The Familiar Stranger

"Paula answer the door!", her mother called from the kitchen jerking her to the physical world.

She was in so much thought that she never heard the knock on the door. Getting out of bed she opened the door and met another ravishing surprise.

The same eyes she sat afar watching now stared right into her gray eyes, it felt like a dream.

". . .emm. .Buenos dias" she greeted shaking off the surprise

"Morning, . . . . .surprised?", Dalton asked looking into her beautiful eyes.

All she could do was nod cause words were far far her now.

Taking a closer view at the opened room, he continued, " Don't be...umm.... I'm Dalton, I'm one of the agents sent to unravel the misterio,. . . . . . you know?", Waiting for an affirmation which he got none, he continued

"I don't know if you can help me get a more comfortable place other than this?", he added looking straight into her eyes.

What is going on? Paula asked herself quietly, what if he read my mind? Oh my God!

"Of cause he did. . . . . . . .", Chuckling

He saw my gaze on him and decided to come to ask me for help. Whao, how lovely.

Wait....he felt it too! This is fate, I guarantee it, big fate, she reasoned smiling . . .

"Hello", came Dalton's voice again

"Oh....sorry, I didn't hear you that time, emm . . .emm. . . " Clearing her throat, "What is it again please?", she blurted shutting the noise within her.

Dalton was blank for a second, repeating himself as he spoke expressively.

"I said I need you to help me find a place I can sleep, a comfortable place void of mosquitoes and rats plus drinkable a very clean one, is there a hotel like that in this place?'

". . . Hotel?. . ."

"An accommodating place, well furnished like a beautiful place one can stay for a while and in return.. . . . . . . . "

"I know what a hotel is", Paula snapped.

"Ay, .. ...", Dalton said revealing his white teeth.

"Yh. . ." Looking at the house again...

"Oh that . . .", He sighed heavily "It's a damn rat hole, I can't live in there", seeing the irritated look on Paula's face he continued

"Don't get me wrong, my job specifically is enormous but I prefer to live comfortably, drink clean water, and eat healthy foods" Smiling this time he bent over her ear,

" I eat a lot", he added still smiling.

"Oh. . .I see, but we got food here too" Paula managed to maintain a smile.

Actually, they did not have much left following the attack.

". . . .hmm.. . . No clean water, even bathing with the available water here can sincerely give me rashes, talk more of the cradle bed",

"Hmmm..... umm.....I can get you what you want, like a standard hotel"

"Oh wow....thank you so much, you just saved an angel"

"Oh really.....", Paula said laughing

"Pls don't mind my selectivity, a lot of people don't find it cool. In just a minute I will leave, I will just be coming in the evening to function". Dalton explained.

"That's fine, it's okay", . . .clearing her throat " The hotel is far from here, and I don't think you would be able to cope with the everyday in and out transport", Paula added with great concern.

"Transport? Like money?"

What is he saying, Paula thought to herself

"Yes, they don't collect leaves or salt for rendered services!"

"I know, is my way of saying money isn't an issue"

"Wow amazing", She said nodding "Let me inform my parents"... . She barely turned when he cut in.

"I want to see your father"

She stood perplexed, wondering why he wanted to see his father like he had known him before.

A quick twist is going to change the entire structure of this story, you won't believe it.

Without saying anything she went in and informed her parents before calling her father for Dalton.

"Don't do this Marcus, we don't even know this person, and you ..." Hannah protested, following her husband outside.

Marcus cut in briskly once he saw Dalton, "She will be fine", facing his daughter "Go on and make sure you return before the sun sets" Averting his look, he turned to Dalton, "is just four days to the full moon, we fear the werewolves' invasion, pls send her home early", He concluded and went inside.

Hannah followed immediately, casting the two an unidentified look before going to her husband. The cool response of Paula's father bothered her so much, that she also felt her mother knew what only her was cut off from knowing.

"Do you know my father before now", Paula asked turning her face to Dalton's.

She got lost again, a well-defined jawline glittering with a ray of light peering through the car window.

"I know him not", he said simply concentrating on the road.

She just stared, she was cut in between two thoughts, one side of her kept admiring the handsome dude sitting by her and she couldn't tell if she was dreaming, just some time ago she was interested in some guy and before she could know it, he was there with him.

"What if he doesn't love you",

That wasn't her voice again but 'another from my head' as she always describes it.

She adjusted on the chair, looking at the views outside the car.