Angel of Death


The air that morning gave a mischievous smell that made me turn my nose from one corner of the bed to another, I let out a groan following the strange feeling in my stomach, like I was going to puke in no time.

Struggling to get rid of the sweet sleep, I rubbed my palm on my face in a way to clear the drowsiness, yawning lazily, I covered myself with my tin blanket wondering where the mighty rushing wind was coming from, looking at the window behind me, it was tightly locked; that was the only opening I normally forget to shut before sleeping. Proceeding to the door, behold it was widely opened with the morning wind rushing in all at once with force as if they had been held up all night.

"Is it not morning yet?"

I asked myself unsure of the moment, it was still dark but seemed morning. Flinging my foot from the bed, I then realized the strange smell in the air and the weird posture my mom took at the doorway, she actually left the door wildly open, it was unlike her.

My legs felt heavy and I couldn't move, maybe because of my waking and my eyes could hardly move to another position apart from the frightening darkness. It was like I was electrocuted, I remained in my position staring into the dark, expecting answers to fly to me from there.

I went into my Pa's room but he wasn't there, at once I moved to my mom,

"Ma. . . .what's going on?", I asked in totally confunde.

I received no answer and it sent more fear down my spine.

I didn't waste more time waiting for answers, I spun into action immediately, brushing my Ma abrasively, I jumped onto the outside world almost immediately, my mom didn't even react to the aggressive move. She just stood with tears rolling freely down her chin and hands loosed to her sides with fear written all over her face.

The morning was cold, it didn't receive me well, and the smell of blood flooded the entire air, at first, I saw pigs cut into halves lying against each other, and then, cows, turkeys, goats, horses, rams and so many species of farm animals, and the most strange occurrence was the ripped off kidneys and livers.


Yes, this was real and not a dream or some kind of horror movie, I couldn't stand so well any longer, I felt my leg shaking beneath me, and with my hands on my mouth, I sobbed quietly.

Turning away, I was caught up in another devastating exploit, the beverages and crops in the farms were neatly reaped off, and not even a single grain was left for us. I couldn't agree with what my eyes told me, I held on to my Ma's dress moving closer to her. My legs couldn't move sufficiently, I barely moved.

I searched the darkness with wet eyes, wondering where my Pa was, I looked up at my mom wanting to ask her about his whereabouts, but her mood definitely would provide no answer, I know her so well.

Still holding her tightly, I moved a bit to the side, stretching my neck into the dark where people were gathered. looking intensely, I saw my Pa finally, my fears were ameliorated in just that moment. He stood amongst the fathers of the various families, they seemed to be analyzing the situation.

People were screaming from different corners of the town, calling on their gods and God to save them from the unfortunate incident. It felt like a prominent person had passed on, like a Monarch, to show how the people prioritized farming. It is truly a whole lot of money and I know how my Pa had put in so much energy this year for a cosecha abundante.

The expectations for the farm products were large this year, but it gave the more you look the less you see vibe at the end. Women in bitter tears bore their young in their hands as they tried to keep others behind them. In all these things, I heard no word from my Ma, not like I said something too but I whispered words or moirsed. . . . .whatsoever.

I saw Gabriel from where I was standing, he saw me as well. The mood wasn't a light one and we just stared blankly at each other and that made me cry even more.

Being a man, he held his mom and siblings, consoling them at his best, he is now the father of the house from the look of things.

Their Pa and his friend Nate slept on the farm and had not returned yet seems their faith has been sealed, if animals could be brutally killed, what is a man? The devourer would love to scourge men more than ordinary animals.

"Be a man!", I whispered hoping he read my lips appropriately.

I barely lifted my gaze from him when I felt my mom griping me tightly all of a sudden, drawing me in, like protecting me from an incoming disaster. I turned my gaze briskly, fearing the unknown.

It was Billy and Adkins.

They were sent early this morning by the men to check up on Nate and Jackson, Gabriel's father, and his friends on their farm.

They ran breathlessly with their hands on their heads, I could hear them shouting, groaning and at the same time panting.

"Nate. . . ." One of the men began

"And Jackson. . . Are in the woods. . . .", getting on his knees to catch his breath, we all waited expectantly waiting to hear the foreseen breaking news.

Unable to gather himself from the shock, his friend blurted, "They are dead"

"What?" . . . . . .. . With open eyes I turned to Gabriel briskly, I saw that coming but it hit me in a strange way that I couldn't hold back my unintentional reaction. I saw him, how depressed he looked at the hearing of the sad news.

He fell to his knees not wanting to cry but he couldn't help it. His mother and siblings with the friend's family members left out a thunderous wail that sent chills and pity down my spine.

All the women in the compound went to console them, I wanted to go as well but my mom stopped me and we had to enter inside at that instant.

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