The world has changed. All eyes are on the princess, yet I can't help but wonder, how much does she know? This attack started deep in the king's inner circle. He knew this already, but how deep does this pit go and am I going to like what's on the other side when I find it? We need to start from the beginning again. I take the information we have gathered and download it to a drive. There is one person I know I can go to with this. Let's see if she knows everything. I take a ship back to Sulis III and arrive back at the castle. Soul is already waiting for me at the walkway as I exit the ship, though Melena is nowhere to be found.
"Good morning, Commander Demi." Soul says.
"Good to see you. I need to see Princess Estelle."
"Right this way."
He takes through the castle toward the balcony overlooking the city. Estelle looks over the city. watching the ship go by. Sometimes I wonder what goes through her head. What is it like to know everything? She is in casual wear today. A loosely fitting shirt with enough slack to blow with the wind and long black pants. Her hair flew in the direction of the wind and some hair got in her face, though she didnt care and just left it there. I approach her and my presence known. As she turns a smile grows on her face.
"Demi. I didn't know you were going to be here today." She says.
"Sorry for the surprise visit but I didn't know who to turn to." I said
"I see, what can I do for you?"
She guides me to a nearby seat as I explain the problems her. The situation with Meklar and the growing evidence about the king and his whereabouts. Shocked, she leans back into her chair, and thinks.
"He was looking to the disappearance of the queen? Why?"
"I don't know."
"But she disappeared with the ship she was on. You think he knows something we don't?"
Stella looks around for a moment, then calls over a nearby guard. He approaches and bends down, allowing her to whisper something into his ear. He nods to her then makes his exit.
"What is it?"
"Something did some to mind, but we need to go check it out."
"Check what out?"
"Come with me and I'll show you."
Stella and I head to the hangar in the back of the castle. Prince Dillon, Melena, and Soul are already waiting for us at the base of the Pandoria
"Hello dear," He says as he kisses her on the cheek. "The ships ready to go."
"Ready when you are." She says.
Dillon waves to a group of me and they start to shout and scatter. We enter ship and the hatch closes behind us. The engine spools up for a few moments, then ignites. We slowly lift off the ground and glide out of the hangar doors. The engine then starts to rotate outward, allowing us to pick up speed until we are as fast as a fighter, flying through the clouds. Melena calls to Soul to spool up the jump engine.
"You still haven't told me where we are going." I said.
Stella turns to Dillon who then rotates his seat in my direction. Stella follows suit.
"During the last few months, King Alex was acting a bit, paranoid. Started thinking someone was following him." Stella said, "Next thing you know he would start disappearing for days on end but he would never tell us where he was going."
"Might have something to do with the investigation into his wife."
She turns to Dillon who continues the conversation.
"We had him followed."
"You...followed him."
Dillon is a bit surprised by reaction as am I. He scoots back into his seat and shakes his head.
"We put a tracker on his ship."
"I see."
"He moves all over the place," Stella continues. "But there is one place he goes that has become increasingly suspicious."
"Why's that?"
"Because we keep losing the signal. There are only two ways that can happen. He either found the tracker, or he is some where with an immense gravitational pull."
"Immense. Where would we find something like that?"
"There is one place." Dillon says, "Soul, we are ready."
"Yes sir." he says
The ship starts shacking violently as the rings form and glow around the ship. Soul starts the countdown.
"Preparing jump sequence. Jumping in!"