

It has been two months since Daniel had enrolled in command secondary school and a month since the establishment of his little smuggling business and it had grown through leaps and bounds . Even while removing the cost of paying the girls that moved the goods and the ten percent given to Janet , Daniel still earned between §15k & §20k every week so one could say that business was booming.

The most interesting part of the business was that no one really knew who ran the business. Yes they knew that someone was selling contraband in school but no one knew who was actually responsible. Even the school authorities had started to take notice of the growing trend and it was a matter of time before they started to crack down on this and Daniel needed a way to shield himself from any backlash.

On one Monday morning a series of letters in white envelopes made their way towards a number of individuals.

This was a letter inviting them to the society of KINGSLAYERS, a secret society in the school. It listed benefits such as protection from bullying , tutoring to improve grades, helping with assignments among others.

It also listed instructions on where to meet and when . They were to meet in the chapel which was empty at 8:30 PM, thirty minutes before the end of prep.

Daniel entered the chapel and was surprised, out of fifty invitations, thirty five answered . People that were there were mostly juniors and few seniors who included Janet, Daddy V and the assistant sanitary perfect.

Daniel cleared his voice loudly and then began a short but meticulous speech that he had planned. " Ladies and gentlemen, I have invited you today to join this little gathering of ours because I have seen the enormous potential that we can cultivate in one another, I believe that the hierarchy cultivated in this school is a farce. For example look at all the indiscriminate bullying that is a regular occurrence, do you really think that life ends here in school. What would you do if you graduate and you meet someone who has bullied you and you are in a higher position, now take your answer and reverse the case and you will see that the bully culture of command secondary school is dangerous for our future. I am proposing that you join me and let us cultivate a relationship that would benefit not only us but even our families."

Daniel then opened his bag and brought out a large stainless bowl and a gallon of some kind of purple grape juice. He then proceeded to pour the juice into bowl and said " if you accept my invitation come and take a sip so we can bask in the glory of our future success."

After the whole initiation process, Daniel then distributed to each person a black ring ( it was dirt cheap) to be worn on the fourth finger of the right hand.

The main rule of the society of kingslayer was that no matter what happens when it comes to the of the society it was admit nothing and deny everything.

As the the pioneer of the society Daniel assumed the position of the imperator.

He also advised that a six man council or representative be nominated from the members for better management of the group.

The first week after its creation , the society of kingslayers was still trying it's best to find it's footing but by the next week after their second week and the second meeting, they became much more free and confident.

The members of the council that had been selected were The assistant sanitary perfect (John) , Janet , Daddy V , an SS 2 girl named Debbie and two junior students.

The council members were responsible for gathering intelligence from the rest of the group, any information about any student , any fight , any new couple , every bit of information that could be used would be reported to the council and then would be discussed to find a way to better each members life.

During the next week after the schools midterm students who were members of the kingslayers saw a significant rise in their grades , the bullying of juniors dropped significantly and as an incentive members could purchase contrabands at a much more lower price than other students.

Daniel even recruited the original couriers that were employed by Janet so as to help them with their studies.

Janet helped in a very significant way, she had implored her classmates including the prefects to turn a blind eye towards the shady business going on in the background thereby keeping Daniel out of the limelight.

And because of the SS 3 students protecting Daniel interests most of the SS 2 students were livid but they were bidding their time till the SS3s graduate.

Sometimes Daniel could literally feel the hate coming from them . Of course it was mostly boys but even some girls like those whose boyfriends had the altercation with Daniel and their friends.

The creation of the society of kingslayers was a way for Daniel to grow his network, he planned to make it into both a secret society and an intelligence network even greater than the infamous CIA and MOSAD.

He only prayed that the world continues to bless him as it had been doing previously . If that continues he would make sure to make his mark on this world while remaining anonymous.