The Rose Fleet pt. 3

Phoenix and I cross the platform. As I look up, the sense of scale starts to get to me. Despite the building's shape, each of the edges where the structure wasn't built, was covered in the glass material and we could see the full underbelly of the bridge. Phoenix arrives at the elevators and calls one up. I spot a light falling down the center of the tower and the elevator doors open when it arrives. We both step in and Phoenix presses the button for the admiral's quarters, which was listed in the options for travel. The elevator acknowledges the request and asks for verification. We scan our badges and it begins to move.

The city fades away through the window as we arrive at our destination, passing through the glass and into space for a brief moment before entering the bridge. The doors open, greeting us with the admiral's quarters. A long room filled with strangely normal affairs. His bed and personal affairs were in a separate room with the door closed. A window along the back wall allows us to pear out into space. In the center of the room was a long table stretching parallel to the back window. 16 people were already seated. Presumably they were captains and second officers of the other ships in the fleet. Han sat in the middle writing a report but already knew of our presence. 

"Come in, come in." He said, waving us inside.

"Admiral Han." Phoenix acknowledges.

"Are you thirsty at all?" Han asked.

"No sir."

"How about you ma'am?" He says as he gets out of his chair and reaches for his cups.

"No, I am fine." I said

"Really, you are missing out! Sindera has some of the best tea in the sector."

"It's okay."

The Admiral grabs his cup and fills it with water before grabbing a small box out from under his desk. Inside was filled with all sorts of strange leaves. The aroma it let off was intoxicating. There were hits of fruitiness and sweets. I could also smell something resembling mint, but it was way stronger. He grabs a few green ones and places them in his cup, then he pushes it to the side. I scan his desk off to my right for I see some interesting objects. He has his plank with his name written on it. A few pictures of old ships were lined across the wall behind his desk. There is a picture of a family in a small frame in the corner of his desk. On closer inspection it looks to be a picture with him and a woman. Presumably could be his wife or significant other. Han sits down, shifting documents out of the way to make space for his drink.

As we arrive at our seats, a man stands up and pulls the seat out so I can sit down. He smiles and nods as I thank him before returning to his seat next to me. Han is still fiddling with his tea so everyone went to chat amongst themselves. The room is filled with both men and women, though shockingly most, if not all, were older than me by a significant margin. At least by 20 years or so. I felt almost a little out of place. The gentleman next to me decides to strike a conversion to ease the tension I was feeling.

"So," he said. "Looks like you've returned to the rose garden."

"So it would seem. How have you been Captain Lewis?"

He reaches out his left hand.

"Could be better. It was getting a little boring around here."


I reach out and shake his hand. It felt cold, almost like he had been sitting in cold air for hours at a time and just recently stepped out. He had a dark skin tone and looked a few years older than me, at least 10, but much younger than everyone here. If I wasn't here, he would definitely be the youngest. He sported a goatee and his hair was cut very low, like he was almost balding. He is very muscular, clearly he works out a lot. So much so, his uniform looked like it was on the verge of ripping.

"So. How's your first few days back?"

"I regret it already."

"I could tell, it's written all over your face."


Lewis smiles and laughs a little.

"I know the day has passed, how long has it been? 20 years?"

"Yeah. I don't even know if I am ready for this new change."

"That voice in your head talking again?"


"You know who."


"As your non-older brother slash father, I order you to ignore that voice."


He puts his hand on my shoulder. Firmly holding it in place like I'm his child or something.

"You are more than capable of doing this, trust me on that."

He releases his hand and takes a sip of his drink he has on his desk. Meanwhile, Admiral Han finally shuffles his paperwork and places it in front of him. He is finally ready.