The Genesis Twins Vs. Gyarados

Four kilometers away from the battle zone, the Cape Metro middle school was having its annual semester games.

Sylvester, chosen by his class to run track, had dominated most of his races; intentionally losing a few to avoid drawing too much attention.

Sylvia on the other hand was a pro at the scavenger hunt.

It was finally down to the last event of the day; the 400m relay race. He had already made up his mind to tank the race if he was the last runner for his class or at least come in second. Luckily for him, he was placed in the third spot and didn't have to win.

The race started with a roar from the audience; with Sylvester's class; Class 4B, coming in second for the first leg. Just as Delgato Smith, class 4B's second runner; an ace runner, as well as Sylvester's best friend, received the baton, he tripped and fell to the ground, dropping it.

The fall cost him his victory as the gap between him and his rivals widened. Sylvester got ticked off knowing exactly what had happened.

The first runner for class 4A; a class of misfits who rank themselves above other classes, after arriving first, took the chance and covertly tripped 4B's Delgato attempting to delay him.

Remaining calm, Sylvester waited for Delgato as the third leg runners left without him. Delgato apologized in tears as he handed the baton to Sylvester. "Sorry, I tripped", he apologized.

"It's okay", Sylvester said as he turned to run. His first step lightly cracked the ground giving off the slight sound of thunder.

Losing himself to anger, Sylvester run faster than he had ever run during the entire competition trailing a cloud of dust behind him; though he was still conscious enough to hold back to human levels.

He passed the others at the halfway mark, the force of his speed pushing aside the others. He reached the fourth leg runner for his class, providing a massive gap between his class's fourth leg runner and the other fourth leg runners securing their victory.

The perpetrator of the covert sabotage stood dumbfounded at the downfall of the well-thought-out plan his class had come up with to embarrass the 4B students.

The entire 4B class run onto the track and hoisted their runners into the air with cries of jubilation. "Dude, you were like a beast out there. Where you holding back this entire time?", Delgato asked as he gave his best friend a high five.

The class carried their runners to their section and kept up with the celebrations until it was time for the award ceremony.

The winners of the various events stood before the podium one after the other and received their placement awards.

The principal stood before the school to give his closing speech. The noise in the stadium quieted down as he signalled for attention. As the principal started giving his closing speech, there was a sudden explosion in the distance. Several Homeland Security vehicles stormed into the stadium and drove onto the tracks.

The agent in-charge run up the stairs to the surprised principal and briefed him of the situation. Although confused, the principal instructed the teachers to quickly guide the students to the school's underground shelter. Just as the students were being corralled into the underground shelter, Gyarados showed up in the distance and gave a loud and terrifying roar.

The students cried out in panic as they scurried quickly towards the open one-foot-thick bunker gates.

Sylvia found her brother and pulled him aside. "Let's get to the roof", she said to him and he nodded in agreement.

Just as they began to run Delgato stopped him. "Dude, where are you going? We need to get down below", he said gesturing towards the bunker doors.

"We'll be back. Get to the bunker where it's safe", Sylvester said as he and his sister left.

They run up the stairs to the school building's roof. Delgato, worried and curious of their actions, followed them to the roof. He reached the roof just in time to see the twins transform into their Lightning God combat forms. He let out a yelp which startled the twins.

"Delgato?!" Sylvia shouted. "Dude what are you doing here?" Sylvester asked. "Dude! You have superpowers", Delgato shouted excitedly. "Damn, Mom's going to kill us when she finds out", Sylvester said rubbing his temple.

"We'll just have to deal with this later", Sylvia suggested. "I guess", he replied as he turned to his best friend.

"Del, the situation is very dangerous, let's talk later, after all this is sorted out. And please, do not tell anyone about this. Get back to the bunker and keep yourself safe", Sylvia instructed as lightning suddenly struck the roof and the twins disappeared.

"So cool!" Delgato said as he run back downstairs heading towards the bunker.

Several military personnel had arrived and joined the police, as they attempted to put the monster down. They fired waves after waves of attacks at Gyarados but his carapace proved too tough to crack.

The number of casualties since its reawakening had already reached the thousands and kept increasing as the monster kept up its rampage.

Gyarados roared as it lifted its massive scorpion tail and aimed it at his attackers for another bombardment. Just as the spear-like thorns shot out of his tail in a continuous volley of attacks, lightning struck in front of him, revealing the twins.

In the split second they appeared, the twins created a massive wall made up of millions of lightning streams between the monster and its attackers. The wall of lightning incinerated all the spear-like thorns as they passed through.

"Who are you two?" the commander asked. "We are the Genesis Twins", Sylvester shouted. "Conventional weapons are ineffective against it. Please set up a perimeter and focus on evacuating the civilians from the area", Sylvia instructed the commander who nodded in understanding.

Taking orders from a middle schooler was not the weirdest thing happening today. He withdrew his men from the fight and focused on saving as many lives as possible.

Sylvester charged Gyarados at lightning speed and clocked him with a lightning enhanced punch. The attack sent Gyarados flying several meters back but the monster landed on its feet. Within that split second, Sylvester reappeared under the monster and planted his feet into the asphalt.

With a strong force, he shot off the ground with lightning speed, and punched the monster in the gut sending it flying several meters into the sky. Sylvia followed it up with a punch that sent the monster crushing down unto the ground.

Sylvester followed this up with a barrage of light speed punches, sending the monster high into the sky. He then instantaneously flew high into the sky and travelling at lightning speed, smashed into the monster sending it crushing into the ground once again.

"Did you get him?" Sylvia asked as he flew closer to her. "I don't think so. His armour is no joke. It's incredibly tough. I barely broke through. Coupled with its regeneration ability, it will be very difficult to take it down", Sylvester replied.

"Let's use 'Double Onslaught'", she said and he nodded. They charged the monster as it got back to its feet. Gyarados tried to attack with his tentacles and tail but the twins were too fast for it.

They dodged the thorns fired from the monsters tail and simultaneously clocked it in the head sending it flying. They then proceeded to continuously circle the monster at lightning speed. Soon there was nothing but streams of lightning circling Gyarados.

Down in the bunker, the children and teachers watched the battle unfold. "Who are they?" the students asked as Delgato struggled to keep himself from spilling the beans. He was too excited. This was an extremely juicy secret for a child to keep but he had to keep his word and keep his mouth shut.

The observers and the military watched in awe as the lightning circling Gyarados grew thicker and denser. The twins then started literally tag teaming the monster; striking it simultaneously from all sides, giving it no time to recover.

This was the craziest 'jumping' that anyone had ever witnessed. More so the fact that each major combo ended up with a lightning strike. The idea was simple, 'hit it so fast that it has no time to regenerate'.