off.
"They'll reach the palace in a few minutes", he mumbled to himself as he rushed towards his wife and children's location.
He arrived at an underground bunker connected to the palace to meet Silendiana who was currently attending to the twins. "You must leave the planet with the kids now. We don't have any time to spare", he informed her the moment he walked through the door.
"I know. I saw them. I can't believe he managed to get planet eaters unto the planet. Those creatures will continue feeding until the planet is nothing but a desolate wasteland. There is no known way of killing them", Silendiana recalled.
"Normally there isn't, but a countermeasure was made a decade ago that fits the bill perfectly", Osairus informed. "Do you mean the planetary extinction protocol?" she asked in surprise.
"That's right. Let's go", he said as he grabbed one of his kids and led the way down another tunnel.
After a minute of running, they reappeared on a secret launch pad carved into the side of a cliff.
"I spent a lot to prepare these in case of an emergency just like this", Osairus announced.
"Lisia, activate the escape pods", he said and the only two pods in the bay were activated. "RECOGNISED! PREPARING FOR LAUNCH!" the artificial intelligence reported.
"Why are there only two pods", Silendiana asked. "I'm not going. I am the King. I need to stay and fight. I'll try to save as many people as I can before the planet is extinguished. I know it's selfish of me, but I need you to flee with the children. If fate wills it, we'll meet again", Osairus explained.
'BOOM!!' the bay shook aggressively. "They've already reached the palace. They'll be here soon", he said as he brought out a small, very expensive, box and opened it.
"This is the totem of the ancient ones", he said as she brought out a gold-colored Triskelion. "Where did you get that?" she asked in shock.
"It was discovered in the ruins of the Temple of the ancient ones when the prophesy was found", he answered. Holding it up in the air, the triskelion broke into three pieces.
The pieces rose in the air and attached themselves to Silendiana and her children, giving off a bright glow and melting through their chests.
"Are you alright?" he asked her as skin covered the pieces of the Triskelion to their amazement. "Yeah, I think so. It melted through my skin but I somehow did not feel any pain, just a warm fuzzy sensation. What just happened?" she asked.
"It is said that the ancient ones used their amazing power to create the triskelion. I am certain it sensed the power of the ancient ones in the twins and you, their mother. It split itself into three to enable it gain access to you all individually. It is now part of you", he said explaining.
"Now, quickly get in, the coordinates are already set", he said as he placed the twins into a pod of their own and secured them. "There is a pre-recorded message in their pod", he informed Silendiana as she took her seat in her own pod.
"I love you; you know that right?" she asked. "Always and forever", he replied and kissed her. "Take this", he said handing her an orb. "This is Lisia's main core. She will serve you well", he said, stepping back as the pods closed.
"You'll be put in suspended animation but before that…", he pressed a button and a gas was released into both pods. "What's this?" she asked. It's a secret compound mix developed for military use during the previous interplanetary wars. Its purpose is to enhance your bodies way beyond normal levels and make you easily adaptable to every environment. It will boost your survivability rate a full one hundred percent", he explained.
"Lisia, how are the launch preparations?" he asked. "PREPARATIONS ARE COMPLETE. READY FOR LAUNCH" Lisia announced.
"Good. Launch the pods and activate Doomsday Protocol 'Gehenna', password 'Alpha-Nexus-Delta-Zero-Magnus-Omega'", he commanded and stepped away from the pods.
"ACKNOWLEDGED", Lisia responded and the pods hummed before launching into the sky rocketing towards space.
"DOOMSDAY PROTOCOL 'GEHENNA' ACTIVATED. PLANET SELF-DESTRUCT IN T-MINUS ONE MINUTE", she announced across the entire monster infested planet.
Everywhere you look, the only sight was blood...blood and absolute chaos, almost every living creature was dead. Osairus smiled and walked back towards the palace as the pods broke through the atmosphere.
He pulled out his aura covered sword as he clashed with the heads of one of the planet eaters. "Let's go together!!" he shouted as he sliced at one of the heads.
"Good bye my love", Silendiana said as she watched the planet be consumed by a flaming inferno. The explosion mimicked that of an exploding star completely wiping out any traces of the planet.
After the pods cleared the blast radius, Lisia activated the suspended animation on the two pods. "See you when I next wake Lisia", Silendiana said to her loyal AI. "OF COURSE, YOUR MAJESTY. I'LL SEE YOU SOON", Lisia replied as she activated the suspended animation mechanism for both pods. She then opened a wormhole in the space before them as the two pods sped up and shot into the wormhole which closed behind them.
The pods travelled through the wormhole covering several hundred light-years instantly. The babies' pod, traveling alongside that of their mother's suddenly shook slightly as it struck against a loose asteroid.
"ERROR!! POD DAMAGED. SUSPENDED ANIMATION DEACTIVATED! SWITCHING TO LIFE SUPPORT MODE", Lisia announced as the pod's trajectory was autocorrected. The babies were put into a forced comatose state.
As a result of the change, the speed of the babies' pods increased several folds. It created a massive distance between theirs and their mother's; a distance which seemed to increase indefinitely.